Politics Politics Feature

Fred Thompson a “Baby-Killer?” Uh oh, there’s Trouble Out on Stage Right!

Our friends at
Christian Newswire, a right-wing spam-source and dispenser of news and
views that is, quite literally, holier than thou, is on the warpath, as usual,
against Godless evil. But, before we hit the ‘delete’ button on their latest
alarmist email, we noticed an unusual aspect to their latest screed.

Yes, yes,
they’re still reminding us that FDR was a “Communist.” But now they’re after
poor ex-Senator Thompson, want to impeach and convict Bush, and are even raging
against the likes of Rev. Dobson and Wildmon for “blasphemy!” These are, for
sure, the Last Days. See for yourself below (and if you can stand it, there’s
more at

a Dead Letter; Thompson a Counterfeit Conservative; Ron Paul on God and
Government; Wildmon Wrong on Voting; Byrd’s Moral Dyslexia on Abortion/Dogfighting

Sept. 17 /Christian Newswire/ — Today (9/17/07) is “Constitution Day.”
Who cares? Well, sad to say, almost nobody. The U.S. Constitution is, alas, a
dead letter. And this is the topic on the current “The American View” radio show
(121) which can be heard at On this program you’ll hear:
The purpose of the Constitution; why it is, supposedly, “Godless”; about Bush’s
crimes; how Nixon/Ike didn’t get it; the bipartisan stupid/evil of
Dole/McGovern; how FDR and the Communist Party agreed on the role of government;
the lawlessness of Social Security; and much more. Other recent programs on our
web site include:

  • Program 120: A detailed
    expose of the record of counterfeit conservative Fred Thompson who has to get
    a lot more interesting just to be boring. You’ll hear how Thompson, when a
    Senator, said that just because a nominee for Surgeon General had actually
    performed scores of abortions, this baby-murder, in and of itself, ought not
    to bar the nominee from office!
  • Program 119: An exclusive
    interview with “American Family Association” President Tim Wildmon re: his
    view that it’s okay for Christians to vote for non-Christians, specifically
    non-Christians such as Mitt Romney, who is a Mormon.
  • Program 118: An exclusive
    interview with Ron Paul about: God, the Bible and government; abortion, does
    he think it’s murder?; homosexuality and homosexuals in our military; why he
    stays in the Republican Party; the draft; and much more.
  • Program 117: “Standing In
    The Gap: Ante Pavkovic Discusses His Senate Gallery Protest Against ‘Prayer’
    Of Hindu Priest.”
  • Program 115: Analysis of
    Mitt Romney’s basic stump speech in which he says, among other things, that
    when he’s President all computers will have a certain type of filtering device
    in them.
  • Program 114: Sen. Robert
    Byrd’s moral dyslexia where he is pro-abortion but rants and raves about the
    evils of dog-fighting.
  • Program 113: “Should Bush
    Be Impeached And Convicted?” A discussion of why the answer is “yes.”
  • Program 111: “The REAL
    American View: Exalting God Of The Bible, Not Country, Not Flag, Not ‘Civil
  • Program 110: “Pro-Life
    Religious War: NRTLC, Evidently, Thinks Criticizing Dobson Is Blasphemy; So,
    Colorado Right-To-Life Ex-Communicated.”

Christian Newswire