You may not know that you know him, but if you have ever arrived at a Malco movie early enough to watch the pre-show trivia and ads for local dentists, you probably also have met Bootlegging Hoodie Guy.
See? Bootlegging Hoodie Guy — let’s call him Malco Jedi — is a local hero. He’s a friendly face that reminds us that, while recording films in theaters is illegal, it is also done by cool and weirdly handsome dudes in street wear. In Malco Jedi’s evil-but-slightly-amused expression, we have a memorable anti-hero, a small potatoes local villain who reminds you of that n’ere-do-well guy you dated in college. You know, the one with the contraband.
Malco Jedi is a meme waiting to happen. He is the defender of the people. He doesn’t need the law because he makes his own rules. He hates authority but has a strong sense of interior justice. This is why Malco Jedi is the rightful defender of the good parts of Memphis. He’s anti-corporate, a skeptic with a cause, a guy you can call when you need someone who won’t tell the cops.
Meme him. He deserves a meme. We deserve him to be meme-ed. Go forth, download the meme-making app on your smartphone, and put some text on this pic. Do it for the kids. Here are some (not as funny as they could be) examples.