Letter From The Editor Opinion

Realpolitik and the River

In five weeks, more or less, Memphians will be voting for a mayor and city council. The three most recognizable mayoral candidates are the incumbent, Jim Strickland, longtime former Mayor Willie Herenton, and activist and County Commissioner Tami Sawyer.

Strickland touts the city’s “momentum” and its surging economic developments. Herenton wants Memphis to “do it again” and send him back to the office he held for several terms during the 1990s and early 2000s. Sawyer, perhaps best-known for her “Take’EmDown901” campaign to remove the city’s Confederate statuary, is raising hell, poking at Strickland’s record, trying to elevate her profile.

A debate between the three of them would be an interesting exercise in democracy and would give the public a chance to see how the candidates handle themselves in the heat of the moment and where the fissures between them exist.

But it doesn’t appear it’s going to occur. Herenton was the first to opt out of a scheduled debate sponsored by The Commercial Appeal and WMC-Channel 5. Strickland then withdrew, saying, via a spokesperson, “without the top challenger in the race participating, an informed and balanced debate could not happen.” Sawyer responded as you might expect: “Mayor Strickland and Herenton are denying taxpayers the right to hear where we all stand on the issues and make an informed choice on who will lead our city over the next [four] years.”

Sawyer is correct, but she’s battling realpolitik. Neither Herenton nor Strickland perceive that they have anything to gain from a debate (see Politics), so any opportunity to avoid such an event will be taken. And that’s too bad because there are a number of issues that could stand a public airing, including the ongoing battle between Memphis in May and the proponents of the redesign of Tom Lee Park by the Memphis River Parks Partnership.

Last week, Memphis in May issued its report on the 2019 festival, citing a month-long economic impact of festival events totaling $149,112,480. MIM also cited tax revenues for the city at $4.6 million and an attendance of 107,153. Impressive stats, no doubt. Well done, Jim Holt and crew.

A couple days later, a group representing 70 Downtown businesses released a letter they had written to Strickland in June, citing their support for the MRPP redesign: “We believe a revitalized Riverfront, and in particular, the effort to build a bold new Tom Lee Park, is critical to maintaining and capitalizing on [the city’s economic] momentum, and we believe the time to make that happen is now.” Straightforward enough. A simple statement of support.

In response, Amy Howell, a spokesperson for a group called Get Our Riverfront Right and MIM, issued the following statement to the Daily Memphian: “While the taxpayer funded RDC/MRPP may not be competent is [sic] running our park system, they are good at PR and swaying public opinion to fit their agenda(s). Our group of volunteer tax paying citizens comprised of a diverse group of well intentioned Memphians have [sic] amassed almost 7,000 signatures against what RDC/MRPP has planned for Tom Lee Park as well as letters from the MRA and Hotel/Motel Association. We know there have [sic] been no operational strategy, budgeting and plan to maintain our park system.”

Grammar aside, the attacks on MRPP staff and their motives by Howell and various ad hoc social-media groups have often been clumsy and mean-spirited. And frankly, pointless. I have news for MIM and those who want Memphis to “leave Tom Lee alone.” Tom Lee Park is going to get a redesign, though it may be modified to some degree. Mediation is ongoing, though I don’t believe any decision will be made public until — wait for it — after the mayoral election. Rather than publicly assaulting the integrity of the other side (and dozens of Downtown business owners), it might behoove Howell and MIM to tone down the public rhetoric and continue to quietly work together to create a park that will accommodate the MIM events, even if it means some adjustments must be made.

In a world where the Amazon is burning and climate change is uppermost on the minds of serious world leaders, opposing the planting of trees and the installation of water features and a shelter in a treeless, blazing-hot public park is a bad look. Trashing the integrity of fellow Memphians who support creating a new riverfront is a bad look. Nobody wants Memphis in May to go away. The city welcomes the friendly May invasion of barbecuers and music lovers from around the world. But we also want to welcome tourists and locals to the river the rest of the year.

News News Blog

Humane Society Says Train’s Adoption Process is Underway


About 25 people showed up at the Humane Society of Memphis and Shelby County this morning with “Let Train Leave” signs to voice their frustration with what they believe to be a drawn-out process of adopting Train, a Humane Society dog that was placed on the euthanasia list a few weeks ago for what the organization deemed as aggressive behavior. 

A “Let Train Live” Facebook page was launched to protest Train being placed on the kill list. One volunteer said Train was only diagnosed with predatory aggression because he’d stared at a child in an aggressive manner. But a week ago, after the public outcry, the Humane Society posted on its own Facebook page that they were “finalizing an agreement with a credentialed, third party (located out of town) veterinary organization to adopt Train.”

From that Humane Society post: “Fortunately our willingness to identify and locate other professionals has given us this creative solution. Train will be adopted into his new home as soon as possible. Once Train is there and safe, we will post a photo of him in his new home. This has been a very difficult issue and we want to reaffirm that we are here to SAVE animals, not destroy them.”

However, a week later, those who spoke out have been raising concerns about why Train is still at the Humane Society. Volunteers say Train is being kept in a small “not ready” kennel, and they’re holding protests to raise awareness about Train still being held at the facility. The Flyer reached out to Humane Society consulting interim director Amy Howell, who was hired last week to replace former director Andrew Jacuzzi. 

Flyer: Is Train being kept in a tiny kennel?
Amy Howell: The dog is being treated just like the other dogs. They’re working with Train. He’s not been kept in some small, dark corner or anything like that. That’s not right. The dog is being handled as normal. He’s walking three times a day. Train is an animal that needs a lot of attention, and the staff is giving him the attention that he needs. We’re working on finalizing an agreement with an adopter, but it’s taking a lot of time because there is a lot of red tape when you have an animal like this. And there is a legal process that we’re going through. Sometimes, it takes several weeks to transfer a dog like Train, but we’re working as hard as we can.

Why is his adoption taking so long?
We’re in the process of finalizing an adoption with someone who is trained to handle Train, a veterinarian, and we can’t say with certainty that it’s been finalized because we’re still working on some of the legal issues and details. It’s just taking a while because Train is not your average dog. Train has predatory aggression, and he is a special needs dog. The criteria is very selective for who he can be adopted by.

Is the issue simply that he stared too aggressively at a child? Is that how he was diagnosed with predatory aggression?
That’s not all there is to it. He has a whole file of assessment information, which we do not disclose to the public. We’re being very careful as an organization to make sure we’re doing the right thing in the interest of public safety and in the interest of the dog. 

What is your response to the public outcry and protests?
If these people who are stirring the pot would spend as much time as they have pestering us about Train raising money for the organization, they could help a lot more animals. What they’re doing is a very big distraction for us, and it’s hindering our ability to do our jobs. They’re taking us off the task of helping these animals. 

News News Blog

Memphis Humane Society Announces Staff Changes

Earlier this week, the Memphis and Shelby County Humane Society announced that it would remove a dog named Train from its euthanasia list after a public outcry. Today, the Humane Society announced that the organization will be seeking a new director after former executive director Andrew Jacuzzi “left to pursue other opportunities.”


Train was placed on the kill list for what a volunteer deemed as “predatory aggression” after the dog looked aggressively at a child. A Facebook page was launched to save Train, and on Tuesday, the Humane Society posted the following message on its own Facebook page:

“Today our organization is finalizing an agreement with a credentialed, third party (located out of town) veterinary organization to adopt Train. This veterinarian team is highly experienced, trained and credentialed to handle animals, like Train, that have been diagnosed with “predatory aggression.” Fortunately—our willingness to identify and locate other professionals has given us this creative solution. Train will be adopted into his new home as soon as possible. Once Train is there and safe, we will post a photo of him in his new home. This has been a very difficult issue and we want to reaffirm that we are here to SAVE animals, not destroy them. In the rare cases where we do have to euthanize an animal for severe behavioral issues, it is for public safety. We will not deviate from policy (more on our website: unless a rare opportunity—such as this one—is found. Thank you for all of the support for Train and we are satisfied that this option is the best for Train, our organization, our donors, volunteers and staff.”

On Friday, a press release was sent out announcing that Jacuzzi had left and that the organization has hired Amy Howell of Howell Marketing as a consulting interim director. Howell’s role will be to guide the organization to secure a new executive director.

The release said the Humane Society was also looking to improve animal intake and animal care at the organization.