Politics Politics Beat Blog

State Democratic Chair: The Worst That Can Happen, the Best That Can Happen

Can the party get down to one (count ’em, 1!) congressional seat in 2010? Really? Alternatively, can the party win back the state House? Really?
Ask Chip Forrester.

from visit of state Democratic chairman Chip Forrester to Memphis, Friday, February 26

In Video Two, Forrester plays Bad News Bear and Good News Bear to his partymates.

First, the bad news<:
“This is the most important election cycle in our lives, ladies and gentlemen ….If we do not take back the state House – and we are two down – then we have three, and possibly four Democratic seats that Barack Obama counts on in Washington at risk in 2011 when Republicans control redistricting. John Tanner’s [8th District] seat, that Roy Herron is running for, it’s gone, ladies and gentlemen. The 6th congressional district seat, that Bart Gordon has and we’re looking for a candidate, that’s gone. And Lincoln Davis’ seat [4th District] is gone. And it is possible to draw the line so that Jim Cooper [5th district] is gone. We’ll have one United States congressman, in the 9th congressional district, and that’ll be it.”

Next, the good news:
“Today, I feel better about it than ever before…The metric of politics in 2010 is in our favor. In 2008 there were eight [state House] Republicans who were elected. Those eight today, in 2010, are at their most vulnerable, in this election cycle. This is our best chance to take back those Republican seats. We only have four at risk. They’ve got to protect eight, and we’ve got to protect four. That gives us a distinct advantage. And with the work that [Democratic caucus chair] Mike Turner, along with House chair [Gary] Odom and Speaker [Jimmy] Naifeh in recruiting good candidates, we’re gonna take back the state House.”

VIDEO ONE: Chip Forrester Comments to Memphis Democrats on Kyle withdrawal, Chicago politics, and Ned Ray McWherter.

Chip Forrester with Memphis Dems from Jackson Baker on Vimeo.

VIDEO TWO: Forrester warns his party members they could lose down to one (count ’em, 1) Democratic congressional seat in Tennessee. Alternatively, how the Dems could triumph in 2010. (Pick one.)

Chip Forrester with Memphis Democrats from Jackson Baker on Vimeo.