News The Fly-By


(Editor’s Note: While we’re revamping over the next several days, we’re trying to figure out when, where, and how to institute a “blog” feature whereby you folks get to be part of the act. By clicking the appropriate icon at the end of this item (or at the end of any other item, for that matter, you can Send Us a Message. Blog away on the subject of blogs. Tell us what kind of blog feature you’d like to see. If you strongarm us enough, we’re likely to do just what you say. Meanwhile, below is the latest from Chris Davis,a.k.a. “The Fly,” who likes to blog himself. And, yes, the vice squad knows about that.)

Regular readers of this column know that we re not ones to go around spreading rumors. Why, really, we re just not the gossiping kind. But we ve heard through a well-informed grapevine that Elite Memphis, the local society mag famous for its hysterical errors and outré photos is planning a column called The Flyswatter, aimed at giving the Pesky Fly the same kind of grief he s been known to dish out to Elite. Should this turn out to be true, all we can say is, Bring it on!

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