Over the last two weeks, Wolfchase has had the most active Covid-19 cases; the area around Mike Rose Soccer Complex has had the most tests, and Germantown is Shelby County’s most vaccinated city.
All of this is according to geographic data from the Shelby County Health Department. The data are updated each week and are meant to give rough estimates of the Covid-19 situation here.

Covid-19 numbers continue to fall in Shelby County, passing Delta-surge milestones on the way down. The seven-day rolling average for new cases fell below 200 this week after a surge high of more than 800. The number was 186 Monday. The number of new daily cases was 94 Tuesday, the first time the figure has been below 100 in many weeks.
As of Tuesday morning, the health department was aware of 2,299 active cases of the virus in Shelby County. Of those, 666 were in children aged 0-17.

Children (0-17) had the most active cases per capita than any group in Shelby County, according to the data, at 371 per capita. The 35-44 age range had the second highest active cases here at 369 per capita.

More tests have been given in the 38125 ZIP Code in the last two weeks (see above) than anywhere else in Memphis, according to health department data. The area is just west of Collierville and is roughly bordered by the Mike Rose Soccer Complex, Wyndyke Country Club, Riverdale Road, and the Tennessee/Mississippi border.
In that ZIP Code, 7,456 Covid tests have been given per capita in the last two weeks. The area is followed closely in testing numbers by 38103 (Downtown), 38104 (Midtown), and 38105 (North Downtown and the Pinch District) combined. There, 7,059 Covid tests have been given per capita in the last two weeks.

Over the last two weeks, active Covid cases have been more prevalent in the northern part of the county (see above), in North Memphis, Millington, Arlington, and more. However, the Wolfchase area (38133) is the hottest spot on the map with 382 active cases. Orange Mound (38114) has had the fewest active cases in the last two weeks with 122 cases reported there.

Germantown is the vaccination champion of Shelby County (see above), the data show. The vaccine rate for 38139 and 38138 since shots have been available is 74,864.1 per 100,000 people. The city has just barely out-vaccinated residents of East Memphis, though. There, (in 38117) 67,9111 residents per 100,000 have been vaccinated. Ranking third, is Collierville with 67,018 residents per 100,000 being vaccinated.