
St. Elvis Appears in Dream; Inspires Billboard in Ireland

Now we’ve heard it all when it comes to Elvis stories — and we’re a pretty tough crowd.

Seems as though suddenly, and for no apparent reason, a huge billboard featuring Elvis appeared in Dublin, Ireland.

Now we’ve heard it all when it comes to Elvis stories — and we’re a pretty tough crowd.

Seems as though suddenly, and for no apparent reason, a huge billboard featuring Elvis appeared in Dublin, Ireland. When a curious local blogger contacted the billboard’s owner to find out what the deal was, he got this explanation:

“Thank you for your comments on our Elvis billboard. I am a lifelong fan. I was very ill in hospital some time ago and Elvis appeared to me in a dream and he told me I would get better.
He was speaking from a large billboard and my sign is to thank him and commemorate the event so that he may help others.” — Harry Crosbie

Read more about the billboard from Irish Elvis uber-fan Maurice Colgan. (He’s been on a one-man campaign to get Memphis to name its airport after Elvis for years.)