If you pick up the latest issue of the Memphis Flyer, you’ll see some of my favorite summer trends. Here’s a longer list of what I’m loving this season.

Coral: The perfect summer color.
This large tote, by Shiraleah of Chicago, is from Spruce. I have held out for a long time to find a bag like this to carry around my laptop. It’s made of vegan leather and has a velvety bright blue interior. My friend, Allison, was the perfect model, and we also snagged her friend’s dog, Cocoa, for the photo.

Chevron patterns and peplum tops.
This particular gem is by Olive & Oak from Indigo.

Cultural prints and patterns.
The dress is by Gentlefawn and both it and the shoes are from Indigo. The earrings are by Entourage. My favorite trend ties into the mood of summer travel, and there is a ton of inspiration around the globe, as the article here explains.

Nude wedges.
Nude seems to be another go-to color this season because it works with every other color. Though nude pumps are the basics of any wardrobe, nude wedges with a peep toe can make it more comfortable to dress up. This pair is modeled by one of the ladies at Indigo, who happens to own a pair herself.

Dressy flats.
There are many flats out there, but this particular one just seems so special. I’m not sure if I like it most for the ankle straps or the black velvet against the brown leather or the pointed toe, but it’s probably a combination of all three, and also because all these elements are so well-crafted.
Indigo, The Shops of Saddle Creek, 7509 Poplar, 755-6909
Spruce, 5040 Sanderlin, 682-5513, spruceshop.com