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Swapping and Shopping

Whew! After the Swap & Shop on the 22nd, I had to take a week off. (What can I say? Lazy, prolly.)

But I think it was a great success. I know I left with a few new things … including a dress I’ve already worn several times and a pair of jeans … and from the blur around me, I could see women bringing stuff and leaving with stuff and trying stuff on and squealing in glee.


  • Justin Fox Burks

We divided the clothes into four groups: small, medium, large, and “as seen on facebook” for the clothes we had featured on our Facebook page.

I have to say, I got a little tense when the first Swap & Shoppers showed up at 4:45 and the event wasn’t technically supposed to begin until 5:30, but it all ended well. It gave us a chance to hone our clothes-hanging skills before the first wave of women hit us right at 5:30.


  • Justin Fox Burks

Oh, but I haven’t answered the most important question yet, the one I’ve been getting ever since then: Will we do it again?

The answer is: YES.

We’re already planning to do another Swap & Shop in the fall. There are a couple of things we’ll do differently next time — more dressing rooms, two check-in tables, more racks — but the basic premise will remain the same.

And I have to thank the Peddler, Berryman Cleaners, and the Inn at Hunt Phelan again for helping us out with this endeavor. We made about $50 for Dress for Success Memphis, but we also gave them about three racks of clothes for their rummage sale in October.


  • Justin Fox Burks

And congratulations to Anne Plumlee for winning the bike from the Peddler and to Alycia Carter for winning the gift certificate to Tsunami!

Thanks to everyone who came out!