Opinion The BruceV Blog

State GOP Says OWS Protestors are Dirty

Just received this press release from the Tennessee GOP:

NASHVILLE, TN — Tennessee Republican Party Chairman Chris Devaney issued the following statement in response to Democrat leaders aligning themselves with “Occupy Nashville” protestors.

“It is astonishing that Tennessee Democrats are defending ‘Occupy Nashville.’ If the Democrats want to associate themselves with this bunch, more power to them; but I think it shows how out of touch they are with everyday Tennesseans. Their real focus should be President Obama and protesting his lack of leadership on the economy and jobs. Maybe on top of the pizzas they’ve offered to purchase, they might also offer to pay for the decontamination crew.

“Legislative Plaza is the property of all Tennesseans, not just a small group of loiterers who would’ve served their cause better by simply occupying a restroom, instead of showing utter disregard for public property,” said Devaney.

In other words, “Get off my lawn, you dirty hippies!”
Let’s do the time-warp again. Jesus.
