Memphis on the internet.
“This is Bubbles, the Beale Street vendor who was the victim of today’s gun violence,” u/12frets wrote on Reddit last Sunday. “Show him some love.”
Memphis police responded to the shooting on Beale around 3 p.m. Sunday, close to the time of the Beale Street Wine Race. According to the Reddit thread, Bubbles has sold glow sticks, hats, and bubbles to kids on Beale “for years.” The gunshot, apparently, “only” got him in the ear, and many wished him a speedy and full recovery.
Gov’s Anus

Art collective INDECLINE took responsibility last weekend for a new billboard in Nashville. It shows a mostly nude Governor Bill Lee lying on his side farting out the words, “Indecency is turning love into hate.”
“Good morning, Nashville,” INDECLINE wrote on Instagram. “Your governor’s anus has something to say.”
Grizz Out

“No Grizzlies basketball for 6 months :(,” u/plazex posted to Reddit after the team’s loss to the Lakers over the weekend. The Memphis Grizzlies subreddit was full of sad and funny memes, postseason analysis, and random facts about actual grizzly bears.