At Large Opinion


“President Biden, are you senile?”

“Come on, man. I’m the guy who turned this economy around and created 11 million new jobs.”

“President Biden, do your friends and family think you’re senile?”

“No. And they would tell me.”

“President Biden, would you state your social security number backwards?”

“What, uh, no, that’s personal.”

“President Biden, are you so senile that you poop your pants?”

“What? No!”

And on it went for 25 minutes: George Stephanopoulos interviewing President Biden and asking him the same question 19 different ways: “Are you senile, and if you’re not, can you prove it?” It was the agreed-upon media follow-up after Biden’s disastrous performance in the preceding week’s debate with Donald Trump — and it was a no-win interview for both men. 

My advice to Stephanopoulos: If you want to find out if someone is mentally slipping, the worst way to do it is to ask them if they are. A better approach would be to ask the person a number of questions on a variety of topics, in order to see how they react and think. If a person is really in cognitive decline, they likely aren’t aware of it and would deny they had a problem. It’s a Catch-22 (a reference that only old people and English majors will get). 

As defined in the novel of the same name by Joseph Heller, Catch-22 means a dilemma from which there is no escape because of mutually conflicting conditions. In the book, a pilot forced to fly dangerous combat missions thinks he is going crazy and wants to be relieved of duty. But he is informed that by asking to stop flying dangerous combat missions he is proving he isn’t crazy, because only a crazy person wouldn’t want to stop flying dangerous combat missions. 

The Democrats are now wrestling with their own Catch-22, with some party leaders insisting that Biden’s debate performance demonstrated mental and physical decline and he should step aside for the good of the party (and country). Others say he’s been a great president and he just had a bad night and the party should dance with the one who brung them. 

The Stephanopoulos interview didn’t settle anything. The media have latched on to the issue of Biden’s age and competence and won’t be letting go. That’s because it’s an open-ended question, ripe for speculation, which means pundits and opinions and outrage, and that means ratings! Media whores like Lindsey Graham are elbowing their way onto every talk show they can find to blather about the Democrats’ dilemma. They know that the longer the spotlight stays on the troubles of the opposing party, the better for Trump and the GOP — and for their own down-ballot candidates’ election hopes. 

My advice to President Biden is to take a cognitive test (if he hasn’t already) and release the results. If he’s genuinely losing sentience, he needs to admit it and drop out of the race for president. If he isn’t, then he — and his party — can move forward with his campaign. The longer this “Will he or won’t he pull out?” drama continues, the longer Trump can keep his own dementia issues out of the spotlight. Let’s not forget that just a couple weeks ago, Trump was rambling on about the dangers of flying in an electric airplane (??) when the sun wasn’t out. Maybe it was a solar electric plane? I dunno. But it was nuts. 

My two cents: It seems obvious that Biden has slipped a couple of notches, physically and mentally. If he stays in the race, I think it’s unlikely he gets to November without further episodes that raise the issue of his age, stamina, and mental competence. Even his most ardent supporters would be hard-pressed to convince themselves that Biden will be an effective president until 2028, when he would be 86. 

Both candidates are too old — 81 and 78 — and both are demonstrably past their prime. One of them is an elderly politician with good intentions. The other is a elderly felon with the conscience of a toaster oven. If Trump wins, our republic will be in real trouble. His second term will make his first term look like Camelot. The first party to offer America an alternative to either of these two guys is going to win.