News The Fly-By

Fly on the Wall

Smokey Mirrors

Tennessee’s new cigarette tax will put pack-a-day smokers back about $3 a week. For most smokers the additional cost isn’t prohibitive. Besides, the kids don’t really need milk with their breakfast cereal, do they?

The Daly Show

Although he’s well off, blond, likes his booze, and most likely has a sex tape floating around somewhere, it’s probably not accurate to describe Memphis’ John Daly as the Paris Hilton of Golf. But like the vapid hotel heiress, the links’ most colorful character knows how to “overshadow” other newsmakers to steal national headlines. Here are some examples from across the country:

“Daly Overshadows Leaders in Memphis” — Newton Kansan

“Daly’s Domestic Woes Overshadow Leaders in Memphis” —

“Daly Overshadows Leaders” — WSTP-TV, Tampa Bay

“Scott’s Lead in Memphis Overshadowed by storms, Daly” — USA Today

And finally …

“John Daly, Golf’s Chris Farley” — Knoxville News Sentinel

Chris Farley? Sure, there may be a passing physical resemblance between Daly and the dead comedian, but we were thinking more along the lines of the bastard love child of Adam Sandler and Lindsay Lohan.

Drug Dealers

Julien’s Summer Sale at the Beverly Hilton is offering a number of Elvis-related items, including an undated bottle of prescription medication that contains pills that may or may not be antihistamine Naldecon.

“The pills are very old,” Julien’s president Darren Julien told Bloomberg reporter Daniel Taub. “They’re heavily discolored,” Julien added, estimating that the artifact would sell for between $2,000 and $4,000. “You can take them to a lab, obviously, and figure out what they are.”

So it’s legal to sell unidentified prescription drugs? Who knew?