News The Fly-By

Tennesseans Must Have Prescription for Large Amounts of Pseudoephedrine.

The chances of a person emulating a scene from Breaking Bad have lessened, at least in Tennessee, thanks to an anti-meth law that went into effect last week.

The new law limits the sale of pseudoephedrine, a cold and allergy nasal decongestant used in the production of methamphetamine, to only 28.8 grams per year without a prescription. That’s equivalent to 240 12-hour Sudafed tablets.

Shelby County District Attorney General Amy Weirich said illegal production and distribution of meth is a huge problem statewide. Weirich said every day there’s a new meth case on the docket in local courtrooms, and she thinks the new anti-meth law is a step in the right direction.

“I hope it cuts down on the number of people who are addicted and using methamphetamine [as well as] the number of children who are exposed on a daily basis to this poison,” Weirich said. “The children who live in those homes and are exposed to that substance being made by one or both parents, the physical side effects of that, not to mention the long-term emotional and psychological impact is huge.”

According to Governor Bill Haslam, Tennessee authorities seized around 1,700 meth labs and removed nearly 270 children from meth-related situations in 2013. The number of lab seizures last year was down from 1,811 in 2012.

Meth is a white, odorless stimulant that can be snorted, smoked, taken orally, or injected with a needle. Extremely addictive, the drug provides a sense of euphoria, energy, and normally decreases a person’s appetite. It can potentially cause heart and brain damage, insomnia, nausea, and increased aggressiveness.

The key ingredient in meth production, pseudoephedrine, isn’t purchased by the majority of Tennesseans. According to the National Precursor Log Exchange, more than 730,000 driver licenses were used to purchase 3.4 million grams of pseudoephedrine in Tennessee in 2013.

In Shelby County, meth production appears to be on the decline. From January to May 2013, authorities seized 19 meth labs in Shelby County, according to the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (TBI). Through the same time period in 2014, the number was nine. Ten percent of the Shelby County Drug Court’s 278 clients attend the court program for meth.

Major pharmacies in the state likely won’t be burdened by the anti-meth law, but smaller establishments could be negatively impacted. Weirich said changing a law that targets a fragment of the population, but “forces everyone to follow a certain behavior” is “a complex issue.”

“There are many more people not addicted to meth in the state of Tennessee than there are addicted to it,” Weirich said. “It’s sometimes a shame when you have to change the laws for everybody just to get the attention of a small segment. We’re hopeful that maybe these limitations will help with the long-term effects.”

TBI Director Mark Gwyn said that although the law will help combat the state’s meth issue, more needs to be done: “It’s tough to estimate to what degree, but we firmly believe the new law will have a positive impact on Tennessee’s meth epidemic. Though the purchase limits for pseudoephedrine will be among the lowest in the nation, we certainly realize there remains a lot of work to do on this important issue.”

Film/TV TV Features

Mad Men, Matthew Weiner, and Edward Hopper

Spoiler alert: If you aren’t current on Mad Men, be aware of thematic and plot revelations in this review. And, if you don’t know what Mad Men is, Google it and get busy catching up. Also: Consider where you may have gone wrong in your life.

“Previously on” the Flyer‘s TV review page: Contemporary scripted TV is our equivalent of masterpieces of fine art. Our museums and galleries are HBO, AMC, Showtime, the basic networks, FX, Netflix, and Hulu. The Sopranos is a Caravaggio; Parks and Recreation is a Keith Haring. Breaking Bad is Pieter Bruegel the Elder’s The Triumph of Death.

Mad Men is an Edward Hopper. It’s Nighthawks and Chop Suey and Office in a Small City and Intermission and a dozen more, all rolled into one: gorgeous, perfectly designed, lonely, contemplative, sexy, and gender-inclusive. Creator Matthew Weiner paints Mad Men with pure confident brilliance. Mad Men is social commentary with the benefit of decades of perspective.

The big knock commonly advanced about Mad Men is that nothing much ever happens in the show. The times that the show has truly shocked viewers can probably be counted on one hand: A lawnmower comes to mind, as does a man’s severed nipple. But, taking place during the tumultuous history of the 1960s, Mad Men usually prefers to let the big moments happen in the public consciousness and take the personal histories at a more glacial pace. Pacing is actually Mad Men at its most honest: The world may change overnight, but people don’t.

Weiner ramped up for Mad Men as a writer on The Sopranos. His episodes, including “Chasing It,” “Soprano Home Movies,” and “Luxury Lounge,” are more sociological, observational, and digressive than most other Sopranos episodes. Weiner never seemed as interested in the big plot points of the New Jersey crime family as he was with what effect this was having on individuals. In Mad Men, he doesn’t recreate the scenes of those seismic national events but instead focuses on what they mean for the characters — similar to how author James Ellroy explores “the private nightmare of public policy” in his Underworld USA trilogy.

Last Sunday, Mad Men‘s Season 7 signed off until 2015 with “Waterloo,” a half-season finale in the middle of a bifurcated final round of episodes. (Don’t get me started about how annoying a network ploy this is.) But, at this point, I’m ready to stop debating if Mad Men is the best show of all time: It almost doesn’t matter what happens in the show’s final seven episodes, Mad Men has surpassed other great hour-long shows like The Sopranos, The Wire, M*A*S*H, Breaking Bad, and whatever else is presumptively the title-holder. (And comparing the relative value of dramas versus comedies is too difficult and too dependent on preferences. Apples to apples, I’ll take Parks and Recreation over any other comedy and Mad Men over any other drama.)

Until late in Season 7, Mad Men hadn’t yet tipped its hand about ultimate intentions: Is it a show about things falling apart or coming together? As “Waterloo” ends, things are hopeful. Don finally has the inclination and means to simply do and enjoy his work. Sally picked the earnest nerd over the cynical football player. Peggy found her voice. Things may change again in the second half of the season. Mad Men might do its thematic version of the Altamont Free Concert. Either way, it’s a cultural alchemy that is a joy to behold.

Watching Mad Men isn’t like watching paint dry, it’s like watching a great painting dry: Hopper’s Morning Sun oxidizing into immortality.

Letter From The Editor Opinion

Letter from the Editor: Bingeing Bad

Boy, how about that Breaking Bad finale? Wow. Poor Walt. Tough way to go, but that was some riveting television, right?

At least that’s what I was told by almost everyone I know. I didn’t watch the final season of Breaking Bad because I missed the boat on the earlier seasons and I couldn’t get motivated to catch up via marathon watching sessions.

It’s a classic First World problem: You missed the first season, or three, of Game of Thrones or Mad Men or Boardwalk Empire. All your friends are talking about the show, the critics are raving. Should you commit to catching up, or just blow it off? I’ve done both. I passed on The Wire and Breaking Bad; played catchup on Boardwalk Empire, Mad Men, and True Blood (which I now regret).

Some media critics and social anthropologists claim that the cable television mega-series has replaced movies and weekly network TV shows as the medium that best defines us. These programs take advantage of more relaxed cable standards for nudity, sex, violence, drug use, and profanity. What we used to have to go to the cineplex to see is now available on our own home flatscreens, complete with a handy remote to pause, slo-mo, reverse, and fast-forward the action.

These shows are what we talk about at work and with our friends. And if everybody else knows who Walter White is and you don’t, well, welcome to Loserville, Skippy.

And speaking of Loserville — and meth … A new study from the Government Accounting Office shows Tennessee is the second-leading state in the Union for meth lab busts, with 1,585 in 2012 — just behind Missouri and well ahead of third-place Indiana. But here’s where the study gets interesting: Do you know how many meth lab busts there were in Mississippi in 2012? Five. That’s right, five.

That’s because Mississippi passed a law making any medicine containing pseudoephedrine available by prescription only. Taking Sudafed and other such over-the-counter meds off the consumer shelves basically eliminated the problem of meth production in Mississippi. Busts dropped from 950 in 2009 to five last year. A similar decline in meth lab busts occurred in Oregon, the only other state in the country where this commonsense legislation has passed.

So why don’t Tennessee, Missouri, Indiana, and other heavy meth-use states pass laws that ban over-the-counter sales of pseudoephedrine meds? The answer will not shock you. It’s because Big Pharma is spending big bucks to convince our legislators to keep commercial pseudoephedrine meds available over the counter in the name of “customer convenience.” Not surprisingly, given who’s running Nashville these days, it’s a message that seems to resonate with our own intrepid lawmakers.

So it appears we may have more seasons of Breaking Bad ahead of us in Tennessee. Or is it Mad Men?

Bruce VanWyngarden