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We Are Family

Ever wonder if your great-great-great grandfather was a timber-shivering pirate? Or if your great-great-aunt twice-removed was the first Bolivian female physicist? Wonder no more. The Benjamin L. Hooks Central Library is offering free genealogy courses during the month of May.

At 7 p.m. on Tuesdays, beginning and experienced genealogists are gathering for the free two-hour programs. The first two sessions covered the basics of genealogy and record searches. On May 20th, African-American and Native-American genealogy will be discussed. The final class on May 27th will explain how to work with military records and how to join a heredity society once you have unearthed your ancestry.

The resources at the library make this kind of in-depth research possible, with microfilm and more than 20,000 print genealogy materials. Along with these great resources, the library has compiled and indexed Shelby County records from births to marriage licenses to funeral-home documents, which will come in handy when you go to lay flowers on the grave of your long-lost Elvis-impersonating polygamist cousin.

Genealogy Workshops at the Benjamin L. Hooks Library, Tuesdays at 7 p.m. through May 27th. For more information, call 415-2742.