Opinion The Last Word

Take a Side

I grew up in Memphis in a Jewish neighborhood. I’m embarrassed to say that it wasn’t until I was in high school when I realized that other cities in the South did not have as sizable a Jewish population as Memphis. Matzo ball soup and fresh challah bread were staples in my home. My grandparents lived in a well-established Jewish neighborhood of East Memphis. My grandfather would turn the lights off for his Rabbi neighbor on the Sabbath. Some of his neighbors were Holocaust survivors. I remember seeing the numbers tattooed on their arms when I was a child. At Christmas every year, dear family friends who were Jewish, the Segals, would make the entire Christmas dinner for my extended family so that we could spend more time with each other and not worry about cooking. It was an incredible act of kindness and generosity. This was just the wonderful community in which we lived.

Each day I see the rising anti-Semitism in the U.S., and I am horrified. Recently, Kanye West has spoken publicly praising Hitler, supporting neo-Nazi white supremacists, and speaking negatively about Jews. In November, Dave Chappelle hosted Saturday Night Live and opened with a monologue giving Kanye advice on how to buy himself some more time by just saying that he denounces anti-Semitism. Then there is Whoopi Goldberg’s constant denial that the Holocaust had anything to do with race, for which she was suspended from her television show, The View, back in February of 2022, yet still went on to make the same comments in December.

In 2018, we saw an even greater level of hate with the mass shooting at the Pittsburgh synagogue where 11 lives were taken. This is not the only mass shooting targeting Jewish people in the United States. It doesn’t help to have elected officials such as Georgia Republican Marjorie Taylor Greene promoting anti-Semitic conspiracy theories which supported the story that the Rothschild family used “Jewish space lasers” to purposefully ignite the wildfires in California to make way for a high-speed rail system. This is as ridiculous as it sounds. It seems that people have no fear of speaking negatively about Jewish people, no matter how outrageous or ignorant it may be. They sadly have some constituency or fan base that is listening. This sort of hatred is sickening and should worry us all.

Elie Wiesel, Holocaust survivor and well-known author of Night, won the Nobel Peace Prize on December 10, 1986. In his acceptance speech he said, “We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. Sometimes we must interfere.”

We have a tendency not to care about things until they personally affect us, but this is not how it should be. It is easy to think that as an individual, we cannot make a difference with regards to anti-Semitism. We may not be able to change the whole world, but we can make a difference to our Jewish neighbors and friends. In the sacred Jewish teachings of the Talmud it says, “He who saves one life, saves the world entire.” This is a reminder that a single act can have a tremendous effect.

Memphis is the chosen home of a healthy Jewish population. Speak out against anti-Semitism. Stand up for your Jewish neighbor.

Here are some simple tips to show solidarity with your Jewish friends, coworkers, and neighbors:

• Support local Jewish-owned businesses.

• Don’t plan important events, meetings, rehearsals, classes on Yom Kippur.

• Don’t know when Rosh Hashanah or Yom Kippur are? That’s okay. Look them up and add them to your calendar.

• Having a party? Make sure you have acceptable foods for those who keep Kosher.

• Don’t support politicians, celebrities, restaurants, or other businesses that are anti-Semitic.

• Educate yourself about Judaism and anti-Semitism. If you need somewhere to start, Memphis has an incredible resource in the Bornblum Judaic Studies Department at the University of Memphis. A great resource that covers what is going on worldwide is The Tel Aviv Institute (check them out on Instagram or visit their website at, and check your local library for books by Elie Wiesel, Primo Levi, Simon Wiesenthal, and other Holocaust survivors.

Melanie W. Morton is a high school Spanish teacher originally from Memphis.

At Large Opinion

Same Old Game

Over the past couple weeks, we’ve seen a fresh incarnation of a game we’ve all become familiar with during the last seven years. It’s called “Will You Denounce This?” The game begins when Donald Trump says or does something that used to be thought of as outrageous. The media then jump into action by asking any Republican they can get in front of a microphone to denounce Trump. As in:

Reporter: “Senator Leghorn, Donald Trump said this week that the United States should bomb Puerto Rico to keep Democrats from making it the 51st state. Puerto Rico is an American territory and Puerto Ricans are American citizens. Will you denounce Trump’s statement that the United States should bomb American citizens?”

Leghorn: “Well, President Trump says a lot of things, and I don’t think anything is gained from addressing these ‘gotcha’ questions from the media.”

Reporter: “But Mr. Trump is saying we should bomb one of our own territories, which could kill thousands of American citizens. Surely you don’t condone such a thing.”

Leghorn: “Look, I work for the American people, and the American people are concerned about high taxes, inflation, drag queens, and Hunter Biden’s laptop. The kind of questions you’re asking are irrelevant, premature, and based on speculation.”

Reporter [incredulous voice]: “So you won’t denounce the bombing and killing of American citizens by American armed forces?”

Leghorn: “Well, of course I don’t personally approve of bombing Puerto Rico, but the president is privy to information we don’t have, and he has a right to express his opinion.”

Reporter: “So, if Mr. Trump gets the GOP nomination in 2024, will you support him?”

Leghorn: “It’s a long way to 2024 so I don’t want to play that game, but, as a Republican, I will of course support our nominee. Also, Hunter Biden’s laptop.”

So yeah, that wasn’t exactly what happened recently, but Trump did roll out three doozies. First, he vowed that when he became president again, he would pardon anyone involved in the January 6th attack on the U.S. Capitol. Then, he had dinner with musician Kanye West, who just last week on Alex Jones’ InfoWars, expressed his admiration for Adolf Hitler and his disdain for Jews. Having this guy to dinner was not a great look for Trump. But “Ye” upped the ante and brought Nick Fuentes, a white supremacist, anti-Semite, and avowed Nazi boot-licker who makes Ye look progressive.

When word got out about the dinner, the media began a fresh round of “Will You Denounce This?” And they actually found a few Republicans willing to say that Trump was wrong to host these assholes for dinner, including Mike Pence, Chris Christie, and Mitt Romney. Progress, right?

Not exactly. Before the ruckus ensuing from his dinner could die down, Trump posted the following on his Truth Social network: “With the revelation of MASSIVE & WIDESPREAD FRAUD & DECEPTION in working closely with Big Tech Companies, the DNC, & the Democrat Party, do you throw the Presidential Election Results of 2020 OUT and declare the RIGHTFUL WINNER, or do you have a NEW ELECTION? … A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution.”

No one knows for sure what provoked this latest Trump outburst. Perhaps the weirdness of those Hunter Biden penis pictures coming out via a Twitter story? Surely we don’t need to terminate the Constitution for that, do we? I mean, unless that thing was really huge.

It’s tempting to dismiss all this as the ranting of a delusional fool, but bear in mind that this is a man who could still become the GOP nominee — and that most Republicans are still afraid to stand up to a guy who pledges to release convicted January 6th rioters, has dinner with two Hitler-lovers, calls for the overturning of the 2020 election, and says we should terminate the U.S. Constitution.

There’s an adage that you should never play chess with a pigeon because they knock over all the pieces, shit on the board, and then strut around like they won. If the Republicans don’t pick a new king soon, they’re going to need another board. This game is getting old.

News Blog News Feature

Houston High Students “Scared,” “Outraged” After Anti-Semitic Posts by School Personnel

A Houston High School assistant principal and teacher are under investigation after they allegedly made anti-Semitic remarks on social media. 

Germantown Municipal School District (GMSD) officials said Thursday morning they are reviewing a post from Houston High assistant principal Janna Matykiewicz and teacher Tony Benzing after the two posted remarks comparing the Covid vaccine to the Holocaust. 

“What’s the difference between papers and a yellow star?” Matykiewicz allegedly asked in a Facebook post. “82 years.”

Benzing — identified online as a history teacher — responded, “82 years … apparently a generation that doesn’t seem to know their History [sic] … the yellow star just targeted Jews … the vaccine papers don’t discriminate … but remember they first gamed the system to get Hitler appointed as Der Fuhrer, then they took over the media, police force, & educational system (Hitler Jugend),…”

Credit: petition by Julien Le Vine-Miller

A petition to “Fire Ms. Janna Matykiewicz” had 1,078 signatures Thursday morning with a goal to get to 1,500.

“Not only is this a complete ignorant statement, it is also completely anti-Semitic,” reads the petition started by Julien Le Vine-Miller. “Comparing a vaccine to one of the most tragic genocides in history is baffling. As a Jewish student in the student body, I wouldn’t feel safe and accepted as I’m sure many others would with a person of power making anti-Semitic statements on Facebook.”

Not only is this a complete ignorant statement, it is also completely anti-Semitic. petition by Julien Le Vine-Miller

Le Vine-Miller said if Matykiewicz remains at the school, or any other school in the district, “count me out as being a part of GMSD schools.” 

A GMSD official said the district cannot comment on open investigations but provided this statement: 

“One of Germantown Municipal School District’s core objectives is that our staff recognize and celebrate the diversity of all students and provide opportunities for inclusive practices,” reads the statement from district spokeswoman Kate Crowder. “It is imperative that every student and staff member feel safe and respected on our campuses. 

This matter is currently under investigation.

Kate Crowder, Germantown Municipal District Schools spokeswoman

“GMSD has been made aware of statements on social media made by school personnel. This matter is currently under investigation. The district does not provide comments on active investigations.”

A student reached out to the Memphis Flyer about the petition Thursday morning in an email that said, “as a student body, we are scared and outraged. We feel like our voices aren’t being heard.”

Letter From The Editor Opinion

Letter from the Editor: A Joke or an Insult?

It all started when Don Imus made fun of Hawaiian singing legend Don “Nappy-headed” Ho. Then, ol’ Tiny Bubbles up and died! After that, things got crazy. The media went into a feeding frenzy, and Imus was ultimately fired from his gigs at MSNBC and CBS Radio.

At least, I think that’s how it went down. But I could be confused. It’s hard these days to keep track of all the stupid things people say into a microphone.

Let’s review the action over just the past year: There was Imus’ racial slur against the Rutgers women’s basketball team; Mel Gibson slandering Jews after being arrested for drunken driving; Kramer (Michael Richards) attacking blacks in his standup comedy routine; Ann Coulter calling presidential candidate John Edwards a faggot in a speech to a conservative group; Virginia senator George Allen naming a young man “Macaca” during one of his stump speeches; and Rosie O’Donnell using fake Chinese words to make fun of Asians.

Is there anyone left uninsulted? Oh yeah, straight white people. But that could be remedied easily enough if you count the Duke lacrosse team players, who were called rapists and worse by MSNBC news-harpie Nancy Grace and the Rev. Al Sharpton (deacon of the Church of Shameless Self-Promotion). Or Memphis city councilman Edmund Ford, who suggested a couple of his councilmates should “get a white sheet.”

So, why is it that all these folks got in trouble? I think it’s because they dared to insult folks outside their peer group. Black rappers and comics use the same phrases Imus used without losing their jobs. Jewish comics make fun of their Jewishness all the time. Gays call each other slang terms that straight folks dare not employ. But let someone outside the fold do the same thing and it’s racism or anti-Semitism or homophobia.

Is there a lesson here — besides the obvious fact that the difference between a joke and an insult often depends on who’s talking and who’s listening? I don’t know. Maybe it’s that free speech means just that: It’s free for everybody, whether you like what you hear or not.

Bruce VanWyngarden