Fun Stuff Metaphysical Connection

Metaphysical Connection: Candle Magic

Candles are used by multiple religious traditions in their regular services and as part of their holy days. The use of candles as magical devices is more common than many people may believe. 

The light of a candle has always been considered a sign of spiritual illumination, compared to the darkness that symbolizes ignorance. The candle can also be used as a metaphor for the brief time we spend in this lifetime, and how easily life can be extinguished. In religious paintings, a candle often symbolizes the soul. 

The hypnotic fascination that the candle flame produces gives a clue as to why people began burning candles for magical purposes. The flickering flame appears to ignite something deep inside us that connects us with the infinite, and with all humanity. Life, death, and rebirth are all revealed by a candle. The relationship between the human soul and a solitary candle burning in the dark reminds people of the power of the human spirit, and how it can turn darkness into light.

According to Random House Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary, magic is defined as the art of achieving a desired result by the use of certain mysterious techniques, such as incantations or ceremonies. Aleister Crowley, the infamous 20th-century magician, defined magic as “the science and art of causing change to occur in conformity of will.” We use our will to make things happen, and candle magic is where we use candles to help achieve that end result we desire. 

Candle magic is one of my favorite forms of magic, and I believe it has advantages over other types of manifestation because it is relatively uncomplicated. Manifesting your desires with candle magic is simple but effective. The costs are minimal. You can usually find items that you need on hand or buy them at an affordable price. You can perform candle magic anywhere that it is safe and acceptable to burn candles. And there is no need for training to do it. All you need to know is what you want, and the correspondences for your work — which you can find online or at any metaphysical store. And you can use candle magic for any need. 

Like any type of manifestation work, candle magic requires you to have a purpose or goal that you are trying to achieve. The more specific you can be, the better the results. To get the most out of your candle work, it is advised that you keep your desire in mind while performing all the steps. Use the correct color candle. What color candle should you use? Do a quick internet search for it and you should be able to get your answers easily, or come ask us at The Broom Closet and we will help you. You can add herbs or oils to your candle to amplify your intention, but they are not necessary. The most important thing to remember when doing candle magic or manifestation work is to believe in your own power and energy. Although magic helps us achieve desired goals, you still have to do the legwork here in the mundane world to achieve your desires. 

If you find yourself wanting to do candle work on the spur of the moment, take a rummage through your cabinets, closets and drawers. Any kind of candle will work, even birthday candles. The only difference in candle size is that the longer the candle burns, the more energy and focus is being sent out into the universe to manifest your goal. But you could burn multiple small candles over a period of time instead of one big one. 

Part of magic is using what you have. You can use a white candle for any desire, you will just need to make sure you set your intention clearly. You can also use a red candle for any goal that you want to manifest quickly. Some of the best practitioners I know keep their work simple and use whatever they can find on hand. Candles are a beautiful and mesmerizing vehicle for our intentions, but the magic truly comes from within. 

Emily Guenther is a co-owner of The Broom Closet metaphysical shop. She is a Memphis native, professional tarot reader, ordained Pagan clergy, and dog mom.