This morning, Shelby County inmates are expected to deliver 400 lbs. of zucchini, okra, cucumbers, and corn to the Mid-South Food Bank.
The produce was grown as part of the county’s new Sow to Grow program, which teaches minimum security inmates gardening skills and puts them to work in several community gardens around town.
Flyer intern Kimberly Kim did a story on the program when it began; if interested, you can find that story here.
The program delivered 147 lbs. of produce to the Food Bank in late June and 298 lbs. last week, but this will be its largest delivery to date.
UPDATE: Apparently, Sow to Grow actually delivered 681 lbs. of produce to the food bank this morning. I have to say, their gardens have obviously done much than mine. So far, I’ve had a few cucumbers and the smallest cherry tomatoes (some might even say blueberry tomatoes) I’ve ever seen. They tasted good, tho.