Memphis on the internet.
Dollin’ In Memphis
YouTuber Jay Doll King Hefner took one of his Sexy Real Sex Dolls, which he calls “girlfriends,” for a night on Beale Street Sunday. Hefner pushed the doll in a wheelchair for a bite at Dyer’s Burgers. They made their way passed Silky O’Sullivan’s and then to B.B. King’s.
Hefner greeted the many curious onlookers and answered questions about the doll. He let little girls touch the doll and take photos with her and told one passerby that “hey, she don’t argue much.”
Huge hat tips to Reddit user Strange_Fruit_007 for the original post about this and to user wolfaxe2 for posting the YouTube link.
Tweet of the Week
Chef Kelly English ruled the MEMernet with one word last week.
Question: What would be different about Batman if he were from your city?
English: Batmane
Design your best “Batmane” logo, submit it to, and we’ll feature it right here on the MEMernet for glory and internet points.
Marc Mash-up

Phillip Dean showed what the MEMernet was all about last week with this Marc
Gasol/Blue’s Clues meme mash-up.
Posted to Twitter by Phillip Dean