Adicus Mitchell
A private security guard responsible for pushing a Memphis Area Transit Authority (MATA) passenger, which resulted in that passenger’s death, has been placed on diversion for three years.
On May 6th of last year, a bus driver at the North Main terminal alerted security guard Adicus Mitchell that he had an unruly passenger on board, and Mitchell responded by forcefully pushing the passenger off the bus. The passenger, 69-year-old Robert Gray, landed face-first and lay motionless on the concrete. Mitchell wasn’t a MATA employee but was hired to as a security guard at the terminal.
Gray was hospitalized in critical condition and later transferred to a long-term care facility. He died there from complications from his fall on August 3rd, 2014. Gray had been allegedly been making obscene remarks to a female passenger when the driver alerted Mitchell.
Shelby County Criminal Court Judge Lee Coffee granted Mitchell’s request for diversion, a type of probation that will erase the conviction from his record after three years of good behavior.