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Music Video Monday: Idle & WIld

Today’s Music Video Monday is gonna patch things up. 

We’re going to wish you a happy first day of spring with a world premiere from Memphis duo Idle & Wild. Caleb Sigler and Sara Jo Cavitch have been playing together since meeting in church in 2014, and they have just released their first single “Come A Little Closer”, a bubbly homage to togetherness recorded at the Gove Studio.  “Every person involved was not only someone we respect at what they create,” Sigler said, “but also a dear friend.” The song is now available on iTunes, Amazon, and Bandcamp. Idle&Wild will be performing at Lafayette’s Music Room on Thursday, March 30.

This video, directed by Noah Glenn of Choose901, depicts Singler and Cavitch as relationship repair service, helping out a pair of lovers in a spaghetti fueled spat. It’s joyful ending montage of happy couples is just what you need to brighten your Monday.

Music Video Monday: Idle & WIld

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News News Blog

Prince Mongo To Give Up His Memphis “Castle”

Ashlar Hall

  • Ashlar Hall

Robert “Prince Mongo” Hodges is apparently looking to give up the keys to his Central Avenue “castle.”

Facebook posts over the last two days from the perennial Memphis mayoral candidate and self-identified native of the planet Zambodia claim he is looking to give up Ashlar Hall, at 1397 Central, to a nonprofit group. Wednesday’s post welcomed “any licensed charitable organization interested in a donation” of the building to leave their intentions in the comments section of the post.

“Will need funding to renovate and operate, the building will not be demolished,” according to the post.

A Tuesday post said he is looking for a charitable organization with funds to renovate and operate already in place. “Business plan and financial statement required,” it said.

As of Thursday afternoon, more than 11,500 people “liked” the post and most of the commenters suggested giving the building to Choose901, the group dedicated to attracting talent to Memphis.

The group launched “Operation Ashlar,” a Facebook drive to “help Prince Mongo choose Choose901.”

“We would turn it into a social hub for young adults and a development center for nonprofits and schools,” says the Choose901 website.