It is currently Armory Week in New York City. The 11 art fairs, consisting of hundreds of galleries and thousands of artists, are spread across Manhattan. Memphis’ own David Lusk Gallery is participating in Art on Paper. Full disclosure, I am represented by DLG and have eight pieces in this fair. Other artists from the gallery that are participating are Maysey Craddock, Anne Siems, William Christenberry, Kathleen Holder, Tyler Hildebrand, and Tim Crowder.
Can we talk about how badass Tim Crowder’s work is at this fair?? Because it is.
I was unable to go to NYC this year for the fairs, but when I have gone, it is always AMAZING. So. Much. Art. A welcome visual overdose. It is always wonderful to be introduced to artists and galleries you never heard of before and finally get to meet those that you have. You can see some absolutely horrendous art work where you feel that you may have a chance to make it after all and see current trends. This year, there seems to be an overwhelming theme of protest. Including mine.
Pulse is not around this year, but NADA joins in on the action. Spring/Break is always a favorite to check out. They have moved to a Times Square office tower from the worn down Farley Post Office. The post office made for such a wonderful exhibition space for this fair. Hopefully, with the move, it does not lose any of its buzz.
The other fairs are ADAA Art Show, The Armory Show, Clio Art Fair (which is really an anti-art-fair fair), Independent, Moving-Image, the mini art fair Salon Zurcher, Scope, and Volta. For an artist, something that is amazing is to click through all of the participating galleries at each of these fairs. Make note of which ones that you would like to visit, or ones where you think your work would fit in their catalogue. I have met some incredible artists and made some great friends by stalking them first online. Most of these galleries and artists have social media accounts. Follow them all. Reach out to the artist with a simple “I like your work.” I have been included in many shows just by doing these simple things.
So, when is Memphis going to start an art fair?
Images courtesy of David Luck Gallery