News The Fly-By

Shelby County Schools Students Learn the Art of Debate

“I’ll tell you right now, I’ve seen students who really turned things around. It’s like a light comes on. They connect with learning. They say: ‘I may not run the hundred­yard dash or throw for a touchdown. But this is fun. This is my slam dunk.”‘

And that is how Dwight Fryer — executive director of the Shelby Debate Society in partnership with Shelby County Schools and the nonprofit Shelby Debate Commission (founded by Memphis businessman James Sdoia) — describes what he’s seen time and again: local public school students introduced to and benefiting from the countywide debate program for middle- and high-school students. It’s a program that this year will involve more than 250 young people from two dozen public schools and four charter schools.

These days, Fryer, a former corporate executive and author (his debut novel, The Legend of Quito Road, was nominated for an NAACP Image Award), is gearing up for this year’s debate season, which begins on the varsity level on September 20th at Overton High School. Tournament rounds continue throughout the academic year at other Shelby County Schools. The winning team then moves to the national tournament, sponsored by the National Association for Urban Debate Leagues, to compete against squads from 18 other cities. Local debate champions Marvin Wilkins Jr. and Alexis Thornton of Middle College High School and runner­ups Victoria Meeks and Jamila Miller, graduates of the Soulsville Charter School, represented Memphis in the nationals this past spring.

Marvin Wilkins Jr. and a debate opponent

Next April’s nationals take place at the University of Southern California, but this month Fryer is busy recruiting and training the Memphis coaches and judges who have volunteered their time and expertise with these goals in mind: encouraging students to develop their communication skills, reach their career objectives, and better serve the community.

Studies on the benefits of debate training are proving just how valuable it can be:

“Our debate students already outperform non­debaters in several key academic measures, including GPA, graduation rates, ACT scores, TCAP scores, and lower truancy rates,” Fryer said. “So we know that great students choose debate. We also believe that research will show that debate helps produce great students.”

That’s the idea behind EBA: evidence­based argumentation, a teaching method that brings debate principles into the everyday classroom. Carol Johnson, former school superintendent in Memphis, then Boston, is a strong supporter of EBA. Paul Deards, a teacher in New York City, is, too. His August 18th essay for Education Week argued for the benefits of debate training for all students. Among the skills required: critical thinking; sound argument; close listening; and team spirit — plus a value often overlooked in today’s climate of polarizing public opinion: empathy. Fryer calls that core value “being able to disagree without being disagreeable.”

One Memphis mother called debate something else: a means of helping her twin son and daughter think through the choices they make. According to Fryer:

“She had a set of twins in our debate league and wrote in an email, out of the blue: ‘They don’t even realize it, but I now see them weighing their decisions in ways they never used to.’ And isn’t that what we want all our young people to do?”

For more on the Shelby Debate Society, volunteer opportunities, and to give your financial support, go to To learn about the urban debate league movement, go to

News The Fly-By

Q&A: Martavius Jones,

When Memphis City Schools (MCS) superintendent Carol Johnson announced she’d be leaving for Boston in August, students asked her to stay and school officials quickly recognized that hiring both her successor and a qualified replacement to serve in the interim would be a challenge. Now, following the July 5th application deadline for an interim candidate and a July 9th search committee meeting, MCS must make an important decision. The Flyer recently spoke with Martavius Jones, MCS board commissioner and head of the search committee, about the interim search process and position.

By Rachel Stinson

Flyer: How long do you think it will take to hire an interim superintendent?

Jones: When we had the original June 29th [application] deadline, I was hopeful that we could have the process done by the 16th. In light of the process being reopened until July 5th, I’m hoping we can make the decision by July 30th.

What qualities are you looking for?

The board feels that we’re headed in the right direction with MCS. We’re not looking for someone to come in and change the way things are. We want to continue in the same direction.

How will the interim’s salary compare to Johnson’s?

The interim’s salary range will start at $150,000 with the upper end at $185,000. The upper end is about $20,000 less than Dr. Johnson’s salary.

Do you think it would be beneficial to hire someone who is already familiar with MCS?

I think it would be a benefit. I also think it would be a benefit to hire someone with a management or business background. There are merits to both.

I’d like the board to select the top three traditional candidates and the top three [management or business] candidates.

How long will it take to hire a new superintendent?

We think that a comprehensive search will last six months to a year, but Boston’s search for a superintendent lasted 18 months. Finding a qualified superintendent for a large urban school district is a challenge. We have our work cut out for us.

Do you believe this is a competitive position?

Finding someone qualified to do the job is difficult. It would be a lot easier if we had 25 qualified candidates for a large urban school district knocking on our door.

Why is this an important decision, even though interim superintendent is only a temporary position?

The loss of Dr. Johnson is a definite setback. The interim will decide if that setback is permanent or not.


Carol Johnson Faces Challenges in Boston

The Boston Globe published an analysis Sunday of the problems that will face recently departed Memphis Public Schools superintendent Carol Johnson, Boston’s next school superintendent.

From the Globe: Johnson … will confront far different obstacles here than the ones she’ll leave behind in Memphis — including a powerful teachers union that could block her reforms, standardized tests that are tougher to pass, and thousands more students who speak English as a second language.

Johnson, who is expected to start in late August, won praise for raising test scores in Memphis schools, a district more than twice the size of Boston’s 57,000-student system. But it is unclear how her achievements will help her tackle Boston’s paradox: It is one of the best urban school systems in the country, yet home to some of the worst schools in the state.

Read it all here.