Cover Feature News

Summer Style

For the last few years, the Flyer has plunged headlong into fashion editorial spreads, conducting elaborate photo shoots with thousands of models, million-dollar production budgets, and featuring the most recent trends from local retailers. Or not.

This season, we thought we’d do something a little different. Given the economy, we wanted to focus on what fashionable Memphians already are wearing. Are you digging into the back of your closet and finding things you haven’t worn in years? Are you shopping less? Accessorizing more? Buying knock-offs instead of designer clothes?

Armed with a camera and a notebook, we hit the streets in search of answers. Even in this economy, we found a lot of people who looked really good. Some mixed new with vintage, some said they scored at sales, and some told us the best places to go to get good deals.

Short shorts and maxi dresses might be big this summer, but personal style seems to be the most important trend of all.

For more, visit the Flyer‘s new fashion blog, Style Sessions.

Justin Fox Burks

“I wear it to work a lot, and I go out in it,” she says. “And I got a really good deal on it.”

Justin Fox Burks

Though it can be worn with straps or without, Robinson says, “I like it better strapless, because I like to show off my shoulders.”

Justin Fox Burks

Her favorite part of her outfit? The boots she wore during downtown’s Zombie March in April.

Justin Fox Burks

“I’ve had this vest since probably 1990, and it came back. I knew it would. It’s a classic,” she says. “I wore it even when it wasn’t in style.”

Justin Fox Burks

“was going out with a beautiful girl.”

Justin Fox Burks

“I can’t even remember what it came on,” she says. “Maybe a skirt?”

Justin Fox Burks

At a Peabody rooftop party, she was wearing a sleeveless top from H&M, shoes from Aldo, and Hudson jeans. But it was her thrift-store sunglasses she called her faves because “they cost $3, and they’re enormous.”

Justin Fox Burks

“I cut it off. It’s a little crooked, but it’s comfortable,” she says.

Justin Fox Burks

“I got them a million years ago,” she says of the boots. “They go with everything.”

Justin Fox Burks

She also picked out Joey’s outfit: Giorgio Armani khakis with a long-sleeved black shirt.

Justin Fox Burks

“These jeans are girls’,” he says, “but I cut them off myself. They’re tighter than I thought they’d be, but they’re stretch jeans, so it’s okay. Guys’ jeans don’t stretch at all.”