
Steve Cohen on Elvis Radio

On July 1st, at 1 p.m., Cohen will help celebrate the 3rd Anniversary of Elvis Radio — launched exclusively on SIRIUS in July 2004 as the world’s only “all Elvis all the time” radio station — with a special broadcast. Tune in to hear Steve’s take on the icon’s impact on popular culture, as well as his influence closer to home. …

We all know Congressman Steve Cohen loves Elvis. After his election, he made his first floor speech to Congress with these remarks:

” . . . .I’m here to tell you that Elvis is still alive today in spirit and as relevant as ever. To quote the King as we proceed through the 100 hours, ‘it’s now or never’ that we make the changes America needs. . . .”

On July 1st, at 1 p.m., Cohen will help celebrate the 3rd Anniversary of Elvis Radio — launched exclusively on SIRIUS in July 2004 as the world’s only “all Elvis all the time” radio station — with a special broadcast. Tune in to hear Steve’s take on the icon’s impact on popular culture, as well as his influence closer to home. Cohen will wrap up the hour with Elvis Presley Enterprises CEO Jack Soden, as they present a Congressional Proclamation declaring July 1st “Elvis Radio Day” to Elvis friend and SIRIUS’ “Live from Graceland” host, George Klein.

Wait! There’s more. At 2 p.m., Elvis Radio DJs will host a special edition of the “Elvis Radio Quiz Show” broadcast live from Graceland Plaza in front of SIRIUS studios. Be there . . . and get the latest in the series of Elvis 30th Anniversary collector buttons, “The ’68 Comeback.”