Jennifer Pepper takes over as CHOICES’ new executive director.
CHOICES, a nonprofit comprehensive care clinic, introduced new executive director Jennifer Pepper in a press release this week. Pepper, a Rhodes College graduate and longtime Memphian, said that her journey into reproductive health and began at a young age. Growing up, Pepper’s mom never shied away from discussing sex or reproductive health at length. And that got awkward.
“My mom was the cool mom, which was just completely embarrassing at the time,” she said. “I remember she rented a video from the public library about HIV and AIDS prevention and she made me and my group of friends watch this video. I just remember being absolutely mortified that I was being forced to do this with my middle school friends.”
But Pepper’s knowledge of reproductive rights and health led her to an internship at Planned Parenthood during her second year at Rhodes. The internship crystallized her appreciation of the educational side of reproductive health. While at Rhodes, she began helping other educators prepare for their sessions and going out into the community with the educators to observe. Pepper even began creating her own training documents while still a student.
“For my senior project at Rhodes,” she said, “I designed an HIV prevention curriculum. That curriculum helped me get my very first job out of Rhodes, at Le Bonheur doing HIV prevention education. That’s really where I spent the first part of my career — doing HIV prevention and testing.”
At Le Bonheur, Pepper spent time visiting drug rehab clinics, nursing homes, and prisons to teach about safe sex practices. After four years Pepper went to work full time for a then-smaller CHOICES as their patient educator, eventually leading to her writing the first grant that CHOICES applied for. It still makes her smile.
“I feel like I’ve really grown up with CHOICES, and in a lot of ways it’s my dream job. So, I’m really excited to be here.”
After leaving CHOICES in 2013 to lead the Memphis Ryan White Program with the Shelby County Government, Pepper went to back school to get her masters of business to further her career in the non-profit field before rejoining the group in 2018 as director of finance and operations.
“I had seen through my 10-plus years in the nonprofit field there were lots of people who wanted to help people and have really good intentions. And there was this lack of business acumen. So I figured that was something I could bring to the table.”
Pepper steps into CHOICES at a pivotal time. At the state level, the ACLU of Tennessee is fighting multiple cases that would shake up the reproductive health landscape in the state, affecting CHOICES and the way its comprehensive health clinic operates. Despite complications from the state level, Pepper says CHOICES will continue to put the individual first.
“We want to serve people throughout their lifespan. Because the person that needs birth control today might want to have a baby next year, and they might need an abortion in five years, or vice versa. You should be able to come to the same place where providers care about you and are empowering you to get those services.”