News News Blog

Online Lecture Series Focuses on Black Lives in America

Photo by Mike Von on Unsplash

This week the national nonprofit Braver Angels continues its 2020 social action campaign with a series of lectures centered around sharing the experiences of African Americans in the United States.

The goal of their 2020 campaign is to “show the American people how to ‘fight right’ — how to compete with one another politically and engage our differences in a way that builds our bonds rather than destroys them.”

Braver Angels is a grassroots organization that works to closes depolarize politics. The group consists of Democrats, Republicans, and Independents and hosts lectures, guest speakers, film views, and open panels with the hope of finding common ground in politics.

This Wednesday from 7 to 9 p.m., the group will be hosting an American Public Forum scholar Glenn Loury, media entrepreneur, and activist Joy Donnell, and businessman/community advocate Nel Glover in a discussion on the future of Black America. The event will be moderated by Braver Angels.

On Thursday from 8 to 10 p.m., the Braver Angels community and Americans from across the country will debate the subject of reparations and the logistics behind them in modern times. Coleman Hughes, Roderick Graham, Jason Hill are guests to look out for during the live stream.

Finally, on Friday starting at 8 p.m., Braver Angels will be hosting the inaugural meeting of the Braver Angels Film discussion group by doing a deep dive into the movie Accidental Courtesy: Daryl Davis, Race & America.

News News Blog

Council Committee Approves ‘Black Lives Matter’ Renaming

Memphis City Hall

The Memphis City Council’s planning and zoning committee passed an amended form of a resolution that called for the renaming of a stretch of Poplar Avenue to Black Lives Matter Avenue.

The committee voted eight to four in favor of the amended form of the resolution with councilwoman Rhonda Logan abstaining. Though the committee unanimously agreed in the sentiment behind the resolution, conflict arose after, as an amendment called for a change in the location of the stretch of road and a street to also be named in honor of the late John Lewis. 

Through the resolution, the location and name of the stretch of road will be reviewed by an advisory committee established earlier in the day to assist the council regarding city of Memphis street, park, and place names. The resolution was initially proposed by council member Michalyn Easter-Thomas in a press conference Monday morning.

The council plans to use the Land Use Control Board to rename the stretch of Poplar between Front Street and Danny Thomas Boulevard.

“This particular stretch was chosen because it highlights where … we spend most of our budget and our citizen’s tax dollars and the target institutions in which we have the current capacity to change for the present and for future generations,” said Easter-Thomas.

Council member JB Smiley was critical of the committee’s decision, citing that they had the power to make a decision today.

“For far too long we have been pushing and kicking the can down for Black people to get what they deserve,” said Smiley. “What we are proposing today is simply telling Black folks your time for justice should be delayed. I cannot fathom why people, particularly in the city of Memphis, would want to delay what’s due.”

News News Blog

Memphis Black Lives Mural Defaced

A Black Lives Matter mural painted on the ground at Health Sciences Park has been painted over.

The large yellow mural, created June 24th near the spot where a Nathan Bedford Forrest statue once stood, mirrored those painted on streets across the country in recent weeks.

Memphis Police Department (MPD) did not immediately respond to the Flyer‘s inquiry about whether or not the mural’s defacing will be investigated, as well as if it is considered a hate crime.

Two California residents are now facing hate crime charges for their role in painting over a Black Lives Matter mural in Contra Costa County.

Van Turner, executive director of the nonprofit Greenspace that owns the park, said he committed to restoring the mural. 

News News Blog

Germantown on Viral Video: ‘Our Community Is For Everyone’

Germantown on Viral Video: ‘Our Community Is For Everyone’ (3)

Germantown officials issued an official statement on a viral video that sparked protests in the Memphis suburb Monday.

Protestors showed up at the home and workplace of resident Lloyd Crawford, a man caught in the video telling a man holding a Black Lives Matter poster he was not welcome in the city.

Germantown on Viral Video: ‘Our Community Is For Everyone’ (4)

Germantown’s statement began with a nod to the Constitution’s First Amendment, noting its rights “are protected and respected by the City of Germantown.”

“We also want to be clear — our community is for everyone. You are welcome. You are safe.

The city of Germantown takes pride in the diversity of our community. The way we conduct ourselves professionally and personally means we carry out our duties ethically and with compassion toward the community that we serve.

Germantown on Viral Video: ‘Our Community Is For Everyone’

“We treat all people equitably regardless of background, race, religion, political views, or orientation. We expect human decency. Our workforce is built upon a foundation of positive relationships and mutual trust. There is no room for racism and no room for personal violence in our community.”

Germantown Mayor Mike Palazzolo said, “The voice of one individual does not represent the voices of the more than 40,000 people who call Germantown their home Our community values a culture of excellence and kindness, and this incident does not reflect who we are as a community.”

News News Blog

Rally at ‘Memphis Massacre’ Site Calls for End to Systemic Racism

Maya Smith

Rev. Regina Clarke, also with the Poor People’s Campaign speaks.

A couple dozen people gathered Downtown Memphis on Monday to rally for justice and an end to systemic racism.

The demonstration, organized by the Poor People’s Campaign, took place in Army Park, where a historical marker stands commemorating the Memphis Massacre of 1866. The massacre lasted three days, over which a white mob led by law enforcement killed approximately 46 black people, raped several black women, and burned churches, schools, and other black establishments.

Maya Smith

After reading the words from the historical marker, Rev. Edith Love with the Poor People’s campaign said violence by white people toward black people has not stopped, but that “it has merely evolved.”

“As we stand in the very spot where white police officers and other white men committed acts of unspeakable violence in 1866, consider carefully the deaths of unarmed citizens by the hands of police,” Love said. “And I ask you how much has really changed?”

Monday Rev. Regina Clarke, also with the Poor People’s Campaign, after leading a prayer, called on the country to stop “all forms of systemic racism.”

“Today I want to pray for everyone who has been impacted by systemic racism, denial of health care, and police brutality,” Clarke said. “We also want to make sure we call out and make prominent the names of those here in Memphis who have been impacted by police brutality. We see the violence of injustice, we see the violence of racism against black people, Latinos, First Nations, and people of color. We know this violence is a threat to all humanity in this yet to be perfect union.”

Specifically, Clarke called for an end to “perpetuating poverty,” along with equal access to healthcare, decent housing, voting rights, equitable education, and “the chance to survive and thrive.”

“We hear the cries of the poor people and low wealth in a land of abundance,” Clarke said. “We hear the fear of death among the uninsured and under-insured. We hear the groans of ecological devastation and environmental violence. We feel the violence of militarism all around.”

Maya Smith

Rabbi Jeremy Simons of Temple Israel spoke about mourning

Rabbi Jeremy Simons of Temple Israel spoke about mourning in the Jewish faith, saying he is there for “solidarity in presence and partnership.”

“When you enter a house of mourning or when you encounter someone who is mourning, you walk into their house, you sit down, and shut up,” Simons said. “You offer your presence and nothing else.”

Simons continued, saying that this is not only a period of mourning, but also of “self reflection in the face of systemic injustice.”

Frank Johnson of Abyssinian Missionary Baptist Church also spoke Monday, after singing a verse of “Amazing Grace.”

“Black lives matter because we built this city and this country, but still this country wants to disrespect our lives,” Johnson said. “It wants to tell us to be quiet when we are talking about our issues and problems, but it always wants our bodies when it needs it.”

The demonstrators then paused and reflected in silence for eight minutes and 45 seconds, the amount of time a police officer knelt on the neck of George Floyd.

Maya Smith

Maya Smith

Maya Smith

Maya Smith

Demonstrators take a moment of silence

News The Fly-By

MEMernet: BLM’s Bail Fund, Antifa, and, Well, Just a Nice Sunset

News You Can Use

MEMernet: BLM’s Bail Fund, Antifa, and, Well, Just a Nice Sunset (5)

You Should See This
All right, this one is not from Memphis (it’s St. Petersburg, Florida, apparently) but it was making the rounds through the Memphis Twitterati Monday morning. Also, you should just see this.

MEMernet: BLM’s Bail Fund, Antifa, and, Well, Just a Nice Sunset (4)

Also, check out deeper coverage of Memphis protests in this week’s digital issue.

Anti-Antifa Before It Was Cool

MEMernet: BLM’s Bail Fund, Antifa, and, Well, Just a Nice Sunset (2)

Tennessee Rep. Mark Green (R- 7th District) tweeted Monday morning that, yeah, he was condemning Antifa way, way, way before President Donald Trump was. What Trump proposes is probably unconstitutional. And he hasn’t actually done it yet, as Green seems to think. Oh, and y’all know Antifa is short for anti-fascists, right?

Just Take a Moment

Nice sunset a few days ago from r/memphis

MEMernet: BLM’s Bail Fund, Antifa, and, Well, Just a Nice Sunset

News News Blog

Dozens of Memphis Restaurants, Organizations Show Solidarity With Black Community

In the wake of George Floyd’s death, local organizations, leaders, and businesses have issued their own statements on racial inequality and support for protesters.

University leaders here largely spoke out against injustice in statements to their campus communities. 

Carol Johnson, interim president of LeMoyne-Owen College, a historical black college, said this week that the struggle to achieve racial and economic equity is why HBCUs (historically black colleges and universities) exist.

“There is more important work before us than reimagining our college community as a place where students are academically and socially prepared to confront injustice and lead the revolution of ideas, research, and policies that will eliminate racism and senseless harm,” Johnson wrote in a letter to students and faculty. “This is certainly beyond a single incident, or police department, but rather what we experience daily is embedded in a set of system structures that transcend multiple sectors and must be dismantled by those we educate. We can no longer ignore or tolerate injustice, if our students are to succeed.”

Read her full letter to the campus community below.


Christian Brothers University president Jackson Shannon also sent a letter to CBU’s students and faculty this week. In it, he said the death of Floyd has “compelled us to confront how we, as a nation, continue to fall too short of the goal of a fair, equitable, and inclusive society in America.”

Shannon said any attempt to make sense of Floyd’s death is a “futile exercise, as it was both utterly senseless and totally unjustifiable.”

CBU has long been committed to advocating for equity, Shannon said, as “fostering a supportive, inclusive, and equitable community is at the very core of who we are as Lasallians.”

Shannon said as president, it is his role to facilitate a deeper and broader campus conversation about the issues raised by the senseless deaths of Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and others.

Read Shannon’s full letter here.

M. David Rudd, president of the University of Memphis, said in a statement this week that the recent national events have revealed “some ugly and enduring inequalities in American society, sparking anxiety, upset, and outrage.”

“As an institution of higher education in one of the most diverse communities in America, our university is committed to being part of the solution,” Rudd said. “We are a place of hope, healing, and healthy debate, We have an identified set of core values that embrace fairness, equity, and justice, and we are committed to living those on a daily basis, particularly when they are most needed.”

Dozens of Memphis Restaurants, Organizations Show Solidarity With Black Community (2)

Rhodes College president Marjorie Hass released this message of solidarity on Sunday.

Dozens of Memphis Restaurants, Organizations Show Solidarity With Black Community

Shelby County Schools superintendent Joris Ray also spoke out. 

Dozens of Memphis Restaurants, Organizations Show Solidarity With Black Community (3)

The Memphis Grizzlies said in a statement that the organization “stands squarely in opposition to racism and injustice,” condemning “all acts of violence.

“It is ingrained in our culture and part of our ethos, and we are going to build on established initiatives in our community,” the statement reads.

Dozens of Memphis Restaurants, Organizations Show Solidarity With Black Community (12)

Memphis-based businesses International Paper and FedEx also joined the conversation.

Dozens of Memphis Restaurants, Organizations Show Solidarity With Black Community (11)

Dozens of Memphis Restaurants, Organizations Show Solidarity With Black Community (4)

More than a dozen local restaurants also shared messages of solidarity and black screens for #blackoutTuesday, a social media movement meant to bring awareness to injustice and police brutality.

Dozens of Memphis Restaurants, Organizations Show Solidarity With Black Community (27)

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Dozens of Memphis Restaurants, Organizations Show Solidarity With Black Community (26)

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Dozens of Memphis Restaurants, Organizations Show Solidarity With Black Community (25)

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No comment, just love. Edit for clarification at 9:21pm— I am not leaving a long personal comment as I am aware that I need to listen and make space to hear deeply. Apologies for any confusion! …… Update 7:31am: When I first posted, my caption indicated listening and love. Some of you left some uncomfortable feedback letting me know that actually commenting on what's happening would be more productive and a clearer indication of where I personally stand. After spending some time in prayer on this feedback, I'm implementing it to try again. *** What is happening in our country is wrong. Injustice, racism, and disrespect are not just things that happen "someplace else" but in our own city, our own backyards, our own families, our own hearts. Brothers and sisters, friends, coworkers, and neighbors are suffering and so often we (and I am absolutely including myself) turn a blind eye or are "too busy" to do something- or whatever excuse of the moment. I am committing to try harder and do better. BLACK LIVES MATTER. *** Housekeeping note: I know not everyone is comfortable giving feedback publicly, so I'm also including my personal email if you would like to reach out. Lastly, appreciations for last night's feedback. Feedback is an act of generosity- it takes time, which is valuable, and care for the other person. Thank you for the gift. 💕

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Dozens of Memphis Restaurants, Organizations Show Solidarity With Black Community (24)

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Dozens of Memphis Restaurants, Organizations Show Solidarity With Black Community (23)

Dozens of Memphis Restaurants, Organizations Show Solidarity With Black Community (22)

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Dozens of Memphis Restaurants, Organizations Show Solidarity With Black Community (21)

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Black Lives Matter

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Dozens of Memphis Restaurants, Organizations Show Solidarity With Black Community (18)

Dozens of Memphis Restaurants, Organizations Show Solidarity With Black Community (19)

Dozens of Memphis Restaurants, Organizations Show Solidarity With Black Community (20)

Dozens of Memphis Restaurants, Organizations Show Solidarity With Black Community (17)

Dozens of Memphis Restaurants, Organizations Show Solidarity With Black Community (16)

Dozens of Memphis Restaurants, Organizations Show Solidarity With Black Community (15)

Dozens of Memphis Restaurants, Organizations Show Solidarity With Black Community (13)

And others…

Dozens of Memphis Restaurants, Organizations Show Solidarity With Black Community (10)

Dozens of Memphis Restaurants, Organizations Show Solidarity With Black Community (6)

Dozens of Memphis Restaurants, Organizations Show Solidarity With Black Community (7)

Dozens of Memphis Restaurants, Organizations Show Solidarity With Black Community (8)

Dozens of Memphis Restaurants, Organizations Show Solidarity With Black Community (9)

News News Blog

Protest Responding to Deaths of George Floyd, Others Shuts Down Union

Facebook/Tami Sawyer

Police surround and arrest a protester

A protest in response to the recent deaths of black people in this country that was meant to be silent and peaceful Wednesday night escalated when counter-protesters showed up with Confederate 901 signs.

A video of the event posted to Facebook by local activist Hunter Demster shows close to 100 people gathered on Union Avenue in front of a Memphis Police Department station, protesting the recent deaths of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and George Floyd.

About 50 police cars surrounded the demonstrators, who chanted “No justice, no peace, no racist police” and “black lives matters.” On the other side of the street, a handful of counter-protesters responded with “police lives matter” chants. 

At one point the crowd kneels down repeating “I can’t breathe,” a reference to Floyd who died after a Minneapolis police officer restrained him by placing his knee on the back of Floyd’s neck for several minutes. In a viral video, Floyd can be seen telling the officer he can’t breathe several times before passing out. 

Two arrests have been made by MPD as a result of the protest.

Here is a video posted by Demster capturing a portion of tonight’s events, which are still ongoing.

Protest Responding to Deaths of George Floyd, Others Shuts Down Union

Opinion Viewpoint

Time to End Money Bail

Nationally, over half a million people are held in local jails, and a majority of them are being held pre-trial because they cannot afford their bail.

Ending the practice of money bail has garnered widespread attention in recent years. Research​ has shown that money bail does not improve public safety and does not increase the likelihood of ensuring a person’s appearance in court. Furthermore, jailing people because they cannot afford bail is essentially wealth-based detention, which violates established values of fairness, equal protection, and due process outlined in the constitution. Money bail and pre-trial detention have devastating consequences for individuals, families, and communities. When people are arrested and held on bail, they are put at risk of losing their jobs, housing, and custody of children. Moreover, people who are jailed because of the inability to post bail are often left vulnerable to accepting plea agreements as a way to get out of jail. These consequences disproportionately impact low-income communities of color.

The clear injustices of the money bail system led us to launch our End Money Bail and Pre-trial Detention Campaign in 2017, starting with our Black Mama’s Day Bail Out. Since Mother’s Day 2017, we have bailed over 30 black women and other community members out of jail and provided supportive services such as housing, job support, legal support, support with paying electricity bills, and transportation.

In Shelby County, there are more than 2,000 people who are confined to jail — these are our mamas, siblings, and caregivers. Their lives, dreams, and futures matter to us, and we know that a cage is no place for the people we love. When they are locked away in pre-trial detention awaiting their trial or for their case to be resolved, our families and communities suffer. Children miss school, bedtime stories, family dinners, and meaningful time with their parents. Communities miss out on the laughs, wisdom, and care that our caregivers provide when they are confined to jail because they do not have the money to pay for bail. Just one day in jail has a huge impact on community members and their communities.

This year will be our third year bailing out black mamas and caregivers for Mother’s Day. We focus on black women (both cis and trans) because they have continuously been victims of the vicious criminal legal system, but their experiences are often overlooked and excluded from conversations about reform. When black mamas and caregivers are taken from our communities, they are confined to jails that lack adequate mental health care, forced to eat food that lacks nutrition, and forced to sleep in overcrowded jail cells.

The criminal legal system often arrests and locks people in overcrowded jails while people are in their most vulnerable state, often destroying their dreams and what they’ve worked so hard to build. Because we know this, we are committed to doing what this system cannot and will not do: meeting the supportive services needs of our mamas and caregivers. A donation to our bail out is a donation to making sure caregivers are home with their loved ones this holiday, with the support that they need. Donations from the past have helped us provide housing, health care, transportation, and job support to community members we bail out. It is our hope that our other community members will work with us again to raise money to bail out the people who mean so much to our communities.

We are committed to fighting for the freedom and humanity of our people and creating communities where our people have their basic needs met. And in the tradition of our ancestors and elders, we are paying for each other’s freedom until bail and pre-trial detention are abolished and our government invests in our communities. We are working to redefine public safety so that it includes investment in our communities and divestment from systems and institutions that fail to keep us safe.

Our families and loved ones deserve freedom, not cages. They deserve to live in communities where public safety is an investment into stronger supportive services infrastructure and divestment from ineffective and inhumane policing, prosecution, and jails.

We invite people to join this movement by donating to our fund at Contact ​​ for more ways to get involved with our campaign to end money bail and pre-trial detention.

Shahidah Jones, Erica Perry, and Briana Perry are with the Official Black Lives Matter Memphis Chapter.

Opinion The Last Word

Immigration Struggles: What Gives You Hope?

Three weeks ago, I sat down with three inspiring folks in a panel on activism and advocacy. Chris Sanders had driven in from Nashville to represent the Tennessee Equality Project. Shahidah Jones from the Official Black Lives Matter Memphis Chapter sat to my right, and next to her was Justin Davis from the Memphis Bus Riders Union.

It felt like home, as if we were just about to have a regular conversation, the only difference being the 50 or so students sitting in rows in front of us and the fact that we were sitting next to each other instead of across a table or in a living room. Home, of course, is relative. It was not the physical elements of that space that made it home but rather the shared ánimo (energy) that I felt being in conversation with them and the students in the room, all of whom are involved in community service.

Latino Memphis

Everyone should have a reason to hope.

We covered a range of topics. Mostly, we defined activism and advocacy and were speaking on privilege, allyship, and sustainable change in order to problematize community service — because community service, particularly in higher education institutions, is often over-simplified. In other words, we are not grappling with historical and systemic conditions that create, and most importantly, sustain, inequity, but rather we engage in a short-term exchange of services through which, typically, while not intentionally, we as outsiders of xyz community are receiving greater benefits through knowledge and/or experience. All of that is to say, it was an incredible conversation that could have gone on for hours, especially given the breadth of experiences we could have pulled from through our various, intersecting backgrounds in community organizing.

One of the things that I left with that evening, that continues to linger in my mind, was this question that one of the students presented to us: What gives you hope?

I wasn’t surprised by this question. I even think that I expected it. It’s not the first time I’ve heard it asked at a panel or guest speaker event, and I would venture to say that it won’t be the last. We get asked about hope a lot. By “we,” I mean folks like the ones in the panel who are queer folks, black and brown folks, women, queer women, queer women of color, queer women of color who are immigrants, etc. The combinations of identities in just our four-person panel are probably endless if we go further into experiences shaped by race, ethnicity, gender, sex, sexual orientation, ability, and so on. But I list just a few to offer a glimpse into the intersectionality of identities that shape our experiences and thus shape the work we do in fighting against dominant systems that negate if not erase these experiences.

I think that’s why that student asked this question about hope. How do we keep pushing when there are larger structures, laws, and policies that continue to qualify structural racism and gender violence and limit our economic and physical mobility? The student didn’t add that much to the question, but that is what went on in my head and what I believe went on, if not in some form or variation, through the minds of Chris, Shahidah, and Justin.

We sat on that question for a little bit longer than the rest. The thing is, there’s no simple answer. Hope is complicated. It’s not as if we exchange our cup of coffee for a cup of hope each morning and we’re good to go. If anything, I would say that survival kicks in every hour, every day more than hope. When we lobby in Nashville, for example, it’s not because we’re passionate about politics. We understand the immediate effects that politics and policy have on the lives of people, and so we will travel miles to address immoral and unjust laws.

For the past month, both of my parents, along with about 50 volunteers in the Migration Is Beautiful group, have been getting up as early as 4 a.m. to meet refugees who have been recently released from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement detention centers. Each day, they’re gathering and organizing supplies and resources for individuals, adults, families, and children who come into Memphis on Greyhound buses, many who haven’t had a real meal in days and are ill-equipped for cold temperatures. Folks in the Migration Is Beautiful group are responding to a crisis created by unstable refugee and asylum policies with no foreseeable end in sight.

While hope motivates many, the immediate response to this crisis is to offer support as much as possible for people to make it through in a healthy and safe way to the next city in their stops.

These action and response movements that exist locally, nationally, and internationally aren’t rooted as simply passions, extracurricular activities, or hobbies for people who are in some way connected to communities that consistently are under attack. This is about surviving this day in order to see the next. This is the ánimo that carries us.

Aylen Mercado is a brown, queer, Latinx chingona and Memphian pursuing an Urban Studies and Latin American and Latinx Studies degree at Rhodes College.