Letter From The Editor Opinion

Two Trains Running

There’s two, two trains running,

Well, they ain’t never going my way.

One runs at midnight and the other one

Running just ‘fore day. — Muddy Waters

I was sitting in my favorite little neighborhood bar the other night and fell into a conversation with a couple of realtors. They were bemoaning how Midtown was changing. “All we do these days,” one of them said, “is show houses to people from out east — Germantown and Collierville.” The realtors were happy to be selling homes but afraid that the invaders from the east would change the character of Midtown.

“They drive more aggressively. They tear down hedges and put up big security lights,” she said. “Midtown’s a special place, and we don’t want it to become just another ‘burb neighborhood.” But to be honest, for Memphis, that’s a pretty good “problem” to have. And that conversation feeds one of the two central narratives that are driving Memphis these days.

Here’s one: The city is changing for the better. The reinvestment and reinvigoration of Overton Square, Cooper-Young, Broad Avenue, Sears Crosstown; the downtown and Bass Pro Shops boom; the greenlines, bike lanes, the big trees and old houses of the central city, all are luring people back and fueling a renaissance.

Lots of people believe this to be true. I’m one of them. So are those realtors.

But there’s another narrative that also has a lot of adherents. It’s a simple credo, comprised of just one word: Crime. That’s Crime with a capital C. Crime is the most important thing ever, they say. We have to fix crime, or nobody will ever want to live in this hellhole.

You can point out to the Crime People that crime rates have been falling for eight years. They will respond by telling you that the statistics are rigged. They will tell you that five people got shot last weekend and ask, “How can crime be going down?” They will cite local television news, which will give you all the crime you can handle on a nightly basis. Telling someone whose car has been stolen that crime is going down is like trying to explain to someone who’s freezing that global warming is a problem. It doesn’t matter.

So we have two trains running. Two ways of looking at our city. Two trains that both carry some truth. Crime in Memphis is a big problem, as it is in lots of cities. We need to keep trying to fix it — by improving our education system, by working to bring in more jobs, by using smarter policing. But to focus on crime to the exclusion of the other narrative is wrong and does a disservice to all of us living here and working to keep Memphis vibrant.

I’ve lived here 23 years, and I’ve seen a transformation, especially over the past few years. There is a momentum that’s real right now. We need to keep that train running.

And derail the other one.

News News Blog

Collierville Named Fifth Happiest City in Tennessee


Using a loose definition of “city,” a compilation gathered earlier this month by named the top 40 happiest cities in Tennessee — one of which being Collierville within the top five.

Rankings were determined on only seven factors: restaurants per capita, crime rate, average commute time, income, divorce rate, percentage of income dedicated to housing, and percentage of residents who left work before 5 a.m.

Five suburbs and towns of the Memphis metropolitan area made the list. Collierville came in highest at No. 5. Bartlett arrived at No. 16, Atoka ranked No. 25, Munford was No. 35, and Millington squeezed into the list at No. 39.

According to the survey, Millington also had the highest percentage of divorced residents in the Memphis suburbs and towns that made the list, at a combined 29.4 percent.

Earlier this year, Collierville was also named the top neighborhood in Memphis for cheaters. Bartlett and Millington also made that top-ten list.

Oak Ridge, town of 29,000, was crowned champion of happiness in the state.

News News Blog

Which Shelby County Neighborhood Has the Most Adulterers?


Collierville is home to more cheaters per capita than any other area in Shelby County, according to a new list from, the hook-up website for extra-marital affairs.

A little more than nine percent of the 50,000 Shelby Countians who are registered to use that website live in Collierville. Raleigh, however, is home to the most faithful Memphians, according to the website. They make up about six percent of the site’s local users.

Here’s the list of Shelby County’s least faithful neighborhoods.

1. Collierville 9.1%
2. Arlington 8.8%
3. Downtown 8.6%
4. East Memphis 8.3%
5. Germantown 8%
6. Midtown 7.7%
7. Barlett 7.3%
8. Lakeland 7.2%
9. Millington 6.9%
10. Raleigh 6.4%

Additionally, they found that 43 percent of adulterers in Memphis are female with an average age of 35. Bartlett cheaters tend to have the most children, and Lakeland cheaters tend to have the most affair partners.

Noel Biderman, CEO and founder of the site, said their study of stats across the country tended to show the most cheating occurring in more affluent neighborhoods. But that may be more related to the digital divide than anything else. Cheating in lower-income areas may not necessarily be arranged on hook-up sites.

Calling the Bluff Music

Bartlett, Collierville Among Top Places To Seek Employment


According to a recent statewide study conducted by consumer advocacy website NerdWallet, Bartlett is the best place in Tennessee to seek employment.

NerdWallet analyzed communities across the state with a working-age population (ages 16 and older) greater than 20,000 for the study, which was titled “The Best Places in Tennessee for Job Seekers.” The study was based on a city’s growth in the working-age population, median household income, monthly homeowner costs, and unemployment rates from 2009 to 2011.

The list of communities were narrowed down to the top 10 locations in Tennessee that attracted workers and exhibited a trend of upward population growth over the two-year period. The study revealed that there was a 13.9 percent increase in the working-age population in Bartlett. Furthermore, Bartlett households earned a median income of $75,988 from 2009 to 2011.

Another Shelby County town highlighted in the study was Collierville. The town was labeled the third best place to obtain employment in Tennessee. According to the study, Collierville saw a 9.1 percent increase in the working-age population, and households earned a median income of $102,298.

To check out “The Best Places in Tennessee for Job Seekers,” click here.

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Concerns Trump Hopes at Transition Team Meeting


Again and again Transition Planning Team chairwoman Barbara Prescott urged speakers to express their hopes for the merger of the Memphis and Shelby County school systems.

And again and again speakers ignored her and politely but firmly told the planning team they do not want changes in the Collierville schools and fear that the merger will harm them.

Members of the planning team went to Collierville United Methodist Church Tuesday night, where several hundred people filled the sanctuary and part of the balcony for a two-hour meeting. They came from Memphis and other parts of Shelby County as well as Collierville, but the dominant sentiment of the 41 speakers was anti-merger and pro status quo.

The listening tour is supposed to do two things: gather suggestions about hopes and concerns that are within the planning team’s charge and demonstrate that the appointed group is open-minded and not imposing a preordained agenda, although the pro-merger and anti-merger views of some individual members are well known. Likewise, the names and views of some speakers are by now familiar. Self-styled Memphis government watchdog Joe Saino, merger opponent Ken Hoover, a student reading a prepared text and wearing a Stand For Children t-shirt, and a Memphis Education Association official spoke. Other speakers live in Memphis and work in Collierville or vice versa, and several of the speakers said they were teachers and/or parents of school-age children.

Speakers, most of whom gave their names but could not always be heard clearly or left before they could be interviewed, said the merger is “doomed to failure” and “we have a really wonderful thing going” and “smaller is better” and “it seems like there is more parent involvement in Shelby County schools” and “face the truth about what is wrong with all the issues facing urban school systems” and “if it’s not broken don’t fix it” and “if you don’t have a system you can respect and get behind then you’re lost” and “I’m concerned that my kids will be bussed downtown” and “my hope is that this plan does not succeed” and “there will be flight to private schools” and “Memphis proves that spending more money isn’t the answer” and “we need a school system that dos not exclude prayer or God.”

There were also speakers who favor the merger or at least favor giving the planning team a fair shot, but not as many as the opponents. This, of course, was no surprise. Collierville boasts some of the highest-performing public schools in the state. But county residents did not get to vote in the Memphis referendum that approved the charter surrender of Memphis City Schools. School system consolidation was considered so unpopular that the earlier dual referendum on general government consolidation made a point of excluding the school systems and still failed overwhelmingly in the county outside of Memphis.

Summarizing, Prescott said the speakers’ hopes reflect the guiding principles of the transition team, including high academic standards, a world-class school system, and community schools. It was a game effort, but called to mind that high school favorite poem “The Charge of the Light Brigade” and the lines about “cannons to the right of them, cannons to the left of them” and “someone had blundered.” On this night, the anti-merger sentiment was clear. It could surely not be called a wake-up call because it was so predictable.