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Death Row Prisoners Challenge New Execution Method

Death row prisoners in Tennessee challenged the state’s new execution protocols in a legal complaint that claims the use of pentobarbital is unconstitutional as it can lead to a “tortuous death.” 

Nine prisoners signed on to the complaint filed late last week by Amy Harwell in Davidson County Chancery Court. Harwell is the Assistant Chief of the Capital Habeus Unit at the Office of the Federal Public Defender for the Middle District of Tennessee. 

The complaint argues those executed here “will experience extreme pain and suffering if they are poisoned to death with pentobarbital.” The plaintiffs also cite “Tennessee’s shameful history of mishandling its execution processes” as a reason to challenge the new lethal injection protocol. 

Executions here have been halted since May 2022. Gov. Bill Lee ordered a full review of the state’s lethal injection protocols. In a scathing report issued in December 2022, Ed Stanton, former U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Tennessee, found that state officials didn’t follow their own rules in carrying out executions. That review also criticized the three-drug injection protocols used for executions at the time. 

Lee hired a new Commissioner for the Tennessee Department of Corrections (TDOC), Frank Strada, with a major goal to get executions back on line in Tennessee. That work began in January 2023. 

In late December 2024, TDOC issued a brief news release announcing that the new review had been completed and the agency had selected pentobarbital for its lethal injection executions.    

“I am confident the lethal injection process can proceed in compliance with departmental policy and state laws,” Strada said at the time.

Earlier this month, the Tennessee Supreme Court scheduled executions for four prisoners to be carried out this year. 

• Oscar Smith on May 22nd

• Byron Black on August 5th

• Donald Middlebrooks on September 24th

• Harold Nichols on December 11th 

Smith was set for execution in May 2022. It has been reported he was taking his final communion on death watch before walking to the execution chamber when Lee called off the execution and called for the review. 

Smith and Black, both scheduled to be executed this year, signed on to the new complaint that challenges the method of which they are to be killed by the state. 

“The evidence keeps piling up to show that pentobarbital poisoning is excruciatingly painful,” said Harwell, an attorney for the plaintiffs. “Tennessee appears to have picked this method only because they were able to get their hands on pentobarbital, not because its use for executions complies with the Constitution or state law.”

States like Tennessee had a hard time getting drugs for the proviso three-drug cocktail. Many said that was the because drug companies that made them refused to sell them for execution purposes. 

The complaint argues that killing by pentobarbital “can create a sensation of suffocating or drowning that has been likened by experts to the sensation intentionally induced by the practice of waterboarding — an unambiguous form of outright torture.” The drug can also leave prisoners aware as their bodies begin to experience physical damage “resulting in extreme suffering.” 

In January, the U.S. Department of Justice quit using pentobarbital in executions on ​“sig­nif­i­cant uncer­tain­ty” on whether or not the drug causes pain and suffering.

“In the face of such uncertainty, the department should err on the side of humane treatment and avoidance of unnecessary pain and suffering, and therefore halt the use of pentobarbital unless and until that uncertainty is resolved,” then-Attorney General Merrick Garland said at the time. 

Even if the drug was not a concern, the complaint doubts TDOC’s ability to carry out executions, given its track record. It says that over the past 25 years, the agency “has consistently struggled, and often failed, to fulfill [its] responsibility [to administer executions] in a consistent, reliable, and lawful way.” 

“TDOC has burned through at least five now-discarded ‘protocols’ for performing executions by lethal injection … each of which collapsed under the weight of its own flaws and mismanagement after no more than, at most, a few executions,” the report says. 

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School Voucher Bill Poised for Passage as Special Session Set to Wrap

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Gov. Bill Lee’s private school voucher bill on Wednesday cleared the committee level in a special legislative session, setting the stage for votes this week by the full House and Senate.

As expected, the bill sailed Tuesday through education panels stacked with lawmakers who support policies that provide taxpayer funding to families to pay toward private education services.

The bigger test came later in finance committees, where a similar voucher bill bogged down last spring over disagreements within the Republican supermajority. It passed easily there too, with only a few GOP members from rural areas in opposition.

Lee’s Education Freedom Act, his signature education proposal, is scheduled to be debated Thursday by both full chambers, where the votes are expected to be tighter.

If it passes, the initiative would mark a major change in K-12 education in Tennessee. It would create a new statewide schooling track, starting with 20,000 “scholarships” of $7,075 each.

To draw support from lawmakers worried about the impact to their public schools, the measure also would give one-time bonuses of $2,000 to the state’s public school teachers; establish a public school infrastructure fund using tax revenues from the sports betting industry that currently contribute to college scholarships; and reimburse public school systems for any state funding lost if a student dis-enrolls to accept the new voucher.

Only 15 of the state’s 144 districts are expected to receive such reimbursements, according to the legislature’s latest fiscal analysis of the bill.

An amendment added on Tuesday requires that, for public school teachers to receive the bonus, their school boards must adopt a resolution saying that they want to participate in the bonus plan. Sponsors said the change was intended to give local boards more autonomy over the funds.

The action on Lee’s proposal came as President Donald Trump signed an executive order Wednesday that frees up federal funding and prioritizes spending on school choice programs.

A day earlier, Trump applauded Tennessee’s Education Freedom Act.

“Congratulations to Tennessee Legislators who are working hard to pass School Choice this week, which I totally support,” the president said in his post.

A subsidy or a civil right: Senators debate the bill’s purpose

The governor, who has framed school choice as “the civil rights issue of our time,” called lawmakers into the special session to take up vouchers, disaster relief, and immigration.

Republican leaders who control the General Assembly have signaled that they intend to wrap up that business in one week and pass three different legislative packages, as well as about $1 billion to pay for them.

The statewide voucher bill is the session’s most contentious issue, prompting philosophical debates Wednesday among members of the Senate Finance Committee about whom the proposed program is intended to help.

According to the state’s own analysis, about 65 percent of the new voucher recipients are expected to be students who are already in private schools, with the rest coming from public schools.

That projection may be low. In Arkansas, which approved universal vouchers in 2023 under Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders, more than 80 percent of last year’s enrollees had not attended public schools the previous year.

Tennessee’s bill would remove any family income restrictions for eligibility in the program’s second year. For the upcoming 2025-26 academic year, half of the vouchers would be available to students whose family income is no more than three times the federal threshold for receiving a reduced-price lunch, or about $175,000 annually for a family of four.

“It’s essentially giving a scholarship to people who can already afford to go to private school anyway,” said Sen. London Lamar (D-Memphis).

By contrast, the state’s smaller existing school voucher program, approved by the legislature in 2019, restricts eligibility to public school students living in Memphis, Nashville, and Chattanooga, and whose families have significantly lower incomes.

Defending the governor’s universal voucher plan, Senate Majority Leader Jack Johnson (R-Franklin) challenged the suggestion that the measure amounts to a government-funded subsidy for affluent families.

“We’re not going to penalize people who’ve been successful,” said Johnson, the bill’s Senate sponsor. “We’re not going to penalize people who work hard and might do a little better than someone else. We want these to be universal, and that’s the ultimate goal.”

Johnson added that he “has a problem with deciding who’s rich and who’s not.” It depends, he said, on their family’s location and circumstances.

“This program is going to help families across Tennessee — 20,000 kids — get into a school that their parents think is a better option,” he said. “And it shouldn’t be based on income. It should be universal.”

Early research shows that small voucher programs limited to low-income students are more likely to have positive outcomes, while recent national studies indicate that vouchers have mostly negative or insignificant impacts on academic outcomes.

Long-term costs worry critics

Sen. Jeff Yarbro (D-Nashville) sought to pin down the proposed program’s cost as it grows, especially since the 74,000 students who attend private schools in Tennessee would be eligible to apply for a state-funded scholarship.

State analysts expect all 20,000 vouchers will be awarded in the first year, allowing the state to expand the program by 5,000 participants each year, potentially doubling the program’s size by the 2029-30 school year. In the first five years, the program could cost taxpayers at least $1.1 billion, the state’s analysts say.

“This is a long-term program, and we should think about the long-term costs,” Yarbro said.

He called out the explosive growth of Arizona’s voucher program, which became available to all students in 2022. The initiative has contributed to a $400 million shortfall in the state’s current budget.

Johnson said Yarbro’s concerns amounted to “scare tactics.”

Any growth in the program is “subject to appropriation” by the legislature, he said. “We’ll be back next year, and we’ll have a conversation about it.”

Marta Aldrich is a senior correspondent and covers the statehouse for Chalkbeat Tennessee. Contact her at

Chalkbeat is a nonprofit news site covering educational change in public schools.

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Voucher Bill Glides Through House, Senate Committees

Tennessee House and Senate education committees passed the governor’s private-school voucher program Tuesday, speeding the $450 million first-year expense to final votes before week’s end.

Senators voted 8-1 to send the measure to the finance committee to be considered Wednesday.

Senate Majority Leader Jack Johnson (R-Franklin), carrying the bill for Gov. Bill Lee, told lawmakers the plan will “empower families to do something for their kid, fulfilling needs we’re not meeting with this public school system that we run together with our local folks.”

Johnson claimed a mandate to pass the measure from President Donald Trump, who posted on his Truth Social platform earlier that he supports Tennessee lawmakers’ efforts to adopt “school choice.”

Senate Republican Majority Leader Jack Johnson of Franklin said Tennessee lawmakers have a “mandate” from President Donald Trump to enact private school vouchers. (Photo: John Partipilo)

“It is our goal to bring education in the United States to the highest level, one that it has never attained before,” Trump said in his post.

Lee’s plan, which is zooming toward final votes in a special session this week, calls for providing more than $7,000 each to 20,000 students statewide and then expanding by about 5,000 annually. Half of those students in the first year could come from families with incomes at 300 percent of the federal poverty level, an estimated $175,000 for a family of four, while the rest would have no income limit. No maximum income would be placed on the program after the first year.

A financial analysis by the state’s Fiscal Review Committee determined K-12 schools will lose $45 million and that only $3.3 million would go toward 12 school districts most likely to lose students.

Senate Minority Leader Raumesh Akbari (D-Memphis) was the lone vote against the bill as she urged the committee to “exercise a bit more caution.” Akbari reminded senators that students participating in the state’s education savings account program, which provides vouchers to enroll in private schools in Davidson, Hamilton, and Shelby counties, are performing worse academically than their peers.

In contrast, Sen. Adam Lowe (R-Calhoun) said standardized tests shouldn’t be the deciding factor in passing the bill. Lowe also told Hawkins County Schools Director Matt Hixson he shouldn’t be worried about talk that some local leaders in upper East Tennessee believe they have to support the voucher bill or the legislature could refuse to approve $420 million for Hurricane Helene disaster relief.  

The House panel endorsed the plan on a 17-7 vote after Republican lawmakers used a procedural move to bypass debate on the bill. Rep. Jake McCalmon (R-Williamson County) called for an immediate vote following public testimony, backed by Rep. William Slater (R-Sumner County). The move kept opponents from questioning the bill’s sponsor, House Majority Leader William Lamberth (R-Portland).

Rep. Gloria Johnson (D-Knoxville) called the move “ridiculous” afterward because of the impact the bill could have on public schools and the state’s budget. 

In addition to complaining that the state will be running two school systems and likely hitting financial problems, Johnson challenged Lamberth’s assertion that the bill will make public schools “whole” when they lose students to the private-school voucher program. 

Lamberth, though, said public schools would not lose “one red cent” as a result of the program.

Tennessee Lookout is part of States Newsroom, a nonprofit news network supported by grants and a coalition of donors as a 501c(3) public charity. Tennessee Lookout maintains editorial independence. Contact Editor Holly McCall for questions:

Politics Politics Feature

State Party Transitions

In the political sphere, both major political parties chose new leaders over the weekend. 

The executive committee of the Tennessee Democratic Party (TNDP), meeting in Nashville on Saturday, elected Rachel Campbell of Chattanooga the party’s new state chair. Campbell, currently chair of the Hamilton County Democratic Party, defeated state Representative Gloria Johnson, the party’s unsuccessful 2024 candidate for the U.S. Senate, and three other candidates.

The election required two ballots, with Campbell ultimately winning over runner-up Johnson by a margin of 43 to 22. One of the issues militating against Johnson was a concern that, as an elected state official, her direct involvement in fundraising campaigns would be limited by restrictions set by the state Election Registry.

The TNDP elected Nathan Higdon of Blount County as vice chair.

And in Shelby County, also on Saturday, a few hundred delegates turned out for the local Republican Party’s biennial convention at New Hope Christian Church in Bartlett, electing former Memphis city councilman Worth Morgan Shelby County Republican chair over party vice chair Naser Fazlullah.

The contest had generated a fair amount of friction in local Republican circles, some of it carrying over to the convention itself, largely on account of Fazlullah’s charge that Morgan had been insufficient in his support of President Donald Trump.

Fazlullah repeated the charge to the convention attendees on Saturday, and for his pains heard himself being hooted at from the floor by supporters of Morgan, one of whom hurled the deadly epithet “Rino” (for Republican in Name Only) at Fazlullah.

The tally results — 307 votes for Morgan, 100 for Fazlullah— indicated that the advance Sturm und Drang, which was considerable, had been wholly disproportionate to the actual alignment of forces in party ranks.

Morgan’s campaign, run under the rubric “25 [for 2025] to Revive,” had been well organized and clearly included in its ranks a lopsided majority of local GOP influencers.

Patti Possel, a veteran of the erstwhile deannexation-from-Memphis movement in the suburbs, was elected local GOP vice chair.

Jim Kyle (Photo: Tennessee Courts)

• Jim Kyle, the onetime Democratic leader in the state Senate, who gave up his legislative seat a decade ago to make a successful run for Shelby County chancellor, made his retirement from the bench formal last week. 

Some months ago, Kyle had been forced to step down from his judicial duties because of the debilitating effects of CIDP (chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy). Lawyer Jim Newsom was appointed special judge, a temporary successor to Kyle, by Governor Bill Lee. 

Kyle reports progress in what has been a difficult rehabilitation period, one which has severely restricted his movements and confined him to a wheelchair. He is looked after by his wife, state Senator Sara Kyle, by other family members, and by various ad hoc helpers.

Gamely, Kyle says he is greatly buoyed by the imminent birth of a grandchild to his son James Kyle Jr. and by devoted watching of the televised games — “good, bad, and ugly” —of the Grizzlies basketball team. 

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Lee’s Special Session Wish List Could Cost $917M

The items proposed for Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee’s special session, scheduled to start next week, carry a price tag of nearly $917 million, with his school voucher plan alone costing $424 million in its first year. 

The session is set to only cover three major issues: Lee’s school vouchers, relief for Hurricane Helene victims in East Tennessee, and readying the state to conform to President Donald Trump’s immigration plan, which could include mass deportations. 

A proposed law to pay for all of it (called an appropriations bill) has been filed in the Tennessee General Assembly ahead of the session to start Monday. Check it out here: 

Here’s a basic breakdown of the costs from the bill: 

Education Freedom Scholarships (aka the school voucher plan)

•  $225.8 million every year

• $198.4 million just this year

• Total: $424.2 million 

Hurricane Helene response: 

• $210 million for the Hurricane Helene fund and the Governor’s Response and Recovery Fund

• $240 million for TEMA disaster relief grants

• $20 million to rebuild Hampton High School in Carter County

• $6.2 million for affected schools in Tourism Development Zones

• $17 million for incentives for school systems to get more than half of their schools to get an “A” letter grade

The spending bill does not propose spending any money (yet) on Trump’s immigration enforcement plan. 

Also interesting is that the bill pays for the special session itself. But no price tag was flashed on that one. Instead, it vaguely covers the whole thing. 

“In addition to any other funds appropriated by the provisions of this act, there is appropriated a sum sufficient to the General Assembly for the sole purpose of payment of any lawful expenses, including, but not limited to, staffing, per diem, travel, and other expenses, of the First Extraordinary Session of the One Hundred Fourteenth General Assembly,” reads the bill. 

So, Tennesseans are footing the bill for legislators to return to Nashville (travel), eat and drink while they are there (per diem), pay their staff members to help them, and pay for any other “lawful” expense lawmakers may have while conducting Lee’s business.  

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Gov. Lee Wants Immigration Enforcement Bureau

Buoyed by President Donald Trump’s plan for mass deportation of undocumented immigrants, Tennessee’s governor is proposing to fund an immigration enforcement bureau that could take on deportation authority to remove people from the country.

In a proclamation calling a special session to start January 27, Governor Bill Lee detailed creation of a central immigration agency with enforcement powers and a closer relationship with U.S. courts, and possible use of state courts, to remove undocumented people. Lee’s plan establishes a fund to pay for the agency, but he has not given a cost estimate. 

Under current law, federal authorities handle immigration law, in some instances working with local law enforcement. But this move would give the state wider latitude to enforce those laws, especially in conjunction with a federal court dealing with immigrants accused of “terrorism.”

The state’s attempt to do the federal government’s bidding sets a dangerous precedent for all of us and our constitutional rights.

– Lisa Sherman Luna, Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition

Lisa Sherman Luna, executive director of the Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition, said Tuesday state and local processes are handled separately from federal immigration matters.

“The state’s attempt to do the federal government’s bidding sets a dangerous precedent for all of us and our constitutional rights,” Sherman Luna said. 

Lt. Governor Randy McNally said Tuesday even though no bill has been filed, he supports including immigration in the governor’s call for a special session.

“President Trump has made clear he intends to reverse the Biden illegal immigration invasion immediately,” McNally said. He added that undocumented immigrants with felonies and criminal records need to be removed quickly.

Lee has confirmed he would activate the National Guard to take on Trump’s plan to deport “criminals” without citizenship status. Trump, though, has mentioned removing up to 18 million people without documentation and revoking birthright citizenship, which is guaranteed under the Fourteenth Amendment to people born in the country regardless of their parents’ immigration status, as well as children born abroad to U.S. citizens. Twenty-two states filed suit Monday to stop his effort to end birthright citizenship.

Trump declared a national emergency for the U.S.-Mexico border Monday, the day of his inauguration, enabling him to deploy armed forces such as National Guard troops, set up more barriers, complete a wall, and allow for unmanned air surveillance. Tennessee has sent its troops to the border multiple times already. 

The order also allows the Insurrection Act of 1807 to be invoked, granting the president authority to use troops against Americans involved in civil disorder or rebellion.

A separate executive order he signed Monday stopped some legal forms of immigration, including humanitarian parole for nationals from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela, and ended the use of an app for migrants to make appointments with asylum officers.

Under Lee’s plan, in addition to establishing an immigration agency, the state would have the ability to penalize local government officials that adopt sanctuary city policies. Sanctuary city policies, which limit the sharing of information with federal authorities, are illegal in Tennessee.

The proclamation also calls for revising state-issued IDs to determine a person’s immigration status for voting rights and government services. Rep. Gino Bulso (R-Brentwood) is sponsoring a measure requiring financial institutions to check the immigration status of anyone attempting to send money out of the country.

Rep. Gino Bulso, R-Brentwood, is sponsoring a measure requiring financial institutions to check the immigration status of anyone attempting to send money out of the country. (Photo: John Partipilo)

The immigration enforcement plan will be considered during the special session at the same time lawmakers take up the governor’s private-school voucher plan, Hurricane Helene relief for eight East Tennessee counties and establishment of the Tennessee Transportation Financing Authority to help deliver public-private road construction projects. The state is working on a toll lane along I-24 from Nashville to Murfreesboro as part of an act the legislature approved in 2023.

Several immigration-related bills are sponsored, including one by Senator Shane Reeves (R-Murfreesboro) that requires the Department of Safety and Homeland Security to study the enforcement of federal immigration laws, detentions and removals, as well as state investigations and immigrant-related challenges and progress. 

Another measure by Representative Todd Warner (R-Chapel Hill) requires law enforcement agencies to communicate with federal officials about the immigration status for people arrested for a criminal offense.

A bill by state Representative Gino Bulso (R-Brentwood) requires financial institutions to verify the immigration status of a person sending funds outside the United States.

State Senator Todd Gardenhire (R-Chattanooga) is sponsoring a bill that would exempt undocumented immigrant students who otherwise would be reported by local authorities to federal immigration officials for deportation. A law passed in 2024 requires local law enforcement to tell federal immigration agents the immigration status for anyone arrested for a criminal offense.

Tennessee Lookout is part of States Newsroom, a nonprofit news network supported by grants and a coalition of donors as a 501c(3) public charity. Tennessee Lookout maintains editorial independence. Contact Editor Holly McCall for questions:

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Nonprofit Immigration Organization Prepares For Increased Vigilance Under Trump Administration

A local nonprofit is working to increase awareness of the services they offer for immigrants as promises made by Governor Bill Lee may soon come to fruition – with harmful consequences.

Earlier this week the governor called for a special session of the Tennessee General Assembly on January 27 to discuss a number of topics such as illegal immigration. Officials said this is to prepare for the implementation of policies introduced by the incoming Trump administration.

“The American people elected President Trump with a mandate to enforce immigration laws and protect our communities, and Tennessee must have the resources ready to support the Administration on Day One,” a statement from Lee’s office said.

Prior to this announcement, Lee said he would  work with state law enforcement agencies to conduct deportations. He also signed a statement along with 25 other Republican governors announcing their commitment to the Trump administration’s effort to deport what they referred to as “illegal immigrants who pose a threat to our communities and national security” and “dangerous criminals, gang members, and terrorists.”

“We understand the direct threat these criminal illegal immigrants pose to public safety and our national security, and we will do everything in our power to assist in removing them from our communities,” the statement added.

Casey Bryant, the executive director and founder for Advocates for Immigrant Rights is making sure that the community is aware of the resources available to them in light of these threats. 

“The real danger in that is creating a police state where someone who looks suspicious in some way to someone could be wrapped up in a system that doesn’t grant basic due process rights to people,” Bryant said. “It doesn’t just make this world more dangerous and insecure for people who are non-citizens, but it makes it more dangerous and insecure for people who look like non-citizens — whatever that means.”

When policies like these, which rely on visual identification, Bryant added they end up “degrading the rights of the whole.”

Bryant started Advocates for Immigrant Rights in October 2018, after realizing the gap in resources for immigrants given the landscape that the previous Trump administration created. The organization has evolved from a two-people operation to one with 17 staff members, including five staff attorneys – three of which are located in Memphis. Bryant and her team represent people in immigration courts and immigration offices across Tennessee, Arkansas, and Mississippi.

Advocates for Immigrant Rights also provides wraparound services such as social services.

Bryant said that this increased vigilance could also lead to resources having an increased workload such as the facilities needed to process and hold noncitizens if they’ve been detained. These include the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) facilities along with places in between arriving there.

She added that immigration courts that already have an “immense” backlog of cases could be affected.

“Adding more cases to that means that they won’t get processed for like 10 years,” Bryant said. “It puts people in a state of limbo for a long time, and it’s just impracticable. In the meantime it creates fear and suspicion in communities and non-citizens aren’t going to be able to engage confidently in society.”

In hopes of helping immigrants engage in society confidently, Bryant and her team make sure to stay visible in these communities as well.

“Our relationship isn’t just moored in a service provision,” Bryant said. “Even if our interactions are only transactional, each interaction has the same mentality that we’re not above them. We’re not sitting in an ivory tower. We’re just people wearing jeans and a t-shirt interacting with people who may not know what we know, but obviously they know other stuff, so we try to build rapport and confidence.”

Bryant stressed that there are way more people who need their services, than those who can provide. As a result Bryant encourages people to donate to their organization as they are a nonprofit.

“Another thing individual people can do is acknowledge the shared humanity and dignity of our neighbors who may not have the same kind of privilege to have been born in our country and take it for granted,” Bryant said. “Non-citizens have to know more than we do before they get to be a citizen.”

It’s extremely important to refute ill-informed rhetoric that can be spewed by media outlets and “mouths at family dinner tables.”

“We have a community here that has to deal with different issues and being more understanding of what those issues are will help us unite as a people,” Bryant said.

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Safety Net Advocates Bracing for Big Cuts in Medicaid, Food Stamps

This story was originally published by the Institute for Public Service Reporting Memphis.

When Ashlie Bell-Seibers hears about congressional plans to slash Medicaid spending, she thinks about children she knows in Tennessee.

Children like Asher, 12, who sees 17 specialists and who is able to live and be cared for at home because she receives special coverage through TennCare, the state’s Medicaid program.

Then there’s Claire, age 10, who was born with a rare genetic condition that required life-saving open-heart surgery covered by TennCare.

And Aundrea, 8, one of three children in her family with hearing loss, Her growing body requires new and expensive hearing aids covered by TennCare.

Trip, who died at age 2, and whose chemotherapy treatments were covered by TennCare.

“He would have suffered more and died sooner without those treatments,” said Bell-Seibers, who works to support children and youth with special healthcare needs as director of Family Voices of Tennessee at the Tennessee Disability Coalition in Nashville.

Bell-Seibers and other safety net advocates are bracing for severe cuts in federal programs that provide food and health care to millions of lower-income adults and children in Tennessee.

Republican congressional leaders are looking for $2.5 trillion in budget cuts to pay for tax cuts for wealthier individuals and corporations, among other priorities of the incoming Trump administration.

Two of the largest targets seem to be Medicaid (called TennCare here) and SNAP (formerly called food stamps).

“These are massive cuts, bigger than anything we’ve ever encountered,” Gordon Bonnyman, staff attorney and co-founder of the Tennessee Justice Center (TJC) in Nashville, told dozens of safety net advocates in a zoom meeting last week. “They’re going to happen very fast and they’re going to hurt a lot of people.”

Bonnyman said the massive budget cuts will be “camouflaged” in the arcane congressional budget reconciliation process, which is “filibuster-proof,” requiring the approval of a simple majority of members of Congress.

“There are infinite and complex ways for Congress to cut safety net programs without calling them cuts,” Bonnyman said. “Any significant cuts will hurt people.”

Some programs already have been cut.

Four days before Christmas, Congress declined to extend a program that allowed states to replace stolen SNAP benefits with federal funds.

SNAP benefits are delivered on cards with magnetic stripes (and not more secure microchips) that are vulnerable to skimming. States have replaced more than $150 million in stolen benefits since January 2023. More than 11,000 Tennessee families have had their benefits stolen.

“Punishing Tennessee families who are the unwitting victims of crime is exactly the sort of government inefficiency that Donald Trump and his team vowed to root out,” said Signe Anderson, TJC’s senior director of nutrition services.

Punishing Tennessee families who are the unwitting victims of crime is exactly the sort of government inefficiency that Donald Trump and his team vowed to root out.

Signe Anderson, Tennessee Justice Center’s senior director of nutrition services.

The TJC and other advocates filed a lawsuit in federal court Tuesday to hold Tennessee’s Department of Human Services “accountable for its persistent failure to determine eligibility for SNAP benefits on time, in violation of federal law, resulting in significant harm to low-income households.”

Last summer, a federal judge in Nashville found that the state unlawfully terminated Medicaid coverage for tens of thousands of poor families and violated their rights. “Poor, disabled, and otherwise disadvantaged Tennesseans should not require luck, perseverance, and zealous lawyering to receive healthcare benefits they are entitled to under the law,” U.S. Dist. Judge Waverly D. Crenshaw wrote.

Meanwhile, advocates also are working to persuade Gov. Bill Lee to reverse his decision to forfeit federal funds for a program that provides free summer meals for up to 700,000 Tennessee children.

The Summer EBT program provides eligible families who have school-age children with a debit card preloaded with $40 a month per child. The card can only be used to buy food in June, July and August.

In a statement from Lee’s office, the governor said the Summer EBT program is a “pandemic-era” program that is “mostly duplicative.” He blamed “administrative cost burdens” as the reason he chose “not to renew our participation.”

But Congress made the program permanent in 2023. Tennessee received $78 million in federal funds for summer EBT last year and spent $5.7 million administering the program. Lee rejected $1.1 million in federal funds that could have been used to offset state costs this summer.

In a letter to Lee last week, U.S. Rep. Steve Cohen (D-Memphis), asked the governor to opt back into the Summer EBT program by the Feb. 15 deadline.

“Feeding our children is not just a matter of public policy,” Cohen wrote. “It is a moral imperative. Well-nourished children are better able to learn, grow, and lead healthy, well-adjusted lives.”

Summer EBT is a nutrition program run by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which also runs the much larger Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP, formerly known as food stamps.

SNAP costs the federal government about $110 billion a year. It’s one of the federal government’s largest entitlement programs, and one of the largest targets for budget cuts.

“It is also the most effective anti-hunger program in the U.S.,” Anderson said.

In Tennessee last year, SNAP benefits — which average $180 a month per household — helped about 820,000 residents, or about 12 percent of the state’s population.

Seventy-one percent are families with children. Thirty-five percent are seniors or disabled adults. Thirty-seven percent are working adults.

Medicaid, one of the largest non-military programs in the federal budget, seems to be the most vulnerable target for massive budget cuts in Washington.

Medicaid is a joint federal-state program that covers acute and long-term health care for groups of people with low income, primarily families with dependent children, elderly people (65 or older), and nonelderly people with disabilities.

One in five Tennesseans rely on Medicaid (TennCare) for healthcare and for protection from medical bankruptcy. That includes half of the state’s children, nearly two-thirds of the state’s nursing home residents, and half of pregnant mothers.

TennCare is the principal source of funding for rural healthcare, including drug and mental health treatment and prevention.

“We need to keep reminding lawmakers what these programs do for not just us, but what they do for the success of all Americans. Before these programs get cut, the time to remind lawmakers is right now,” said Jeff Strand, director of public policy for the Tennessee Disability Coalition.

The federal government spends more than $600 billion on Medicaid each year. States add another $200 billion.

Tennessee spends about $1.4 billion on TennCare, an amount exceeded only by K-12 public education.

Republican congressional leaders are looking at several options for reducing Medicaid’s overall cost.

• Imposing a “per capita cap”, a limit on total funding per enrollee, on federal Medicaid funding. Each state would be assigned its own initial per capita cap based on the state’s current or historical spending. That amount would be set to increase each year, but at a rate below the growth in per capita health care spending. Thus, the cuts would increase over time.

• Turning Medicaid into a block grant program. States would receive a fixed dollar amount each year that wouldn’t adjust for changes in enrollment. Currently, federal funding automatically increases as enrollment or costs increase at the state level. The Congressional Budget Office estimates the caps would cut federal spending by between $450 billion and $900 billion over nine years.

• Reducing “provider taxes” states can impose on hospitals, nursing homes and other health care providers as well as on Medicaid managed care plans. States use the taxes to offset their own costs for administering Medicaid programs. Restricting those taxes would force states to cut Medicaid enrollments and programs.

“These proposals would dramatically change Medicaid’s funding structure, deeply cut federal funding, and shift costs and financial risks to states,” the nonpartisan Center for Budget and Policy Priorities reported last week. “Faced with large and growing reductions in federal funding, states would cut eligibility and benefits, leaving millions of people without health coverage and access to needed care.”

“These proposals would dramatically change Medicaid’s funding structure, deeply cut federal funding, and shift costs and financial risks to states,” the nonpartisan Center for Budget and Policy Priorities reported last week. “Faced with large and growing reductions in federal funding, states would cut eligibility and benefits, leaving millions of people without health coverage and access to needed care.”

Safety net cuts could be especially damaging in Tennessee, where Medicaid is one of several social safety-net programs that the state doesn’t fully fund.

As the Institute for Public Service Reporting showed last year, those extra funds could have reduced the state’s child poverty rate by more than a third and the overall poverty rate by more than a quarter. That translates to about 90,000 fewer children under age 18 living in poverty in Tennessee.

In Nashville, Bell-Seibers wonders how many more children and adults she knows will lose access to health care in the coming months and years.

She also thinks about her own childhood battle with pediatric cancer and where she might be today without TennCare.

“TennCare saved my life,” she said. “TennCare allowed me to grow up and become a first-generation college student. TennCare allowed me to break the cycle of poverty in my family.”

News News Blog News Feature

Lee Calls Special Session; Foes Slam “Voucher Scam”

Tennessee Governor Bill Lee called a special session of the Tennessee General Assembly on Monday, January 27th to pass his school voucher plan, though one Democrat called the move an attempt “to use an unspeakable tragedy as a public relations stunt and political leverage.”

Lee announced the move Wednesday morning, after much speculation that he would call the session. The session will focus on his signature Education Reform Act. But the governor will also introduce a “disaster relief legislative package addressing recovery needs for Hurricane Helene, as well as future natural disasters. The session will also address public safety measures regarding immigration, as the incoming Trump Administration has called on states to prepare for policy implementation.” Lee promised details of all of these in the coming days and an official call. 

The announcement of the session Wednesday came with a joint statement from Lee, Lt. Gov. Randy McNally (R-Oak Ridge), House Speaker Cameron Sexton (R-Crossville), Senate Majority Leader Jack Johnson (R-Franklin), and House Majority Leader William Lamberth (R-Portland). 

“We believe the state has a responsibility to act quickly on issues that matter most to Tennesseans, and there is widespread support in the General Assembly and across Tennessee for a special session on the most pressing legislative priorities: the unified Education Freedom Act and a comprehensive relief package for Hurricane Helene and other disaster recovery efforts. 

“The majority of Tennesseans, regardless of political affiliation, have made it clear that they support empowering parents with school choice, and the best thing we can do for Tennessee students is deliver choices and public school resources without delay. 

“Additionally, Hurricane Helene was an unprecedented disaster across rural, at-risk, and distressed communities that cannot shoulder the local cost share of federal relief funds on their own. The state has an opportunity and obligation to partner with these impacted counties and develop innovative solutions for natural disasters going forward. 

“Finally, the American people elected President Trump with a mandate to enforce immigration laws and protect our communities, and Tennessee must have the resources ready to support the Administration on day one.”

Last week, House Democratic Caucus chairman Rep. John Ray Clemmons (D-Nashville) and Senate Democratic Caucus Chairwoman Sen. London Lamar (D-Memphis) condemned the idea of Lee’s special session. Here are their statements: 


“It is inappropriate and highly offensive for Gov. Bill Lee to pair his voucher scam with much-needed relief for northeast Tennessee families. It gives one the impression that he is attempting to use an unspeakable tragedy as a public relations stunt and political leverage with several members of our body who have opposed vouchers in the past. 

“We could have and should have held a special session months ago to accomplish everything we need to do for these devastated communities, but Lee clearly and purposefully waited almost four months until he thought he had enough votes to pass his voucher scam. 

“There is nothing ’Christian’ about a man who demonstrates such callous indifference to the lives of Tennesseans and the well-being of entire communities as often as Bill Lee. 

“I trust that my colleagues across the aisle are incensed as I am and that they will hold the line on their opposition to a scam that would decimate public education, blow a hole in our state budget, and directly result in property tax increases in every county.”


“Gov. Lee’s push for private school vouchers is a direct affront to Tennessee families and taxpayers. The current voucher program in Tennessee is failing to deliver the promised benefits to students while siphoning essential funds from our public schools. 

“At a time when our communities are still grappling with the aftermath of recent storms, the last thing Tennessee needs is a special session to advance a flawed voucher policy. 

“If a special session is convened, our focus should be on unifying issues that directly impact our citizens: Storm recovery to ensure that all affected communities receive the necessary support to rebuild and recover, affordable housing for our working families, implementing measures to alleviate financial burdens on Tennessee households, and preventing crime. 

“Using storm relief as a pretext to promote a voucher scheme is a disservice to our families and undermines the real challenges we face. We must prioritize policies that strengthen our public schools, support our communities in recovery, and enhance the well-being of all Tennesseans.”

Here’s how others reacted to the news of Lee’s special session:

• Tanya T. Coats, a Knox County educator and president of the Tennessee Education Association:

“For months, East Tennesseans have been reeling from the aftermath of Hurricane Helene. It is high time to address the needs of families and communities that are suffering.

“While the General Assembly considers measures to support those recovering from a natural disaster, they should refrain from creating a man-made disaster. Reducing the state’s support of public schools to pay for vouchers will leave local governments to try to make up the difference. They’ll be forced to decide whether to raise taxes locally or reduce services, which can mean firing teachers and closing schools.

“Small towns can’t afford to lose their public schools — where more than 90 percent of students are educated — because of vouchers. Rural communities depend on local public schools to do more than just educate their students — they serve as community gathering places and are often the largest employer. During the days and weeks immediately following the flooding in East Tennessee, public schools served as hubs for distribution of aid to hurting Tennesseans.

“Governor Lee should focus on helping our neighbors, not pushing his statewide voucher scheme backed by out-of-state special interests.”

Politics Politics Feature

Punching Down

It surely hasn’t gone unnoticed that state government is continuing to flex its muscles vis-à-vis local government in Memphis and Shelby County. 

Officials aligned with the administration in Nashville are threatening outright takeover of the Memphis-Shelby County Schools (MSCS) system at the same time that state Senator Brent Taylor and helpers continue to implement their would-be coup d’état against the county judiciary and the office of District Attorney Steve Mulroy.

In the case of MSCS, the sudden out-of-nowhere power struggle between an apparent school board majority and first-year superintendent Marie Feagins has prompted what amounts to an ultimatum from Governor Bill Lee and the presiding officers of the state legislative chambers: Keep Feagins or else!

And Taylor has enlisted the same officials in his campaign to oust Mulroy, involving them in his bill of particulars against the DA at a press conference last Thursday that followed by a day a quickly improvised “summit” called by the senator to consider the case for a new crime lab in Memphis, something Mulroy has put forth as a major need for facilitating effective local law enforcement.

The list of invitees to the crime lab conference, styled as a “roundtable discussion,” included Tennessee Bureau of Investigation director David Rausch and a virtually complete roster of public figures, state and local, who could be considered stakeholders in the matter of law enforcement.

There was one glaring omission, however: DA Mulroy, who was not only not invited; he was not even informed of the meeting, which was held at the City Hall of Germantown and concluded with Taylor suggesting an ultimate consensus that processing of local crime data in sensitive cases could be easily expedited via an existing crime lab in Jackson, obviating the need for a new Memphis lab.

A cynic could be pardoned for assuming that the entire thrust of the meeting in Germantown was to undermine the absent DA’s call for such a lab.

There was no doubt about the senator’s minimizing motive in his press conference the next day at the Memphis Police Association headquarters. It was overtly to “reveal the causes to be considered for the removal of District Attorney Steve Mulroy.”

Taylor’s bill of particulars against Mulroy was a duke’s mixture of complaints, ranging from prerogatives asserted by the DA that could be, and in several cases were, countered by ad hoc state legislation to innovative procedures pursued by Mulroy, some of them reflecting purposes that Taylor acknowledged sharing himself.

A case of the latter was an agreement reached by the DA with Juvenile Court Judge Tarik Sugarmon to allow trial court judges access to Juvenile Court records. Taylor had sponsored a bill to do just that in last year’s session of the General Assembly.

A similar instance was Taylor’s inclusion in his list of Mulroy’s declared support of gun safety referenda placed by the Memphis City Council on the 2024 general election ballot and overwhelmingly passed.

“Many of us” could sympathize with the referenda points, Taylor said, but his point was that the referenda — calling for local ordinances on behalf of gun permits, an assault rifle ban, and judicial confiscation of firearms in at-risk instances — ran counter to state law.

Sponsors of the referenda had made it clear that they called for “trigger” laws that could be enforced only if and when state law might be amended to allow them.

And there’s a further anomaly here, given Taylor’s stated goal to “Make Memphis Mattter” and safeguard the city from crime.

One has to wonder why he isn’t pursuing an altogether different strategy, one calling for a legislative “carve-out” of Shelby County from current state law prohibiting the immediate implementation of the ordinances called for by the referenda.

Such a course would be consistent with the principle of home rule; it would also be supportive of a position taken by Mulroy’s Republican opponent in the 2022 DA’s race, then-incumbent Amy Weirich, who inveighed against the iniquitous consequences of the state’s increasingly permissive stripping away of gun safety regulations.