Food & Wine Food & Drink

Bring Your Favorite Bar Home During Quarantine

Wooooo boy, ain’t we in the throes of it now? Feels like it was just last week when my assignment was simply to go to a bar and let y’all know that service is good and drinks are delicious. Well, shit’s changed, and frankly, it’s our duty to change with it. So let’s go to a bar, virtual-style.

I’ve not been able to go to an actual bar (because quarantine is the responsible thing to do, son!), so I’ve explored many options, including delivery, curbside service, and controlled irresponsibility, which is a thing you do with Clorox wipes, growlers, and general intelligence.

Unless you have written it off because your best friend from high school is an anti-vaxxer or your in-laws are trying to friend you, Facebook has been an astoundingly solid resource for restaurants and bars doing some cool stuff. Most any restaurant that you call is willing to make you drinks to-go, offer wines at a discount, or at least try to offload their selection of beer. They mostly let their deals be known on Facebook, so ignore the friend request from your mother-in-law and check out a menu.

“I don’t have the Facebook!” Neat. You can still navigate to the page and see their specials, you catastrophic moron.

Buster’s Liquors & Wines is doing curbside pick-up from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Place an order by 5:30 p.m. and patiently wait outside, and they’ll bring it to you. This is a great option if you haven’t begun drinking yet but plan to before the sun goes down. Shake up some local vodka and a squeeze from a lime you got from the Blue Monkey walk-in cooler. Log into Google Hangouts and play Jackbox with friends.

Photographs by Justin Fox Burks

Wiseacre Brewing Co. is doing delivery. I recommend ordering a couple six-packs of Ananda between 1 and 6 p.m., tipping the person who drops it off, and pressure-washing your driveway with your roommates. If there’s any left over, wipe it down real nice with some industrial wipes you got from Highbar Trading and offer it to the gentleman walking his dog down the street. Afterward, settle down on the couch and have a Zoom conference with all your friends that don’t have a pressure washer. Rub it in their faces.

Justin Fox Burks

Drinking local with hurricanes in pouches from Bayou Bar & Grill.

It sure is nice outside! Use the weather to your advantage and walk to your neighborhood watering hole. Mine is Bayou Bar & Grill, which is doing take-out from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily. Things you can get include incredibly cheap growler fill-ups (especially if you’re in their Mug Club) and drinks in pouches. Because it’s spring break, I opted for a couple hurricanes in pouches and a growler of a local IPA, which I then drank in my front yard as I yelled about the nuances of flight patterns during a pandemic.

Not to be outdone, Slider Inn is doing car bombs to-go, which include a pouch of Guinness and a ramekin of Jameson and Irish cream liqueur. This is great if you want to find out what it’s like to drop a plastic ramekin into a plastic pouch and drink it as fast as you can while watching 30 Rock for the millionth time and playing Hearts on the computer with the people living with you. You get extra points if you then order curbside delivery of a locally owned restaurant and tip outlandishly. My selections the past few days? Bari, Tamboli’s, Huey’s, Young Avenue Deli, Restaurant Iris, Casablanca, and Little Italy.

You know the best part about being asked to stay at home and stop the spread of a lethal virus? First off, it’s responsible at-home consumption of booze acquired from local restaurants, but the second-best thing is camaraderie. No, I’m not advising having a damn parade with children and spit-covered instruments marching through a neighborhood (get your shit together, Central Gardens!). I’m talking about all of us being in this together. And together, we can support our local establishments and, of course, safely consume booze off-premises and in the comfort of our meticulously clean living rooms and/or porches, or really anywhere you can pour a tall one. Cheers to staying safe, everyone.

Food & Wine Food & Drink

A Peek Into Bars’ Lost and Founds

So, apparently, one night or day (who knows?) somebody up and left their shoes at the Buccaneer. Interestingly enough, the shoes abandoned at the Bucc are Bucks, in classic taupe. The owner may have been drunk. Maybe he had flip flops on and was going to change into the Bucks. Maybe he was the one who brought the pillow in and left his bike helmet, too. Justin Fox Burks suggests that the pillow was for a drum set, but I like to imagine something far less logical.

All of this, of course, is mere speculation, gathered from the beery anthropology pit of the bar’s lost and found box, which in this case is a lost and found booth as well as a lost and found closet/office (“cloffice,” we are told).

Justin Fox Burks

Candice Corum at the Buccaneer in the “cloffice”

A couple weeks ago I lost my wallet, and then I found my wallet. Somewhere in between, I called the Blue Monkey where I had lunch and am told they don’t have it. Desperately, I described the wallet, as if mere adjectives will conjure it up. “Oh, honey,” the woman on the phone told me, “all we’ve got are sunglasses and car keys.” This made me laugh because I figured this was true of all lost and found boxes. So I decided to check.

And, yes indeed, there are a lot of glasses (the Bayou has the most stylish) and car keys. (We even had reports of cars “lost” at two places.) Somebody left meds at Alex’s (nothing fun, we checked) and yet another person left a full cosmetics bag. If you can’t find your phone charger or music stand, you might check Murphy’s.

Justin Fox Burks

Benny Carter at Murphy’s

But mostly, it’s clothes — an array of shirts and jackets and sweaters and scarves. There is a swell tie with whales on it at Alex’s. At the Buccaneer, beyond the shoes, we unearth sweaters and jackets and a sweet-looking scarf. At Murphy’s, there’s a cool vintage leather jacket, a North Face jacket, and tons of sweaters and shirts.

It was also at Murphy’s where we witness an amazing reunion. “That’s my umbrella,” a man says. But then he comes over to the pile of lost and found stuff and picks up the umbrella, looks it over, and decides, “That’s not mine.”

News The Fly-By

Fly-By Flashback

Some things never change. The story former Flyer reporter Paul Gerald wrote in November 1994 about Janis Fullilove getting drunk and fighting with her husband could well have been written yesterday.

But, in some respects, Memphis is a very different place today than it was 25 years ago when the first Flyer rolled off the presses. We’ve scoured through the Fly-By sections (our news section, which used to be called City Reporter) in issues of the Memphis Flyer from the past 25 years to bring you a cross-section of news coverage to demonstrate how things have changed and how they’ve stayed the same. What follows are excerpts from those stories.

February 20, 1992

Riverboat Gambling in Memphis “Dead”

Riverboat gambling in Memphis, at least for now, is “dead,” according to Senator Steve Cohen.

Stillborn may be more like it. A state attorney general’s opinion that a constitutional prohibition on lotteries also applies to slot machines makes the issue moot, says Cohen. The constitution, of course, can be changed, but that takes some doing.

Riverboat gambling has replaced horse racing as the latest gambling fad in Mississippi, Iowa, Illinois, and other states. While Memphis would seem to have a leg up with its riverfront, music tradition, Mud Island, and other downtown tourist attractions, the idea of riverboat gambling hasn’t caught fire here despite support of the city administration and The Commercial Appeal. — John Branston

June 11, 1992

The Naked Truth

If you missed the comic strip “Outland” in Sunday’s Commercial Appeal, it’s because the paper — the same one that brought you editorial cartoons of gay soldiers wearing fishnet hose a couple of weeks ago — refused to run it because they found it offensive.

CA arts and entertainment editor John Sparks explains, “One panel showed a naked man’s rear … and we thought it was inappropriate for our family comic section.” — Richard Banks

August 6, 1992

Fred Smith Thinks Memphis Will Get NFL Team

Stay the course, Memphis. And we might just get a National Football League team when the NFL expands by two teams, possibly in the fall.

That’s the advice and prediction of Federal Express Chairman and President Frederick. W. Smith, who has been involved one way or another in the city’s chase for an NFL team for more than 15 years.

“I think we’re going to get it. I really do,” Smith told the Flyer Monday.

“We’ve got an NFL-quality stadium that’s paid for,” Smith said, adding that it is at least as good as the Tampa Bay Buccanneers’ stadium, which is a model of the Liberty Bowl. — John Branston

August 18, 1994

Grisham’s Empire Grows

With apparently no new worlds left to conquer, novelist John Grisham Jr. has turned publishing magnate. He’s made a substantial investment in the Oxford American, a critically acclaimed but finacially strapped literary magazine based in Grisham’s hometown of Oxford, Mississippi. 

Already notable for its ability to persuade the South’s best writers — such as Eudora Welty, Barry Hannah, Roy Blount Jr., and Larry Brown — to contribute material for little or no remunerations, The Oxford American now plans to use its greatly increased  resources to evolve into a full-scale national magazine, with bi-monthly publication, a full-time staff, expanded departments, and an advertising budget. Money appears to be no object — especially since Grisham  was reportedly paid at least $6 million last week (another industry record) for the movie rights to his first novel, A Time to Kill

Debbie Gilbert

August 25, 1994

Conditions at Mud Island Pool Questioned

Visitors to Mud Island River Park could swim in the Gulf of Mexico pool in the early ’90s, but a Flyer investigation found the pool was in operation without chlorine.

The largest swimming pool in the state of Tennessee — which happens to be within sight of city hall — has on at least three occasions this summer been in operation without any detectable chlorine in the water. Additionally, the head lifeguard at Mud Island said systematic neglect has led to a generally unhealthy situation surrounding the pool. 

Denise Thomas, 19, in her third season at Mud Island, said she has been aware for most of the summer that the chlorination system was not working properly at the 1.5-million-gallon pool. She said she voiced her concerns to superiors but received no answers.

The Memphis Flyer took water from the pool on August 12th and had the sample tested at Memphis Pool Supply Inc. at 2762 Getwell Road. The sample showed zero amounts of chlorine.

Thomas recalled an incident earlier this month when a 4-year-old boy suddenly dropped his trunks and began urinating in the pool. 

“I don’t mean to be gross,” Thomas said, “but all little kids pee in pools.” —Dennis Freeland

September 15, 1994

Tom Lee Park Finally Nearing Completion

After years of planning, several construction delays, and one landslide, Tom Lee Park is starting to take shape. Within a month or so, it should actually look like a park, with trees, walkways, scenic overlooks, sod, a sprinkler system, and a pedestrian bridge over Riverside Drive at Ashburn-Coppock Park.

The final product, which should be pretty much complete by next year’s Memphis In May festival, will give Memphis one of the biggest and prettiest parks on the Mississippi River. — John Branston

November 10, 1994

Hockey Fans Boo Herenton

The Mississippi RiverKings used to be based in Memphis.

Hockey fans solidified their reputation for boorish behavior at the Memphis RiverKings home opener by lustily booing Mayor W. W. Herenton when he was introduced before the game.

Herenton and other guests, including Shelby County Mayor Jim Rout, the RiverKings mascot, and Mid-South Coliseum officials arrived on the ice in a stretch limousine, and the booing came from more than a few of the more than 7,000 fans.

The sad thing is that Herenton was going out of his way to show a little support for the three-year-old Memphis team and a sport, which, understandably, is not exactly close to his heart. —John Branston

November 24, 1994

Trouble Befalls Janis Fullilove

WMC radio talk-show host Janis Fullilove was arrested for drunk driving early Tuesday morning by Memphis police officers. According to the police report, Fullilove, 44, ran four red lights with a police car in pursuit and registered .19 on a breathalyzer test. 

The report said Fullilove was “obviously intoxicated” when she got out of her car and was “talkative but crying uncontrollably at times.” She was taken to the Shelby County Jail.

On October 29th, Memphis police answered a domestic violence call at Fullilove’s residence at 3985 Old Getwell. According to a police memo, Fullilove, whose full name is Janis Fullilove Chalmers, was intoxicated when officers arrived at her house. Fullilove’s husband, Vernon Chalmers, told police his wife was “pregnant and highly intoxicated” and upset over his taking her car to work. —Paul Gerald

May 9, 1996

Kenneth Neill

Want A Free Flyer? One Dollar, Please

When it comes to tourists downtown, it’s not that there’s a sucker born every minute, it’s that many of the old suckers have never visited Memphis before. 

The large tourist population has given a way for panhandlers to make money on Beale Street and along the Main Street Mall. But forget cleaning car windows with squeegees. That makes you look too pushy. And forget straight begging. That’s too demeaning. Plus you have to get a permit. 

Instead, look enterprising by taking stacks of the Memphis Flyer from racks and selling them to tourists who don’t see the word “Free” printed in small letters underneath the publication’s logo until after they’ve given out a dollar or two. 

“In a way, we’re flattered to think that people would value our product enough to pay for it,” says Flyer publisher Kenneth Neill, who has been approached himself by panhandlers hoping to sell him copies of his own newspaper. “But we hope by now everyone knows the Flyer is free.” — Phil Campbell

June 12, 1997

Phase One of Riverfront Project to Begin This Fall

The 1997-1998 state budget allocated $7 million to Memphis for riverfront development, which means construction can begin later this year along the Mississippi River downtown. But whether Memphis gets the deluxe version of the limited edition depends on the federal government’s willingness to contribute additional funding. 

According to Benny Lendermon, the city’s public works director, it will take about $35 million to construct the entire project envisioned by Mayor W. W. Herenton and other riverfront supporters. 

Plans call for a paved, lighted walking/biking path running from Tom Lee Park to the new visitors center just south of The Pyramid; renovation of the historic cobblestones; and a floating boardwalk with boat-rental concessions at the water’s edge. Beale Street would be extended west to connect with the southern tip of Mud Island, closing off that end of the harbor, and a dam a little farther north, near the visitors center, would enclose the space to create a 30-acre lake for public use. — Debbie Gilbert

April 30, 1998

In 1998, Memphis hosted the annual Association of Alternative Newsweeklies (AAN) Convention, a trade event for papers like the Memphis Flyer. While he was here, the editor of the Albuquerque newsweekly was kidnapped.

Editor’s Attackers Are Awaiting Trial

Michael Henningsen can’t forget Amnesia. And Alexius Montgomery and James Gilmore probably won’t either.

At the end of September, Montgomery pleaded guilty to kidnapping and assaulting Henningsen, a senior editor of an Albuquerque newsweekly. The journalist was in Memphis for the annual convention of the Association of Alternative Newsweeklies hosted by the Flyer. After getting out of his car in Amnesia’s parking lot on Poplar, Henningsen was attacked by Gilmore and Montgomery, who allegedly struck him in the head with a chunk of asphalt and shoved him into the trunk of his rental car. The men drove him to an ATM, beat him again, and made him take money from his account. The alleged kidnappers then drove to Mississippi where a high-speed chase with police eventually ended in a car wreck in Memphis. Henningsen was in the trunk of the car, but was uninjured in the crash. He was hospitalized briefly for head injuries.

Henningsen has a wry sense of humor about the incident — the 6’4″ editor was quoted in the Flyer as saying that the next time he rents a car it’s going to be a vehicle with a larger trunk. But the crime has taken a toll on him emotionally. — Ashley Fantz

September 3, 1998

Curbside Program Still a Work in Progress

The city of Memphis has launched an advertising blitz urging people to recycle, but at least a few Memphians have complained that their curbside recycling bins aren’t getting emptied.

“It’s discouraging when we hear things like this,” says city recycling coordinator Andy Ashford, who acknowledges the system isn’t perfect yet. “As massive as this change has been, there have been problems.

“For a city this size, we need to be doing about twice what we’re doing now [in the percentage of residents who participate in recycling],” he says.

Debbie Gilbert

November 19, 1999

Bars, Restaurants Come, Go

Going into just its third week of operation, the Blue Monkey, next door to Molly’s La Casita at 1999 Madison, is a hit with Midtown barflies. Chief among its attractions are the gourmet pizzas and the lovingly restored 100-year-old wood bar. But the Monkey had better enjoy the attention in light of some recent and upcoming changes in the city’s nightlife.

Downtown Memphis will have two new dance clubs in the coming months. Along Cotton Row at 94 S. Front … work is almost done on the Zoo, a five-story nightclub that will feature dining and dancing.

Meanwhile, developers associated with the departed Neon Moon are working on refurbishing the Lonesome Dove, an under-utilized Western-themed party room at 395 S. Second. — Mark Jordan

December 12, 1999

Library Doomed

The Main Library at Peabody and McLean is not long for this world. The city council has decided the building would be too expensive to maintain as a branch library after the new central library opens on Poplar Avenue. Instead, the old building will be torn down and replaced with private housing. — Heather Heilman

May 13, 2002

Prince Mongo’s house on Colonial

By the Book

For anyone wanting to imitate the decor of Prince Mongo’s Colonial Acres home, as initially reported in last week’s Flyer, city officials say it is your choice.

The “palace” of the prince (real name: Robert Hodges), at 925 Colonial, includes such front-yard amenities as animal heads, Halloween decorations, streamers, and a “bean poll” to pick your least-favorite politician.

“Every day, it’s something different,” says Jennifer Tobias, who lives in the neighborhood. “He currently has a collection of white chairs in the yard, and last Saturday, a group of elderly people came and sat in the chairs all day long. I don’t know what he was trying to say with that. We don’t want him to define the neighborhood.”

But Tobias and other residents can complain about Mongo’s antics until they’re blue in the face. According to the Building Department of Code Enforcement, homeowners can decorate their property as they see fit. — Janel Davis

Going Down in Germantown

The national tour of playwright Eve Ensler’s bona fide phenomenon The Vagina Monologues opens at the Germantown Performing Arts Centre on June 25th with Margot Kidder as the star vagina. Although Ensler’s play — and the movement to end violence against women that has grown up around it — is now seven years old and has been produced by over 800 companies worldwide in the past year alone, the surprisingly clinical name still carries a certain amount of shock value. A recent letter to The Commercial Appeal from an angry Germantown woman even declared The Vagina Monologues to be the work of Satan.

“This happens in every town the show goes to,” Ensler says. “How can anybody think of the vagina as Satan? What do vaginas represent? Life. It’s where we come from.” — Chris Davis

July 26, 2002

Last year, the Midtown Stewart Brothers closed its doors for good. They still blamed the Madison trolley line for their demise.

MATA vs. Madison

“Business has picked up some, but we are still down by at least a full 25 percent,” says James Dempsey Sr., owner of Stewart Brothers’ Hardware, which has operated at the corner of Madison and Cleveland since 1937. “I get calls from people every day saying that they were going to come down but they just think it’s too hazardous.”

And just why do people think it’s too hazardous?

Because in spite of efforts to keep Stewart Brothers’ parking lot open to the public, trolley construction has made driving down Madison an “extremely confusing and frustrating situation.” — Chris Davis

January 27, 2005

Marching in Memphis

About 25 people are standing at the northeast corner of Poplar and Highland holding signs that read, “No War” and “Not One Billionaire Left Behind,” waiting for the Mid-South Peace & Justice Center’s inauguration-day protest march to begin. A middle-aged man and two younger women are learning how to make a giant papier-mâché dove — with bedsheet wings — appear to fly, while others are walking around passing out peace bracelets.

“We’re here today to make sure Memphis is aware that there are still people out there who, despite what mandates Bush thinks he has, don’t agree with his policies, and we’re going to actively, nonviolently defy them,” says Jacob Flowers, director of the Mid-South Peace & Justice Center.

Bianca Phillips

July 26, 2006

Identifying Jane Doe

The Mall of Memphis operated in the Bluff City from 1981 to 2003 and was demolished in 2004.

The building may be demolished, but the Mall of Murder is still living up to its nickname.

After two skeletons were found at the former Mall of Memphis site earlier this month, medical examiner Karen Chancellor was charged with identifying the victims and their causes of death.

The first skeleton, discovered by groundskeepers, is still unidentified at press time, but the second set of remains — discovered by police two days after the first body was found — was identified as 49-year-old Kathy Higginbotham.

Higginbotham was reported missing last November after her daughter dropped her off near Perkins and Knight Arnold. She was never seen alive again. — Bianca Phillips

August 3, 2006

Marijuana, Munchies, and Money

A supreme pizza and a bag of weed can make a pothead’s day. And it’s an even tastier deal when the entire purchase can be made with a debit card.

The Little Caesars on Byhalia Road in Collierville must have seemed like a dream for hourly employee — and alleged marijuana dealer — Steven Barton. But since the Collierville Police Department (CPD) busted Barton in June, the situation has become a nightmare for Little Caesars franchise owner Martin Mathews.

After Barton’s arrest on June 15th, the restaurant’s operating account was placed on hold by Collierville Judge William Hall. That’s because, on at least one occasion, Barton ran a debit card for someone’s marijuana purchase, taking $12 in cash from the Little Caesars cash register. Since funds from Barton’s pot sales were mixed in with the Little Caesars account, almost $240,000 was seized as drug money.

Bianca Phillips

July 5, 2007

Sign of the Times

In 2004, 15-year-old Westside High School student Tarus Williams wanted to be a member of G-Unit, a small student-led gang. But in order to gain entry, Williams had to fight another member in the school bathroom.

Williams never joined the gang. During the fight, his heart ruptured after he was thrown into a bathroom stall.

Such fights ­— along with an increase in citywide gang violence — have led to a tougher anti-gang policy for Memphis City Schools (MCS). Starting this fall, students caught wearing gang colors, throwing gang signs, or participating in any type of gang activity will face expulsion. — Bianca Phillips

September 20, 2007

On Camera

In the movies, prison visits often end as visitors and inmates place their palms on either side of a glass panel separating convicts from the public. But as of last month, male inmates at the Shelby County Jail are no longer able to get so close to loved ones.

These days, jail visitors talk to inmates through a computer monitor. Thirty video visitation stations have been installed in housing units at the 201 Poplar facility, and another 31 will be operational soon.

“As opposed to moving inmates a few floors, now they can move a few steps to talk on a computer monitor that connects them instantly to a family member or attorney,” says Steve Shular, a spokesperson for the Shelby County Sheriff’s Office. “Every time you take an inmate out of a cell and move him off the floor, that movement creates a potential safety issue,” Shular says.

Bianca Phillips

March 25, 2010

Fire Sale

On January 4th, 66-year-old Johnny L. Wicks opened fire outside a Las Vegas courthouse, killing a security guard and wounding a U.S. marshal. His weapon? A Mossberg 500 shotgun confiscated by the Shelby County Sheriff’s Office several years ago.

The sheriff’s office traded the gun, along with about 1,000 other confiscated weapons, to a registered gun dealer in 2005 in exchange for new service weapons, a year before Sheriff Mark Luttrell instituted a policy to destroy all confiscated guns. But a new state law that went into effect March 3rd requires the sheriff’s office to reverse that policy and resale or trade any guns taken from criminals. With the new law, the only weapons that can be destroyed are those that are damaged in some way. — Bianca Phillips

Mario Jackson & Keshun Douglas

July 15, 2010

Great Escape

Memphians Keshun Douglas and Mario Jackson might not know one another, but they have more than a few things in common: They’re both 23 years old, both were charged with felonies, and until last week, the men were being held at jails or prisons in Shelby County. Now both men are on the run.

In separate incidents in two days, Douglas and Jackson managed to break free from guards at the Regional Medical Center of Memphis, commonly known as the Med.

On Wednesday, July 7th, Douglas, who was serving time for property theft at the Shelby County Corrections Center, snuck out of a prison transport van while six other inmates were being unloaded in front of the Med. Douglas was being taken to the hospital’s prison ward for lab work.

The following day, Jackson was in the Med’s prison ward when he overpowered two Shelby County corrections deputies. Jackson, who was arrested on charges of aggravated kidnapping, aggravated robbery, and aggravated burglary, escaped after a trip to the restroom.

Both men remained at large at press time, and both incidents are being investigated. — Bianca Phillips

Sing All Kinds We Recommend

Sound Advice: Patrick Dodd at the Blue Monkey on Saturday

Dodd + Monkey = GO!

Best of Memphis Special Sections

Best of Nightlife

Alex Harrison

For a long time, people went to Earnestine & Hazel’s for another kind of box. But now that it’s no longer a brothel, they go there for the jukebox and its selection of classic Motown, blues, jazz, and soul. It goes great with a Soul Burger.

The category “Best Pick-Up Joint” is a fount for interesting
responses. To wit: There were two votes for No Regrets Tattoo
Emporium (second-place winner of “Best Tattoo Parlor” in Goods &
Services). “I always did well at Young Avenue Deli,” one voter
helpfully responded. 201 Poplar got a vote, as did a couple of
places that were too disturbing (and potentially illegal) to include
here. For the voter who entered ”You tell me,” see below.

Justin Fox Burks

Minglewood Hall, 1st place: ‘Best Place To See Live Music’

Best Place to See Live Music

1. Minglewood Hall

2. Hi-Tone Café

3. Mud Island Amphitheatre

Minglewood Hall, located in the old Strings & Things building on
Madison, bounced onto the Memphis music scene with a bang. Boasting a
massive seating area, a fancy raised stage, and plenty of room for
dancing or headbangin’, Minglewood is Midtown’s largest rock venue in
decades. Since opening in February, Minglewood has hosted MGMT, Gwar,
Lucinda Williams, and Of Montreal. Expect plenty more huge acts in the
years to come.

Best Local Band

1. The Dempseys

2. The Sheriffs of Nottingham

3. Lucero

This unique local rockabilly trio is no stranger to fame. Members
Joe Fick, Brad Birkedahl, and Ron Perrone portrayed Johnny Cash’s
back-up band in the 2005 biopic Walk the Line. They even
performed for Japanese prime minister Junichiro Koizumi when he was in
town with President George W. Bush in 2006. So it should come as no
surprise that these local faves placed number one in the Best of
Memphis poll.

Best Local Singer

1. Amy LaVere

2. Harlan T. Bobo

3. Valerie June

Amy LaVere’s trademark Southern twang, accented by the deep rumble
of her upright bass, has made her an unforgettable staple on the
Memphis music scene. She entered the Bluff City in the early ’90s as
part of the Nashville-based Gabe & Amy Show, but she quickly broke
free, establishing her own place in a scene deficient in rootsy
Americana music. These days, she’s all over the place — Craig
Brewer films, the Americana Music Conference, the Austin City Limits
Festival, and tons of local gigs in bars across the city.

Best Karaoke

1. Windjammer Restaurant & Lounge

2. Yosemite Sam’s

3. P&H Café

Despite the tragic shooting of DJ Donald Munsey last year, karaoke
lovers still tout this bar as the best place in Memphis to sing along
to their favorite tunes.

Best Hole in the Wall

1. Earnestine & Hazel’s

2. P&H Café

3. Alex’s

Downstairs, this ages-old bar offers pool, a generous dance floor,
and a jukebox loaded with the classics. Upstairs, curious customers can
explore the rooms that once played host to ladies of the night during
the building’s brothel days. Thankfully, the whole place is very dimly
lit. The sheer age of the building, doubled with years of serving
greasy burgers, gives the place a dingy vibe. Of course, isn’t that
what makes dive bars so special?

Best College Hangout

1. Newby’s

2. RP Tracks

3. Blue Monkey

Newby’s bills itself as the “college bar you never graduate from.”
Truer words have never been spoken. This roomy Highland Strip hangout
attracts an even mix of University of Memphis students, college grads,
and likely a few college dropouts. The crowds gather to hear live
music, play pool, watch the game, or down Newby’s energy cocktail: the
Rock Star.

Justin Fox Burks

Tara White, 1st place: ‘Best Bartender’

Best Bartender

1. Tara White at Celtic Crossing

2. Brian “Skinny” McCabe at Newby’s

3. Brad Pitts at Bari — tie

Michael Luckey at Ciao Bello

Every Monday night at Celtic Crossing, beer lovers descend on the
tiny Midtown pub for $2.50 drafts. Despite the shoulder-to-shoulder
crowds, bartender Tara White manages all the drink orders on her own.
With 15 years experience in bartending, White knows what she’s doing.
Co-workers describe her as a “high-volume bartender” with a loyal

Best After-Hours Club

1. Earnestine & Hazel’s

2. Blue Monkey

3. Alex’s

After a night of sipping wine and gazing at local art on the South
Main trolley tour each month, patrons cram into this downtown dive for
a cold beer and a Soul Burger. Though it’s not open any later than many
downtown bars, Earnestine & Hazel’s makes for the perfect gathering
place after a Beale Street blues show.

Best Pick-up Joint

1. Peabody Rooftop

2. Flying Saucer

3. Blue Monkey

Patrons dressed to impress, a steady flow of cocktails, and live
music to dance to set the stage for seduction at the Peabody’s rooftop

Best “Cougar” Bar

1. Spindini

2. T.J. Mulligan’s

3. Blue Monkey

Mature ladies on the prowl know they can find hot young hunks at
this South Main restaurant. Spindini boasts upscale dining and
signature cocktails. It’s the kind of place you don’t frequent unless
you’ve got some cash to plop down, making it even more conducive to
attracting young professional men. Ladies, don your best animal print
cami, order a glass of Caldora Pecorino, and reel ’em in. Roar!

Best Beer Selection

BOM 1. Flying Saucer

2. Boscos Squared

3. Young Avenue Deli

Um, duh. Of course the Flying Saucer was voted “Best Beer
Selection.” With more than 200 beers on tap, both the downtown and
Cordova locations have a huge leg over the competition. Need a pale
ale? Check. How about a lager? Got it. Sample trays of beers from
around the world? No problem. Beer and cheese pairings? Got it.

Justin Fox Burks

Peabody Lobby Bar, 1st place: ‘Best Place To Get a Martini’

Best Place To Get a Martini

1. Peabody Lobby Bar

2. Side Street Bar & Grill

3. Beauty Shop

Not only does this historic Memphis hotel serve a tasty dirty
martini, it offers some of the best downtown people-watching. Order a
‘tini and plop down in a comfy chair in the hotel lobby. You won’t even
need a friend to chat with or a newspaper to scan. Just watch the
tourists and rooftop partygoers as they amble about the hotel.

Best Place To Get a Margarita

1. Molly’s La Casita

2. Happy Mexican

3. Café Ole

Molly’s La Casita is a Midtown institution when it comes to Mexican
food, so it’s only fitting their margaritas would find a place, as

Best Happy Hour

1. Chili’s Grill & Bar

2. Flying Saucer

3. Boscos Squared

Okay, yes, Chili’s is a chain restaurant. But if that’s a problem,
you just need to get over it, because their happy hour is two-for-one
and it lasts all day. And you don’t even have to ask. Finish one drink,
and before you even nod at the bartender, there’s another.

Best Dance Club

1. Hollywood Disco

2. Club 152 Beale

3. Backstreet

Is it the light-up dance floor? The lone pole in the corner? The
smoke machines? All of it. It’s the Hollywood Disco

Best Place To Shoot Pool

1. Fox & Hound English Tavern

2. Young Avenue Deli

3. RP Billiards

Want a casual place to make a nice, clean break? According to
Flyer readers, the Fox & Hound English Tavern is the place
to go for eight-ball, nine-ball, and all sorts of billiards. Fox &
Hound has good grub, multiple pay-by-the-hour tables, and a full bar.
What more do you need? Just remember to call your pocket.

Best Sports Bar

1. Fox & Hound English Tavern

2. Buffalo Wild Wings

3. T.J. Mullligan’s

Maybe it’s because our readers consider pool a sport, or maybe it’s
because of all the televisions. Either way, the Fox & Hound is also
the “Best Sports Bar.”

Best Gay Bar

1. Backstreet

2. The Pumping Station

3. Metro

Backstreet has been our readers’ fave for years, but don’t try to go
right now. The Midtown bar was closed at the beginning of September
after a police operation uncovered gambling and the unlawful sale of
alcohol. At press time, the court date for Backstreet owner Shane Trice
had been re-scheduled, but he’s vowed that the club will reopen.

Best New Bar

1. Bardog Tavern

2. Silly Goose

3. Dru’s Place — tie

Paula and Raiford’s Disco

Sometimes you just want to sit and stay. Bardog is a perfect place
to do just that. A new favorite downtown, Bardog is a two-story bar
with a neighborhood feel, an Italian-influenced menu, and a cute

Food & Wine Food & Drink

Energy In, Energy Out

If you’re wondering why it took so long to reopen the downtown Blue Monkey after it burned down in 2005, consider this: How would you recreate the charm and character of a historic building in a commercial strip mall first built as a garage for buses?

Factor in runaway construction costs and do-it-yourself remodeling, and you’ll understand why Mike Johnson talks about his newest restaurant with gratitude and a touch of disbelief.

“My head’s spinning a little,” he says after the restaurant’s first week. “It’s taken us two-and-a-half years because we didn’t want to slap something together. We think it was worth the wait.”

Originally, Johnson and partners Butch Jordan, Glenn Delashmit, and George Bogy planned to build a new two-story restaurant with a rooftop deck and basement wine cellar at the original site at the corner of South Front Street and G.E. Patterson. Instead, they decided to renovate the building next door when Alice’s Urban Market and Blue Sky Couriers didn’t renew their leases.

Under the direction of designer Joe Hornych, a key player since the first Blue Monkey opened in Midtown in 1999, the newest Monkey evolved into a comfortable but more refined version of the original. Still dominant are a trolley theme (the gold and red exterior paint, for instance, duplicates the city’s trolley-car colors) and a creative use of recycled materials.

Glance up and notice the wall of Petrón tequila bottles backlit by blue neon. Look around the ladies’ room at wallpaper and wainscot made from wine labels and wine crates. And then, of course, there are the bottle corks, richly stained by Cabernets or Merlots and fashioned into murals, wall trim, and a back bar the size and shape of a Memphis trolley.

Johnson figures the bar includes at least 10,000 corks donated by friends, family, and area restaurants such as McEwen’s on Monroe, Ruth’s Chris Steak House, and Encore. “We like the feel of cork,” he says, “and we don’t like throwing anything away.”

While the new Blue Monkey is larger, seating 120 people, the menu is almost unchanged and still caters to a busy, plate-lunch crowd.

Many of the original downtown Monkey employees are back, as well, including the entire bar staff. “We are an example of what can happen when a lot of great people come together,” Johnson says. “We’ve had customers return bricks from the burned building that they picked up as souvenirs. It’s been amazing.”

What hasn’t shown up yet is the restaurant’s antique trolley bell, stolen after the fire along with a few cases of whiskey.

“I know that bell is hanging in somebody’s loft,” Hornych says, with a smile. “I’m hoping that one day when they’re in here drinking, they’ll feel guilty and bring it back.”

The Blue Monkey, 529 S. Front (527-6665)

At Calhoun’s Sports Bar, owner Max Lawhon is turning a negative (trademark problems) into a positive (let’s play the name game).

A few weeks ago, Lawhon learned that Calhoun’s is also the name of a restaurant chain in East Tennessee and a legal challenge to his downtown neighborhood bar on G.E. Patterson, which opened on New Year’s Eve.

“We’re deciding on a course of action,” Lawhon says, “but we’re also trying to have a little fun and get our customers involved with finding a new name.”

Already, several pages of suggestions scribbled in blue ink and purple Sharpie fill a clipboard left on Calhoun’s bar.

“A lot of drunk people like to write stupid things,” says bartender Lauren Williams, laughing. She points out “Shane’s Bar,” “Bob’s Bar,” and “Cal’s Bar” (all regulars) and the lone literary standout, “Max’s: Where the Wild Things Are.”

“My favorite so far,” Williams says, “is ‘The Bar (formerly known as Calhoun’s).'”

For his part, Lawhon still favors his original choice because Calhoun’s is straightforward, friendly, and the original street name for G.E. Patterson.

“It took us forever to come up with a name,” Lawhon recalls. “Finally, a marketing guy suggested Calhoun’s, but he neglected to tell us it was trademarked.”

Think you can do better than “Calhouna” or “Downtown Dugout”? Then stop by and give it a try. The bar is open seven days a week from 4:30 p.m. to 3 a.m., except on game days. “Then we open at 11 o’clock in the morning,” Lawhon says.

Calhoun’s (for now), 115 G.E. Patterson (528-8600)

Food & Wine Food & Drink

What a Site

Craig Blondis and Roger Sapp, owners of Central BBQ, are getting ready to open a second location. It’s the same name, same concept, same food just in a different part of town and much, much bigger.

Blondis and Sapp are taking the new Central BBQ to the next level by transforming the former Red Lobster on Summer into a barbecue paradise. The restaurant can seat 200 people, and the kitchen, part of which will be designated for catering, appears to be larger than all of Central BBQ number one. Inside, you’ll find a bar that serves beer and wine, flat-screen televisions, and a labyrinth of booths and tables.

Another holdover, besides the food and name, is the ordering system. You walk up to the counter, place your order, take a number, and find a seat. Then you’ll wait for the food runner to bring you your goodies.

Central BBQ is open 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. Friday and Saturday.

Central BBQ, 2249 Central (272-9371), 4375 Summer (767-4672)

For those of you who’ve been waiting for the Blue Monkey downtown to rise from the ashes, it’s not going to happen. Instead of rebuilding the pub at G.E. Patterson and Front, where the building was destroyed by fire in September 2005, Mike Johnson and his partners have decided to go with Plan B. Blue Monkey is moving into the space that once housed Alice’s Urban Market and eventually expanding into the Blue Sky Couriers space.

“It looks like the guys from Blue Sky are looking for a bigger place and won’t renew their lease,” says Johnson. “We just don’t know when that’s going to happen. So for right now we started renovations on the side that’s vacant but hope to have the whole thing up before Memphis In May.”

“The whole thing” — Alice’s and Blue Sky — is about 3,500 square feet, a bit bigger than the former Blue Monkey location.

Blue Monkey, 513 S. Front Street (527-6665)

The first Jim ‘N Nick’s Bar-B-Q was opened in Birmingham in 1985 by father and son Jim and Nick Pihakes. Jim recently passed away and has left Nick the task of making a legendary barbecue restaurant “world famous.” Toward that end, the 19th Jim ‘N Nick’s just opened on Germantown Parkway.

While you can find Jim ‘N Nick’s in Georgia, Alabama, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Colorado, it’s still a family-owned enterprise that prides itself on quality ingredients and food that goes straight from “pit to plate.”

“Southern hospitality and foods made from scratch are something we emphasize here,” says general manager Stephen Williams. “The restaurant doesn’t have a freezer, so you know that everything here is really, really fresh.”

Jim ‘N Nick’s Bar-B-Q is open 10:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. Sunday through Thursday and 10:30 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday.

Jim ‘N Nick’s Bar-B-Q,2359 Germantown Pkwy. (388-0998)

This weekend at the Memphis Botanic Garden you can drink with purpose at the 12th annual Sip Around the World wine tasting, which will benefit the National Kidney Foundation of West Tennessee. More than 100 wines will be available for sampling, and featured wineries include Stag’s Leap, Patz and Hall, Hess Collection, Robert Hall, and others. Live music, silent and live auctions, as well as hors d’oeuvres are part of the evening. Tickets are $55 in advance and $65 at the door.

Sip Around the World, Memphis Botanic Garden, Friday, November 3rd, 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. For more information and tickets, call 683-6185.

Encore Restaurant will host an Australian wine dinner with Chris Fennett from the Australian Premium Wine Collection on Wednesday, November 8th.

The three-course menu includes warm asparagus with morel mushrooms, beef tenderloin with roasted winter vegetables, and warm tapioca pudding with Grand Marnier, marinated strawberries, and pistachios. The price for the dinner is $65 per person. Call the restaurant for more information and to make a reservation.

Encore, 150 Peabody Place (528-1415)