Politics Politics Feature

Chuck Norris Hearts Huckabee

From The New York Times Politics Blog: Just when Mike Huckabee was starting to be taken seriously, he brought back Chuck Norris.

Mr. Huckabee, the former governor of Arkansas who, according to polls, last week ascended to the number-two spot in Iowa, will begin running his first television ad there today ­– starring Mr. Norris, the tough-guy action hero who has been actively campaigning for Mr. Huckabee.

The ad opens with a black screen and white block letters, reading, “An Important Policy Message from Governor Mike Huckabee.”

Then Mr. Huckabee appears, looking somberly into the camera. “My plan to secure the borders?” he says, as the camera zooms out to reveal Mr. Norris seated next to Mr. Huckabee. “Two words. Chuck Norris.”

Read the rest here. And check out the video.