Sing All Kinds We Recommend

Gonerfest 11: Blood, Sweat, and Beers

The 11th edition of Gonerfest roared into Midtown last weekend, with punk, garage, power pop, noise, and just plain weird bands from all over the world converged on the Bluff City in an annual gathering of the tribes that has gotten bigger and more exciting each year. Festivities kicked off in the Cooper-Young Gazebo with New York’s Paul Collins Beat

Gonerfest 11: Blood, Sweat, and Beers

I spent the weekend embedded with the Rocket Science Audio crew, who were live streaming the performances to people from as far away as Australia watching on the web. I’ve done this for several years, formerly with Live From Memphis, and this year we brought the full, multi-camera experience to the audience. It’s a lot of fun, in that I get to be up close and focused on the music, but also quite grueling. 

The Rocket Science Audio van outside Goner Records.

The highlights of Thursday night at the Hi Tone were Ross Johnson, Gail Clifton, Jeff Evans, Steve Selvidge, Alex Greene, and a host of others playing songs from Alex Chilton’s chaotically beautiful 1979 solo album Like Flies On Sherbert. The mixture of old school Memphis punks who had played on the album and the best of the current generation of Memphis music made for an incredible listening experience.

The Grifters’ Dave Shouse on the Rocket Science Audio livestream.

Thursday night’s headliners were 90s Memphis lo-fi masters The Grifters. Recently reunited after more than a decade of inactivity, Dave Shouse, Scott Taylor, Trip Lamkins, and Stan Galimore have their groove back. At the Hi Tone, they even sounded—dare I say it—rehearsed. 

I couldn’t make Friday night due to another commitment, but Friday afternoon at The Buccaneer hosted a great collection of bands, starting off with a blast from Memphis hardcore outfit Gimp Teeth

Cole Wheeler fronts Gimp Teeth at the Buccaneer.

Next was one of the highlights of the festival: The return of Red Sneakers. Back at Gonerfest 5, the duo from Nara, Japan showed up unnannounced wanting to play the big show. When Jay Reatard cancelled, they got their chance and blew the roof off of Murphy’s in front of an unsuspecting crowd. This year, they did it again, only they were invited, and they substituted a soulful “I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend” cover for the smoking “Cold Turkey” they did five years ago. 

Yosei of Red Sneakers about to take the stage.

Afterwards, returning to the Rocket Science Audio van, we found that one of Red Sneakers’ drum sticks had flown over the fence and embedded itself into the earth. No one dared touch it. 


Red Sneakers drum stick, fully erect.


Hardcore Memphis vets Buldgerz played a sweaty and confrontational set of hard and fast punk nuggets, followed by Mississippi’s Wild Emotions

The weather cooperated again the next day for a memorable afternoon show at Murphy’s. Two stages, one inside and one outside, alternated throughout the afternoon. 

Roy from Auckland, New Zealand’s Cool Runnings plays the indoor stage at Murphy’s under the old Antenna sign.

Goner Records co-owner Zach Ives sings with Sons Of Vom, as seen from the Rocket Science Audio webcast monitor.

There were many great performances on Saturday afternoon, but the most incredible was Weather Warlock, an experimental heavy noise act centered around a light-controlled synthesizer custom built by New Orleans’ mad genius Quintron. The cacuphony rose and fell as the light changed with the sunset, and Quintron and co-conspirator Gary Wong swirled around it with guitars and theremin, while a plume of smoke rose over the stage. 

Photographer Don Perry, AKA Bully Rook, dressed for Gonerfest.

Gonerfesters stumbled into the Hi Tone Saturday night, a little bleary from three days of rock, but with a lot of amazing music ahead of them. 

DJ Useless Eater keeps the crowd hopping at the Hi Tone.


The highlight of the show for me was Nots. Fronted by steely-eyed, ex-Ex-Cult bassist Natalie Hoffman, the four piece arrived with something to prove. And prove it they did, with punishing, athletic songs delivered amid a shower of balloons and waves of reverb. 

The Nots, Charlotte Watson, Natalie Hoffman, Allie Eastburn, and Madison Farmer, backstage at the Hi Tone.

Austin, Texas No Wavers Spray Paint on the monitor Saturday night.

Detroit, Michigan’s Protomartyr on the Hi Tone stage.

English guitarist, songwriter, and ranter The Rebel delivers a solo set to a packed house.

Ken Highland and Rich Coffee of The Gizmos get bunny ears from their drummer after a celebratory closing set at Gonerfest 11.

The crowd, the largest I’ve ever seen at the Hi Tone, never flagged throughout the night, which ended with a reunion of The Gizmos, a seminal American band that developed something like punk in 1977 in the isolation of Bloomington, Indiana. The playing was loose, the mood buoyant, and the band vowed to not stay away for so long. And after a Gonerfest as great as this one, next year can’t come soon enough. 

[Ed Note: The first edition of this story incorrectly identified The Nerves “Hanging On The Telephone” as being written by Blondie.]

Cover Feature News

The Life and Afterlife of Edward Perry

Ed Perry isn’t famous. He died, a complete unknown, of congestive heart failure in 2007, in the toxic environment of his cluttered home and studio in Stephensport, Kentucky.

“They say he died of congestive heart failure, but there was so much wrong with him you can’t keep up with it all,” says Memphis songwriter Keith Sykes, who met and became close friends with Perry in the 1960s. “Ed was relentlessly cruel to his body his whole life,” Sykes adds.

At the time of his death, Perry’s only source of income was a small Social Security check. He died penniless. All he left behind was a mean parrot named Jake, a filthy house overfilled with furniture parts, old wood, and electronics he’d collected for the creation of future projects. He also left an uncommonly unified body of work, much of which had never been exhibited due to Perry’s deep mistrust of the commercial art world.

Although he despised the gallery system, many of the large, meticulously constructed pieces Perry built, mixing painting and sculpture while skirting the boundaries of fine and folk art, were painstakingly labeled, with notes regarding size, weight, construction and, when appropriate, wiring schematics. Many pieces were boxed and stored, as if awaiting their invitation to gallery shows that were never booked. So they sat for decades, gathering mildew and parrot dung, like dirty brides left waiting at a shabby alter.

“Contaminated” is the word Sykes uses to describe his old friend’s living environment at the time of his death. “He must have worked for two weeks to just make room for us to move around,” he says recalling earlier, happier visits. It fell to Sykes to salvage, store, clean, and painstakingly catalog his friend’s work. “If you were sensitive or had any kind of allergies at all, you probably couldn’t go in there at all,” he says. “We finally got stuff out with masks and gloves on. Because over the years all the nicotine and all the sawdust and all the moisture had conspired together to make it just pretty damn deadly.”

So who was Ed Perry? What is it that sets his work apart from so many other artists who collect their MFAs and never exhibit again? And what did this completely unknown artist do to merit two simultaneous shows of his work at the Memphis College of Art (MCA)?

Judging by his resume and correspondence, Perry self-identified as a “Visual Engineer, MFA,” and an “electro-optics engineer,” whatever those titles may imply. He was also an abstract painter and an obsessive builder. He was a chain smoker, a self-made scientist, and a 1972 Memphis Academy of Arts graduate. In the late 1950s and early 1960s he trained as a figure skater in Lake Placid, New York, where he met and befriended Olympic medalist Peggy Fleming. He was also a radical pacifist, a drinker of strong libations, and a boundary-defying conceptual artist working with found materials, spray paint, and state-of-the-art lasers.

Courtesy of Memphis College of Art

Ed Perry was a Pacifist but became enraged when diplomatic agreements resulted in the destruction of missiles he might have transformed into art supplies.

Additionally, the man collected in “Ed Perry: Constructions,” and “Ed Perry: Between Canvas and Frame,” was something of a stock character: the misunderstood genius, pursued by personal demons, uncompromising to the point of being commercially invisible throughout most of his semi-reclusive lifetime.

Perry was highly trained both as an artist and a laser technician. He shared studio space with groundbreaking artists like Sam Gilliam and frequently worked alongside Washington D.C.-based art star and fellow parrot-owner Rockne Krebs, to create massive, urban-scale laser installations. But he was an artworld nobody when he died in 2007. And it’s unclear just how much the MCA exhibitions can do to launch an unknown alum’s posthumous career, or give his elaborate, mixed-media constructions the happy afterlife Perry’s friends think they deserve.

Remy Miller, MCA’s dean of academic affairs and the driving force behind both Perry exhibits, thinks it’s too easy to sensationalize the lives of troubled artists, and he worries that doing so takes emphasis off of the work. “People tell these horrible stories about a guy who was falling apart and struggling to live,” Miller says, specifically referring to accounts of the life of action painter Jackson Pollock. “That’s really what you want to talk about in the face of this beautiful work?”

But even Miller succumbs somewhat to the temptation of a good story, comparing Perry to Vincent van Gogh, the Dutch painter whose post-mortem success is partly responsible for the enduring myth that nothing increases the value of an artist’s work like a difficult life and untimely death. But the van Gogh story, while relevant in so many ways, isn’t an especially realistic impression of how the modern art world works. Perry despised the business side of art-making, and although his resume lists a handful of shows, for the most part he seems to have actively avoided public viewings of his work.

“I asked him if he’d ever thought about making a coffee table book, and what came out of him was another Ed I didn’t know and didn’t want to know,” Sykes says, recalling a past dustup. “I just wanted people to see the stuff. He really hurt my feelings over that.”  

“I think Ed understood the work was really good,” Miller says. “Why else prepare all of that other stuff? Why bother to box it up? Why keep it? Write all those notes on it? I think Ed just couldn’t bear to sit through what was going to have to happen next.”

Gordon Alexander shared a house with Perry when the two were still students at the Memphis Art Academy (now MCA). He remembers a visit from his friend some years ago, on the night before several larger pieces of Perry’s work were scheduled to ship to Memphis’ Alice Bingham Gallery for a show. “Ed just says, ‘I’m not going to do it,’ and he didn’t. And that was it.” The pieces never shipped; the show never happened.

In some regards, because he has no exhibition history or records of previous gallery sales, Perry might as well not exist. He has no place within the established art world. And even if gallery people find the work compelling, they don’t really know what to do with it, because there’s no previously established value.

“It’s a kind of catch-22,” says Ellen Daugherty, the art historian who led an MCA class on Perry and contributed an essay to the exhibit’s striking catalog.

Art consultant John Weeden was enlisted to structure a logical value scale for Perry’s work. He couldn’t discuss the specific rubric, but he gave a general overview of how we might assess the worth of artwork created by a previously unknown artist.

“Commercial history and provenance are two of the leading factors in determining the general value of an artwork,” he says. “In the case of a largely unknown artist, the task becomes one of establishing a framework upon which an initial market for that artist’s work may be constructed.” Weeden also allows other considerations including the nature of the materials, the style of the pieces, the reputation of the artist, and the level of craftsmanship, labor, and design.

So finally, with two shows, a class, this story, and any other attendant press, Perry the artist finally has a public paper trail. His working relationship as an artistic and technical assistant to Krebs can be affirmed, and too late, maybe, an underappreciated artist gets his overdue recognition.  

MCA’s Miller doesn’t equivocate: “I wouldn’t be talking to you right now if I didn’t think that this body of work can stand up next to any body of work created in the later half of the 20th century,” he says. “I absolutely believe it’s as good as any body of that work made by any artist during that time period.” Miller’s not alone in that belief. Sykes and Alexander, both close to Perry since the 1960s, have made a strong effort to ensure that their old friend’s life work doesn’t pass unnoticed.  

Perry was born and raised in Louisville, Kentucky. His father was a WWII vet. His brother Bill also went military. Perry, on the other hand, took classes at community college and trained as an ice skater before leaving for art school in Memphis in the fall of 1967. He was riding a Triumph motorcycle and wearing a flak jacket and WWII combat helmet the first time Alexander saw him pulling up to the Memphis Art Academy in Overton Park. The two young artists bonded early, becoming neighbors, first in the Auburndale Apartments, then housemates, when they moved, along with their friend Paul Mitchell, into an old house on Madison Avenue where Overton Square’s French Quarter Inn now stands.

By most accounts Perry was a good but not stellar student who worked hard when he was interested and sometimes flummoxed faculty. He would eventually become MCA’s student body president.

“I was in New York by then,” Alexander says, speculating that his friend must have been drafted into student government. “He hated titles.”

Always interested in technology, especially the artistic applications of lasers, Perry also took physics classes at Rhodes College (then Southwestern).

Alexander describes the Memphis Art Academy as being a creatively fertile environment and speculates that Perry was especially influenced by the work of three notable professors: Ted Faiers, who experimented with totemic “Indian Space” painting and 3D painting; Ron Pekar, the original graphic designer for Ardent Studios who worked in neon and designed the logo for Big Star’s #1 Record; and acclaimed color theorist Burton Callicott, who painted false shadows in his work and created colorfields that seemed to glow with their own internal light. Because he was exposed to so much 20th-century art, it’s difficult to call out specific influences, but it’s not difficult to look at Perry’s totem-like constructions and imagine all the ways they might be inspired by these mentors.

Alexander describes the house he shared with Perry as a mattress-on-the-floor den for starving artists. Work was always being made by someone somewhere in the house and painters, sculptors, and musicians were always coming and going.

“We didn’t even lock the house,” Alexander says. “I know it’s hard to believe, but it’s true.” Musician and occasional actor Larry Raspberry was an intermittent visitor. So was Sykes and a young Alex Chilton, who would eventually move in next door. Somebody was always playing music. When they weren’t, Alexander, an audiophile and music editor for the then-Dixie Flyer, Memphis’ original underground newspaper, was spinning records on the turntable.

It would be years before Sykes would co-write the hit song “Volcano” and hook up with Jimmy Buffett’s Coral Reefer Band. At this point he hitchhiked, pumped gas, worked the holiday rush at Sears Crosstown, and toured as a Dylan-inspired folkie on the Holiday Inn Circuit. He met Perry and Alexander when they were still living at the Auburndale Apartments and remembers being smitten by Ed’s work from the very beginning.

“Once you see an Ed Perry, you’ll always know his work,” Sykes says.

Like so many great college friends, Sykes and Alexander became separated and immersed in their own families and careers. They lost touch with Perry for 20 years.

Perry took his MFA at the University of Cincinnati, where he subsequently went to work for Leon Goldman, a dermatologist and laser surgery pioneer sometimes referred to as “the father of laser surgery.” Perry and Goldman co-created studies on laser surgery and published them in scientific journals. But when it was time to make art again, Perry moved on.

Krebs met Perry in 1974 at a laser safety certification class at the University of Cincinnati and almost immediately hired him as an art assistant with laser-safety training and advanced technical skills. This was the beginning of a decade-long working relationship with Krebs.

Perry eventually moved to D.C., where he kept an apartment and studio on the second floor of a warehouse co-owned by Krebs and noted color field painter Gilliam who, like Faiers, had been painting well beyond the frame.

Krebs had a cranky parrot named Euclid, and Perry acquired a cranky parrot named Jake. Studio visitors sometimes had to use trash can lids as shields to avoid a ferocious pecking.

Courtesy of Rockne Krebs Estate

Heather Krebs, Rockne’s daughter, remembers Perry well. She says she had to pass by his studio whenever she visited her father’s. “He was always in there working,” she says, remembering his creations, like the decorated envelopes he made for her to use, but which she kept instead.

Heather suggests that Perry might have benefitted from his proximity to both her father and Gilliam. Clients coming in and out would have seen his work in Krebs’ studio or in his own. She wonders if steady work meant he didn’t feel pressured to show.

Courtesy of Rockne Krebs Estate

Ed Perry and Rockne Krebs unload one of their urban-scale installations

Krebs created large-scale laser and solar installations for the Omni International Building, now the CNN Center, and Perry consulted and assisted. “Omni was billed as the greatest premiere in Atlanta since Gone With the Wind,” Perry wrote excitedly to Krebs, describing the 1976 opening.

“The stuff shirts oohed when Tony Orlando took the microphone,” Perry continued in his letter. “And moaned when he announced he would not sing.”

Perry moved back to his parents’ farm sometime around 1986, and that is where he either built or completed many of the constructions on display in “Between Canvas and Frame.”

Ellen Daugherty thinks that, for all of his training and expertise, Perry’s work sometimes resembles folk art. “Ed builds this stuff that has a kind of similarity to some folk artists,” she says, citing his approach to construction and his use of available, affordable materials like old fence boards and discarded Shaker furniture parts. “But when you look at the stuff, that ain’t folk art,” she says. “It’s highly trained. And extremely visual and abstract.”

Courtesy of Rockne Krebs Estate

A laser diffraction photo by Ed Perry given to laser artist Rockne Krebs

The backs of Perry’s constructions are often as lively as the fronts. Electronic pieces include a full-sized drawing of the wiring plot. Many pieces include obsessive notes about what kinds of materials have been used, when the canvas was primed, and so on. He also makes diary entries marking everything from Halley’s Comet arriving in conjunction with the first Martin Luther King Jr. Day, to notes about the Mississippi River flood of 1993.

The two Perry shows are the culmination of a sprawling buddy adventure that launched in Midtown in the 1960s and is now coming home to roost.

“In the late 1990s me and Gordon started talking,” Sykes says. “We should go see Ed. You know he’s going to be like he always was. Not taking care of himself. Working all the time. Forgetting to eat. Forgetting to sleep. If we didn’t go see him, we thought we might not ever see him again.” So the old friends went to visit their buddy in Stephensport. After the first trip, they continued to visit as often as possible. They helped their friend when they could, and they watched him fall apart.

“He made bird houses that looked like Frank Lloyd Wright designed them,” Alexander says. Further blurring the lines between fine art and folk art, he also carved beautiful, realistic duck and fish decoys, and built majestic weather vanes.

Even at his folksiest, Perry never stopped surprising his friends. “We were sitting around one night and it was dark,” Sykes recalled. “Ed says, ‘Y’all watch this.’ And before you knew it, there were laser beams running all around the house. He had mirrors set up here and there, and that light doesn’t degrade.”

After Perry’s death, Sykes took charge of Jake the parrot and as much of the artwork as he could, with a goal of getting it seen. A veterinarian said it was normal for older parrots to be cantankerous, adding that Jake would be fine once he was weaned off the alcohol. Getting the artwork in front of people proved to be trickier, but Mark and Becky Askew loved the work and agreed to show it in the Lakeland offices of A2H architects.

Miller says he initially had no interest in viewing the work. “I figured it would be the couple of good pieces on the invitation and maybe some unicorns,” he says. “But I went. And I’ve never seen anything like this in terms of a body of work. It was just amazing. So consistently good. So complex. So beautiful and so interesting. I immediately started bringing people out to see it.” Now, with the two MCA exhibits, he’s inviting the rest of Memphis to look.

One big question remains. What would Perry, who took such pains to stay out of the spotlight, think about his posthumous closeup? “Well, for starters, we’re not taking a commission,” Miller says, addressing one of Perry’s primary complaints.

Alexander takes things a little further: “If he was going to be anywhere in the world, Memphis or Spain or wherever. I think he’d want to be at the Art Academy. Back in Memphis, where it all got started.”

Music Music Features

The Easley-McCain Era

We put that building to the best use of its life,” Doug Easley says. I feel good about that.”

He can. Although Easley and business partner Davis McCain no longer work in the former Easley-McCain studio on Deadrick, they take pride in recording more than two decades of music that succeeded in both commercial and cultural terms. The building burned in March of 2005, forcing the two to leave it behind. But the legacy of influential music endures.

Both Easley and McCain were set on sound from their childhoods.

“I was just fascinated with my father’s Dictaphone,” McCain says. “So they got me a recorder, and I would experiment with that all the time. I was always into it. I remember getting a small reel-to-reel recorder as a child. I always knew I wanted to do something in music. I went to Rhodes. I had actually planned on going into electronics, and I was convinced to go to college. I ran live sound at the pub on campus. Then I got the gig at the Antenna Club and stayed there until 1988.”

Easley seemingly was fated for music:

“I had big brothers,” Easley says. “They had gold records hanging on the wall down the street. A couple of the Box Tops lived on the street. Hombres, Chilton, those people all lived in my neighborhood at the time. I went to Messick High School. Duck Dunn, Cropper, and all that stuff. I think I was in the seventh grade, and I managed a band.”

Easley ran through several iterations of studios, often working from his home. But with the collection of Stax gear, the place was nothing like today’s home studios. And the list of collaborators and clients was impressive:

“We had people like REM guys come through,” Easley says. “When they were in town, we’d snag ’em. Ross Johnson. Peter Buck says the first lead guitar he ever played was in some sessions with Ross Johnson in the bedroom. I remember him stringing my Strat up.

“Everybody was convening at the Antenna Club. And we did a single with [McCain’s] band, [Barking Dog], in the house. Tav, maybe his first or second single, live. That sort of got a bug going. A do-it-yourself, don’t-wait-for-somebody-to-give-you-a-job attitude. To me, it basically started post disco. Memphis was at the lowest possible place it could be. Everybody had left town who was doing it in the old style. So they couldn’t stop us. So we just bought stuff and did it. I didn’t have faith in anybody giving me a job. Then I built another place behind my house; me and my dad. That was where Davis came in. We were looking for a space.”

When they found the Deadrick building, it was a fine mess. Originally built by a business partner of Chips Moman as a second facility for American Studio, the place was a mess when Easley-McCain Recording was formed in 1990.

“It had water damage, and termites had totally eaten the control room out. It was in really bad shape,” McCain says.

“When we got there, we had aspirations to do something,” Easley says. “It was ripe. It was a real good time. It was the beginning of the do-it-yourself era. The home studio I had was one of the few that weren’t catering to the old stuff. But there were bands, Dave [Shouse] had the Bud band [Band Called Bud]. They had their eye outside of Memphis. It was all about exporting to make it work. The records sort of helped that happen. A few would get out of town and did, and that helped us. That would promote it and tell people what was going on. It sort of snowballed.”

“Once the out-of-towners started coming, then the phone started ringing a lot,” McCain says. “If you go back and look at our calendars, they are just full. We would try to schedule ourselves days off, and then that would get covered up. It was a very busy time.”

Their success came through hard work at a time when marketing your studio didn’t involve Facebook or MySpace, or even email.

“It was all very old school,” Easley recalls. “I still have that beautiful-looking cell phone. It was a big old son of a gun.”

The major component to their success was being in tune with the culture. As Cobain was struggling with his disgust over commercial music, the scene around Easley-McCain was guided by Chilton’s experience with pop, his revulsion to it, and his artistic answer to it.

“I think it’s that we connected with what was going on everywhere except here, “Easley says. “They were bringing in music we’d never heard: the way they played and the way they tuned. They weren’t even playing blues and rock-and-roll, or rockabilly or whatever.

“We were sort of a development studio, in a sense. Like Wilco’s first record. Wilco wasn’t Wilco until they did their first record. We did their first record. White Stripes did their first record that sort of made them superstars. Then we do Sonic Youth, which I think was their ninth record. And then Jeff Buckley’s follow up to a big record he did. Then Pavement. Then a bunch of emo bands. It was all over the place.”

But their successes came with people who continue to define popular music.

“The White Stripes is a crazy example of something working,” Easley says. “I think they spent $1,700. It was a slow go, it took a couple of years for that to take off.” White Blood Cells was engineered by Stuart Sikes, a house engineer who moved to Dallas in 2002 and built Elmwood Recording before moving to Austin in 2012.

“But you don’t see that at the time,” McCain adds. “You wouldn’t even stop and listen to it after it went out the door. There was another one behind it.”

Their reputation extended beyond the underground scene. There was even one that got away.

“The one that I was having palpitations about was Bob Dylan” Easley says. “It ended up being the record of the year that year. He wanted to record in Memphis. I talked to Daniel Lanois for a long, long time on the phone. It never materialized.”

But Jack White’s production of Loretta Lynn’s Van Lear Rose would find the studio associated with some very mainstream success. The album was mixed by engineer Stuart Sikes and won the Best Country Album Grammy in 2005.

“I think we had done two country sessions,” Easley recalls. “And I’m sure the other one was horrible. But it was a beautiful country record in that it aligned Detroit, Memphis, and Nashville in this cool way.”

The two were later in Nashville when a woman asked them what they did. Easley mentioned Van Lear Rose.

“She said, ‘Horrible record. Just a horrible record.’ And I went, ‘Yes!'”

The studio was lost to fire in 2005. The owner opted not to rebuild.

“We managed to pull a lot out,” McCain says. “Doug worked on it.”

“I’m stubborn,” Easley says. “It was an interesting time for Memphis not to be in the old school. It was the beginning of a new school.”

They’re still at it:

An earlier version of this article omitted the contributions of Stuart Sikes, who engineered the White Stripes’ White Blood Cells and returned to Easley from Texas to mix Van Lear Rose. We regret the error — JB

Sing All Kinds We Recommend

Sound Advice: Chilton’s Birthday at Hi-Tone Saturday

Ross Johnson celebrates his buddy Alex Chilton with a redux of Flies on Sherbert. The band is heavy. The album is great. This is THE thing to do. Go get down with the Baron of Love. You need that.

Had enough? No? Look right here:

Music Music Features

Alex Chilton Birthday Tribute

Friends and admirers of Alex Chilton will gather on December 28th at the Hi-Tone to mark his birthday with a performance of his album Like Flies on Sherbert. “I certainly wouldn’t do it if Alex was still alive,” said Ross Johnson, who played drums on the album. “His presence in this world always sort of kept my mouth shut. That dismissive scowl. With great trepidation I remember him looking at me. He would reduce you to ash with that Cheshire-cat scowl and grin. I saw it very often.”

Given the accolades that have come to Big Star in recent years, Johnson and others wanted to honor the Chilton legacy that followed Big Star. “Jody and Stamey and the Big Star Mach II guys have taken Big Star’s Third around the world,” Johnson said. “So this is sort of a trip down the other side of the tracks.”

Like Flies is a rambling, sorta-bent endeavor. It heralds the lo-fi aesthetic of Tav Falco and the Goner stable. The session vibe is right there on the record. It’s a visceral reaction to the rococo harmonies and song structures (strictures?) of Big Star. Jim Dickinson produced the record. It was released on Sid Selvidge’s Peabody label.

“I also think this is a tribute to Jim Dickinson, who had so much to do with the way the record was done. And also Lee Baker and Sid Selvidge,” Johnson said. “We want to make it in the spirit of Like Flies, which was done in several sessions, the first ones in February 1978 at Sam Phillips and others. The last being August 16th of 1979. It was just Alex and myself, because Jim got sick that day. Alex was kind of delighted because that let him run free.”

Alex Chilton Birthday Tribute Show featuring Ross Johnson & Friends  Saturday, December 28th, at the Hi-Tone Café.