
Southern Comfort

From one of our spies, who woke up to find her East Memphis neighborhood covered up by the cast and crew of Southern Comfort, an in-progress TV pilot which has been called a Southern Sopranos: “Several large panel trucks were parked across the street. The one directly in front of my house said, ‘Paskal Lighting – Hollywood.’ A couple of hours later, four tractor trailers, golf carts, cherry pickers, vans, security cars, and a police detail on three motorcycles arrived. Television cable was run for what seemed like miles. Little campers parked on the street were each marked with a character’s name — ‘Demetria,’ ‘Tripp,’ etc.

“The actors’ waste cans were out on the sidewalk. One was overflowing with Winston cigarette wrappers and Diet Coke cans. I spotted Eric Roberts in a suit and tie standing with an actor who appeared to be his double. Madeleine Stow, in jeans and a baseball cap, was taller than I expected. Lots of Starbucks and smoking. The actors milled about in the street or on the driveway. One of the teen actors was having a blast driving a golf cart. I wondered if acting was boring….”

If the action picks up, we’ll let you know.

From one of our spies, who woke up to find her East Memphis neighborhood covered up by the cast and crew of Southern Comfort, an in-progress TV pilot which has been called a Southern Sopranos: “Several large panel trucks were parked across the street. The one directly in front of my house said, ‘Paskal Lighting – Hollywood.’ A couple of hours later, four tractor trailers, golf carts, cherry pickers, vans, security cars, and a police detail on three motorcycles arrived. Television cable was run for what seemed like miles. Little campers parked on the street were each marked with a character’s name — ‘Demetria,’ ‘Tripp,’ etc.

“The actors’ waste cans were out on the sidewalk. One was overflowing with Winston cigarette wrappers and Diet Coke cans. I spotted Eric Roberts in a suit and tie standing with an actor who appeared to be his double. Madeleine Stow, in jeans and a baseball cap, was taller than I expected. Lots of Starbucks and smoking. The actors milled about in the street or on the driveway. One of the teen actors was having a blast driving a golf cart. I wondered if acting was boring….”

If the action picks up, we’ll let you know.