Memphis Gaydar News

Southaven Mayor’s Coming Out Story Goes Viral

Greg Davis

  • Greg Davis

If Southaven mayor Greg Davis had any hope of remaining in the closet, those hopes are dashed now. After admitting he is gay to the Commercial Appeal, the story went viral, even appearing on the Huffington Post and PinkNews, Europe’s gay news service.

Davis told a Commercial Appeal reporter that he is gay after the daily newspaper uncovered receipts showing a $67 charge at Priape, a Toronto-based sex shop catering to gay men. He’d reportedly been in Toronto on a business recruiting trip. Other receipts showed Davis had spent thousands of dollars on liquor, expensive dinners, and a vacation using taxpayer funds.

Davis is currently under investigation for allegedly misusing $170,000 on city-issued and personal credit cards. He’s been working to repay some of that money and has managed to pay off $96,000 to date.

Davis was divorced from his wife last year. The couple had three daughters. Davis, a Republican, ran an unsuccessful bid for Congress in 2008 on a “family values” platform.