Memphis on the internet.
“Keep your Kellogg’s factory a union shop, and your Kellogg’s products urine-free,” wrote the Central Labor Council of Memphis and West TN on Facebook last week.
It’s a reference to the ongoing strike there and to Gregory Stanton, 46, who was sentenced to 10 months in prison for urinating on a Kellogg’s Rice Krispies assembly line in 2014. He posted a video of it online.
Posted to Facebook by Central Labor Council of Memphis & West TN
Tweet of the Week
@TweetJustnTacos wrote: “Someday someone at Netflix is gonna find out about Amy Weirich and good lord that six-parter is gonna be rough.”
Greensward Battle

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Memphis artist Martha Kelly published an illustrated essay at and her website last week showing the history and struggle to protect the Overton Park Greensward.
Her paintings outline how much of the original park design has been taken over by parking lots, a fire station, a service facility, a golf course, and more. It also shows plans from recent years to increase parking for the Memphis Zoo, taking ever more parkland.