Letter From The Editor Opinion

Crime is No Quick Fix

Archie waved me over to the pastry case. He sort of crouched down on my level — I was 11 or so at the time and quite a bit shorter than the tanned, mullet-sporting man my mom was dating — and he spoke in something approaching a loud stage whisper. For Archie, that was as close to being incognito as it got. His voice was a boom with a ragged edge. He wore a small gold hoop in his ear, was perpetually clad in a hoodie and shorts, glowed with an incandescent suntan, rode a motorcycle, and had strong opinions about everything. Whispering was not his style.

“Watch this,” he said, as he stuffed a dozen or so cookies in the front pocket of his hoodie. 

Stealing isn’t really stealing if it’s food and you need it, he explained. And if you were stealing from someone who could afford to eat the cost. It’s best to steal things that are hard to inventory — bakery items don’t have barcodes, and you don’t really look too conspicuous grabbing things from the serve-yourself section of the store. As long as you act cool, you’re not likely to get caught. Or so Archie said.

That was my first brush with crime. My mother’s boyfriend (at the time) taught me how to steal food from big grocery store chains. 

I was a Good Kid though, the kind who never really wanted to make trouble, so of course I was completely petrified. It felt as though someone threw a switch and aimed three or four spotlights at me. Sweat prickled on my brow and the back of my neck. My skin flushed. My back went rigid, and all my movements were strangely stiff. In short, I was a caricature of conspicuousness. I felt sure that someone had seen, that — as foolish as it might sound — everyone knew. The cookies in Archie’s hoodie pocket might as well have cast a cartoonishly green radioactive glow. At any moment, I was sure a plainclothes detective would grab me by the arm and steer me into the store’s interrogation chamber. 

Of course, none of that happened. Archie and my mom paid for a few items at the register, we strolled out the automatic door, and Archie offered my younger sister and me a fistful of stolen cookies. If memory serves, I declined. As protégés go, I was off to a rotten start. 

Not long after that, my mom decided it was too onerous a task to keep hiding her drug use from me and enlisted me as a sort of partner-in-cover-up, if not an actual partner-in-crime. Though she eventually made the leap to stronger stuff, at the time it was just marijuana, so no big deal. (Though, of course, I was again petrified. Gasp! “Reefer madness! In my own home?!”) Now, I often wonder if my mother ever would have dabbled in more dangerous drugs if there weren’t such a stigma associated with drugs in general. It’s easy to feel locked out of so-called “normal” society, locked into a cycle of illicit activities, black market solutions, and stolen cookies. Would things have been different if she felt like she could have gotten help without being arrested or fired or shamed? If, maybe, it was a little easier for a waitress at a diner to feed and house her kids. If there were more readily accessible services to help single mothers, people with chronic illness — all categories she falls into. In other words, if we viewed crime, which is, after all, a social construct, a little differently. If we spent our resources on prevention, instead of protection and punishment. 

This has been much on my mind of late. Maybe because crime has been a hot topic in the Shelby County District Attorney race. Maybe it’s because of the Jan. 6th hearings, detailing some of the most brazen crimes ever committed. High crimes, treason, that the “law and order” crowd seem, well, more or less okay with. I suppose that has something to do with what we consider crime. When asked to imagine an illegal activity, theft might be the first thing to come to mind. That could be because property is so tangible. Or because gains from social spending would take years or even a generation to show clear results. Hard to campaign on that, I suppose. Maybe it just pays to keep people focused away from crime committed on a larger scale. 

It can be seen in our national priorities, in our bloated police budgets. It doesn’t seem in keeping with the way society has changed to continue this way, to view criminals and crime as a force of nature, something that just occurs. 

I’m biased, of course, but it seems like we’ve thrown dollars at “protection” for decades with little to show for it. There are costs, too, in seeing dangers lurking everywhere, in the belief we need protection from other people. “Tough on crime” sounds good on the surface, or is at least straightforward and easy to digest, but if it worked, wouldn’t we have seen results by now? Call me a bleeding heart, a liberal looney tune, but I can’t help but wonder what the world would look like if we stopped viewing our fellow citizens as dangers against which we need protection, if instead we saw crime as evidence of a social system out of balance. It would take a massive shift in how we view the world, not to mention how cities draw up their budgets. It would be a difficult, lengthy process. 

But maybe it would be worth it. 

Jesse Davis 

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Report: Memphis Crime Rates Declined in 2021

Major violent crime declined in the second half of 2021, according to the latest data from the Memphis Shelby County Crime Commission. 

These crimes, which include murder, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault, rose sharply here in 2020 as they did in most urban centers across the United States. Violent crime was up 24 percent in Memphis in 2020, compared to 2019, with big increases in murders and aggravated assaults.

(Credit: Memphis Shelby County Crime Commission)

The trend continued in the first half of 2021, with violent crime rates up 13 percent in Memphis. However, early data from the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (TBI) show a 2 percent increase in violent crime for Memphis for all of 2021, “indicating an actual decline during the last half of 2021,” according to the Crime Commission.

“Whether or not this is the beginning of a longer downward trend is something time will tell but it is encouraging,” said Crime Commission president Bill Gibbons. “Still, our major violent crime rate remains above what it was in 2019 before the pandemic and substantially above what it was in 2011, the lowest point in our violent crime rate in many years. 

This is not the time to slack up on efforts to reduce violent crime but rather just the opposite.

Bill Gibbons

“This is not the time to slack up on efforts to reduce violent crime but rather just the opposite.” 

Major property crimes continue a three-year decline. (Credit: Memphis Shelby County Crime Commission)

Major property crimes, like burglaries and motor vehicle thefts, continued a three-year decline last year. These crimes were down 5.5 percent in Memphis in 2021, compared to 2020.

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Two Fatal Shooting Cases Move in Courts

Two 2019 fatal shooting cases moved through courts in Memphis recently, one described as “random” and “unprovoked” and another involving a shopkeeper and a shoplifter. 

Shelby County District Attorney General Amy Weirich’s office shared details of both last week. 

Last week, a jury convicted Demarcus Z. Wooten, 21, on murder and gun charges, earning him an automatic life sentence. He will be sentenced formally on all charges in February. 

Court testimony put Wooten in the back seat of a car with several others in the early-morning hours of June 12th, 2019. At Mt. Moriah and Willow, Wooten shot at another motorist in a car, shattering the car’s window and hitting its door. The driver was not injured. Minutes later, the car stopped at a traffic light at Mt. Moriah and Quince. 

Wooten laughed and said, ‘Look at his body.’ 

“Witnesses said that for no apparent reason Wooten shot 49-year-old Willie C. Gandy in the back as he crossed the street in the crosswalk in front of the car,” reads a statement from Weirich’s office. “Witnesses said the car’s driver continued on Mt. Moriah, but that Wooten told the driver to make a u-turn and that as they passed the shooting scene Wooten laughed and said, ‘Look at his body.’ 

“When a witness texted him later asking about the shooting, Wooten, a gang member whose nickname is Hot Head, replied ‘He dead’ in a return text with a smiling emoji.”

Also last week, a grand jury indicted Charles Kalb, 59, a Memphis store owner, after he fatally shot Lamorris Robinson, 33, in the back for attempting to steal a chainsaw. The jury indicted Kalb on first-degree murder charges and possession of a prohibited sawed-off shotgun. He is free on $1 million bond. 

The store owner is free on $1M bond but faces first-degree murder charges.

At around 1:30 p.m. on October 16, 2019, Kalb said he saw Robinson pick up a chainsaw and run from his store, Mid-South Small Engines, in the 2600 block of Mt. Moriah. Surveillance video shows Kalb grab a shotgun from under the counter, run after the suspect, and shoot him in the back outside the store. Robinson was later pronounced dead at a hospital.  

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Crime Commission Pushes to End Police Residency Requirement

The Memphis Shelby Crime Commission released a statement late Monday afternoon in support of a pending state legislative bill that would eliminate the residency requirement for local law enforcement and other local first responders.

SB 29/HB 105 would retroactively abolish all local residency provisions statewide. While currently there is not a statewide local residency provision, SB 29/HB 105 would prohibit local governments from establishing local residency provisions.

The commission cited rising violent crime rates and a shortage of officers as reasoning for their support of the bill. Although the Memphis City Council has set a goal of 2,500 officers for the city of Memphis, at the end of 2020, Memphis had 2,038 commissioned officers. The Shelby County Sheriff’s Office was also below its goal of 750 officers, with 718 officers.

“During our discussion, it was obvious that many [Crime Commission Board of Directors] members were sensitive to the issue of state government preempting local decision-making,” said Ben Adams from the Crime Commission. “However, most board members see the enactment of the legislation as a necessary step to address the severe shortage of local law enforcement officers.”

While the number of on-duty officers has increased since the end of 2016, the overall growth of officers has been slow. 2020 also showed a regression of growth in the number of officers. The Memphis Shelby Crime Commission argues that increasing the pool of potential officer candidates would increase the number of officers in the streets. Their statement also argues that increasing the number of officers would take the strain off of the existing officers in the field.

“At the end of 2020, the MPD was down to 2,038 officers. The Memphis City Council has set a goal of 2,500 officers. Simply put, we will never reach that goal without expanding the pool of qualified applicants,” said Adams.

Citywide there is also support for hiring more officers. In a survey conducted in July of last year 78 percent of respondents were in favor of hiring more police officers with 69 percent of respondents replying that they would like to see increased local law enforcement presence in their neighborhood.

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Local Groups Weigh In on the Biden Administration

CHOICES’ Comprehensive Care Center

As the Biden Administration begins the long process of unifying the country, local nonprofits are gearing up for the work that needs to be done.

“We’re cautiously hopeful, you know,” says Commute Options program manager Sylvia Crum.

“I don’t know how long it’ll take for it to really start becoming apparent of what impact we will get to see right here in Memphis, but I’m really pleased that the administration is putting climate change on the forefront and saying, ‘We’ve got to do something to address this.’”

Commute Options, a nonprofit that works to promote alternative commuting methods within the city of Memphis, launched a bike commuting training program late last year. The program, which teaches Memphians how to commute through the city using biking or public transportation, is the first of many planned moves by the organization in 2021.

“We’ve been gathering a very lovely group of volunteers who are so excited to think about how we could help — in a safe and socially distanced way — encourage people who might want to try bicycling for transportation and show off the ability to do that.”

The nonprofit health advocate CHOICES has also begun the year strong. Its new comprehensive care center, which opened last fall, has been accepting patients throughout the pandemic, increasing volume in the latter half of 2020. The new center has allowed the group to expand to prenatal care and birth, something that director of external affairs Katy Leopard calls the “last piece of the puzzle”.

“As CHOICES, we wanted to be able to help people no matter what their choices were around a pregnancy. And so, it really makes sense that people needed to have more autonomy and how they give birth and the birth process,” says Leopard. “Having an out-of-hospital birth center environment that’s led by midwives, where people giving birth have more autonomy and choice, was really important to us. It wasn’t available in Memphis or anywhere near us, so we really felt like our community needed that.”

Just City executive director Josh Spickler says that while not much has changed for the organization with the new administration, they are still feeling the effects of the Trump administration.

“For the most part, our issues are pretty local,” he says. “A couple of exceptions would be that at the end of the last administration, there was a rush to execute five or six people. Federal executions had been on hold for years and years, and the Trump administration brought them back knowing that the Biden administration was going to have to work to stop them again.”

“I would hope that the death penalty becomes an issue, at the congressional level,” he adds. “We just don’t have the resources locally, but that’s one thing that I would hope would change because the state of Tennessee has really shown no interest in doing anything.”

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Memphis City Council Hears From MPD on Gang Violence

The Memphis City Council met with Memphis Police Department leaders today to discuss gang violence and crime prevention in the city. Deputy Chief Michael Hardy and Major Frank Winston gave a presentation that outlined where local gang activity is concentrated and demonstrated their expertise on the subject.

Memphis Police Department/Facebook

Hardy and Wilson said gangs in the Memphis area are generally managed under three major umbrella organizations: Folk Nation, People Nation, and Latino Gangs. Commonly known as Black Disciple Gangsters, Disciple Gangsters, and Playboy Surenos, these are the most prevalent in Memphis. They recruit young teens in their neighborhoods then send them off to commit a plethora of crimes, including grand theft auto, robbery, and obtaining illegal guns.         

There are 13,400 gang members on record in Memphis, and MPD says there are countless more juveniles who face little to no penalty for their criminal actions. MPD is working diligently to dismantle gang violence. Currently there are multiple federally funded programs that aid in this effort. 

“So what we’re saying now is that they’re coming together. And we call those local hybrid gangs now,” said Winston. A hybrid gang may be made up of childhood friends from differing gangs that collude to commit crimes. 

Last fall, MPD participated in “Operation Relentless Pursuit,” a federal effort to reduce gang violence in multiple cities, including Baltimore, Cleveland, Detroit, Kansas City, and Milwaukee.

“Every year, at every peak season we get a directive to target a certain neighborhood. The last one we completed was in Ridgeway Station and was very successful,” said Winston. The MPD, and the homicide Bureau, brought in over 28 individuals who committed homicides in Memphis and Shelby County.

In 2020, MPD entered 339 people to their Tracking Active Gang-members (TAG) database, including 661 felony arrests, 183 misdemeanor arrests, and 91 homicides recovered. Officers gave 37 gang presentations in schools and community meetings but said that COVID has made it difficult to do outreach. 

‘We need resources and tougher sentences on multi-offense violent criminals in the state, but we also have to look at the fact that we’ve got first-time juvenile offenders that desperately, desperately need resources,” said Councilman Chase Carlisle “And if there’s still an opportunity to save them, we’ve really got to figure out how to partner with the county commission and the state government on how to figure out a way to prevent a repeat offenders.” 

The MPD Gang Unit strongly suggested mentoring, community outreach, and local support of community policing to combat gang violence in the area.

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Criminal Identified Wearing “Unique Jeans”

Learn from Joshua Beason: when you’re out on a crime spree, change your clothes.

Beason, 26, pleaded guilty to six charges Wednesday for a strong of robberies in June 2019.

In one day last year, Beason and two others pulled guns and robbed the Mapco Express on Raleigh Millington Road, the Murphy’s Express on Summer, and the Exxon on Summer.

After that, the three invaded a home. Beason’s two associates were shot. He drove the two men to Methodist Hospital North.

It was there that law enforcement spotted Beason. They recognized him as he “was wearing a unique jeans brand and a red hoodie worn during each of the three business robberies.”

Beason faces up to 60 years in federal prison for each robbery and at least 21 years for using a firearm during each one. There is no parole in the federal system.

“Within one day, this violent offender’s selfish and impulsive greed terrorized multiple victims,” said U.S. Attorney Michael Dunavant. “For that, his own future is now destroyed because he will spend decades in a federal prison.”

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U.S. Atty. Dunavant Announces $2 Million to Combat Violent Crime

U.S. Attorney D. Michael Dunavant

U.S. Attorney D. Michael Dunavant has announced that more than $2 million in Department of Justice grants are headed to the Western District of Tennessee to help prevent violent crime. The grants come from a $458 million support pledge from Attorney General William Barr to help in supporting local, state, and tribal law in enforcement efforts to combat violent crime.

“One of the fundamental missions of government is to protect its citizens and safeguard the rule of law,” said Barr. “The Department of Justice will continue to meet  this critical responsibility by doing everything within its power to help our state, local and tribal  law enforcement and criminal justice partners fight crime and deliver justice on behalf of all  Americans.”

The funding is a part of the Trump Administration’s commitment to combat violent crime and improve public safety nationwide. Upon taking office, the President elevated community safety to the top of his domestic agenda. Recent data from the FBI and the Bureau of Justice statistics for 2019 show a drop in crime and serious victimization for the third year in a row.

To date, funding from the Office of Justice Programs (OJP) has gone to Operation Relentless Pursuit, Project Guardian, and Operation LeGend.

“We are thankful to Attorney General Barr for providing these additional OJP grant resources to combat violent gun crime in Memphis, and we will continue to coordinate with our state and local law enforcement partners to use these  resources to effectively target the real crime drivers in Memphis and Shelby County: gangs, guns, and drugs.”

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Murders and Aggravated Assaults Rise as Burglaries Fall

Memphis Police Department/Facebook

The University of Memphis Public Safety Institute (PSI) and the Memphis Shelby County Crime Commission released preliminary crime figures from the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (TBI).  The figures cover crimes committed between January and September and reflect significant changes between the months of April to September.

In the first quarter of 2020 major violent crime had been trending downward with a drop of 5.2 percent when compared to the first quarter of 2019. A chief cause of the fall was a decline in reported robberies and aggravated assaults. Despite the initial fall major violent crime rose by 17.6 percent by the end of the third quarter of 2020.

The increase in major violent crime is directly tied to the significant increase in murders throughout Memphis. Murders were up 62.7 percent in the city of Memphis and 55.1 percent countywide. Aggravated assaults were up 27.2 percent in the city of Memphis and 26.6 percent throughout the county. In both instances, the victims were most likely to know each other.

The report also found that during the COVID-19 months of April to September, the number of reported robberies fell, continuing a three-year streak of downward decline. September marked a 14.7 percent drop in random robberies in the city and a 15.5 percent drop throughout Shelby County. Since 2016 reported robberies have plummeted nearly 35 percent citywide.

Property crime was also heavily affected during the COVID-19 months of April to September. Throughout Memphis, property crime fell 12.2 percent and in the county was down 11.7 percent. Notably, the burglary rate was down 27.5 percent in the city of Memphis and 26.3 percent countrywide. The joint PSI and Shelby County Crime Commission report acknowledged that the lowered property crime numbers are possibly due to the number of people at home during the day due to the COVID-19 pandemic acting as a potential deterrent to would-be burglars.

Since 2016 the number of burglaries in and around Memphis have continued to fall. In 2016 there were 6,832 burglaries during the first three quarters of the year. Today the number stands at 4,055, which represents a 40.5 percent drop in reported burglaries.

Bill Gibbons, the president of the Crime Commission and executive director of the PSI stated that while the rise in murders and aggravated assaults mirror a nationwide increase in violent crime.

“The increases in murders and aggravated assaults are occurring in cities across the country during the pandemic. We are not alone. Many of these crimes involve perpetrators and victims who know each other, which probably reflects the increased stress during the COVID-19 pandemic. At the same time, we can be encouraged by continuing and consistent declines in robberies and burglaries. While still a problem, the chances of being a random victim of a robbery or burglary are down considerably.”

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Public Safety Institute Finds Rise in Gun Crime and Need for More Support in Shelby County Mental Health Court

Earlier in the week, the University of Memphis Public Safety Institute (PSI) released information regarding increases in reported gun crimes and their evaluation of the Shelby County Mental Health Court (MHC).

Based on data released from the Memphis Police Department (MPD) and Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (TBI), the number of reported gun crimes have increased in Memphis, specifically between the months of April and June.

In their findings, the MPD reported that during the first quarter of the year, January to March, reported violent incidents involving guns were down slightly compared to the first quarter of 2019. Despite this, reported violent incidents involving guns were up 11.2 percent for the first half of the year, January to June. During this period, almost 64 percent of all reported violent crime incidents involved guns.

Though the TBI uses different metrics to identify reported incidents involving guns — what could be considered as one incident by the MPD can be considered multiple incidents under TBI definition — their figures showed a similar increase during the April to June period. The TBI reported that by the end of the first half of the year reported offenses involving guns had increased by almost 23 percent.

The PSI partnered with the Shelby County Mental Health Court to evaluate the effectiveness of the court in preventing rearrests and reincarcerations, ensuring that lengths of incarceration were similar to those not accepted for participation in the MHC, and if time in the MHC affected lengths of hospitalizations.

Between 2016 and 2019, 247 individuals were referred to the MHC a total of 368 times, with 170 (61 percent) being invited to participate, and 156 accepted. The average risk assessment score — the “score” which determines whether someone is considered too dangerous to release — for those invited to participate in the court was high.

The MHC employs a mental health treatment plan that is designed to help those accepted into the court received reduced or dismissed sentences. Despite only 48 (30.8 percent) of the 156 graduating from the MHC’s treatment program, when surveyed the MHC staff and presiding judge, indicated that they had positive feelings about the MHC teamwork-oriented approach.

The PSI’s full report and findings can be found here.