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State Suggests More Transparency for Shelby County Criminal Justice System

The criminal justice system in Shelby County is murky, a new report says. 

How many days does it take for a case to be taken care of? How many days are people incarcerated (if they can’t make bail) before their cases are taken care of? How often do people stay clean while they’re out on bail? How often are they re-arrested while out on bail? How often are people booked? How often do they ask for a trial? 

Some answers came to these questions in a report issued Wednesday by a division of the Tennessee State Comptroller’s Office. That report was requested in February 2024 by Lt. Gov. Randy McNally (R-Oak Ridge) who wanted those answers (and more) about “issues in Shelby County,” specifically.   

For the request, the comptroller’s Office of Research and Education Accountability (OREA) sent agents to Memphis. Over the past year, those agents interviewed about 70 people and spent about 100 hours at the Shelby County Criminal Justice Center. They conducted research, watched court proceedings, and analyzed datasets from at least 22 state and local entities. 

From August to September, the agents gathered data on about 1,033 cases as they made their ways through the criminal justice process here. They watched 417 cases in General Sessions Court and 616 cases in Criminal Court. For the sake of equal comparison, they included 145 sample cases for the report that had similar data. 

“The more than 1,030 cases observed represent a fraction of the cases heard in these courtrooms on any given day,” reads the report. “Across all eight General Sessions courtrooms that hear felony cases, more than 480 cases are heard daily. In the nine Criminal Court courtrooms, this number rises to over 500 cases heard daily.” 

Here’s some of what they found in Criminal Court:

• Half of cases were completely through court (or disposed) in two months.

• A quarter of cases were disposed in 37 days or fewer.

• Nearly all the cases were disposed within 266 days, or nine months.

• Shelby County had the highest number of open felony charges (2,335) at the time, double the Nashville count of 1,024.

• Of the 95 defendants OREA watched, only seven re-offended while on pretrial release (bail or free release). 

• A majority (60 percent) of felony charges did not change at the end of a case from 2018 to 2023. The remaining charges either decreased (about 20 percent) or increased (about 21 percent). 

Here’s some of what they found in General Sessions Court: 

• Over half of the cases were dismissed.

• A quarter of cases were disposed with a guilty plea.

• About 10 percent of cases were bound over to a grand jury.

However, no one in Shelby County is collecting this information. These observations are from a small sample size from a small group of OREA agents. 

Without aggregate data, it’s impossible to judge the efficiency, throughput capacity, or overall health of the Shelby County Justice system. The OREA group thinks someone here should be responsible for gathering that data and sharing it with the public. 

“The result is that the public cannot assess overall, aggregate trends and patterns; the public cannot see the big picture,” reads the report. 

The group offered a list of detailed recommendations to improve the situation here, but it is unknown what next step may come in the situation. 

Read the full report below:

We Recommend We Recommend

Spillit Storytellers Call Out Local Justice System

Saturday, February 1st, is 201 Day, says Josh Campbell, creative director of Spillit Memphis. It’s named, he says, “for better or worse, for the most famous address in Memphis.” That address, of course, is 201 Poplar, location of Shelby County’s Walter L. Bailey Jr. Criminal Justice Center that houses several courts, the district attorney’s office, and the county jail. “It’s become an image and avatar for the overall justice system here in Memphis,” Campbell says. “We wanted to have a storytelling event where we can talk about these things and have conversations.”

And so, this Saturday, in partnership with the Tennessee Innocence Project and Dixon Gallery & Gardens, Spillit will host one of its “Center Stage” storytelling gatherings, with a focus on justice and injustice in Memphis. Unlike the group’s popular slam events, similar to an open mic, this Center Stage will feature a curated lineup of speakers, including local attorney Rattlebone Jones; Jessica Van Dyke, legal director at the Tennessee Innocence Project; and District Attorney Steve Mulroy. Also speaking will be Darren Price, who was exonerated this month after 20 years in prison and four years on probation, and Ricky Webb, who was exonerated after spending nearly 50 years in jail for a murder he didn’t commit.

“So those are our two big stories that we really think are important,” Campbell says of the Tennessee Innocence Project exonerees, but he adds that the other speakers will add to the conversation with stories of bureaucratic absurdity, lemonade stands, and more. “We want people to come at this topic with a lot of different things.”

The hope, Campbell says, is that the audience and speaker will find connection. “The thing about storytelling is not necessarily to find out something new about the person,” he says. “It’s really about finding that they’re not that much different from you. So when we can find common ground through stories, then we can really start working to find common ground in real life.”

Further, whenever Spillit hosts events in partnership with other organizations, as this event will with the Tennessee Innocence Project, Campbell says, “By giving that firsthand account, you’re really giving power to what those organizations do. People don’t always open up to strangers, but if I partner with an organization that has some clout in the community and some connection, then that gives us a good entry into finding out about these stories and people trusting us to present them. So really, it’s about finding people to tell stories and getting the message out there and hopefully telling the story of Memphis that people don’t think about.”

This Spillit event is free to attend and will have light refreshments. The next Spillit Slam on March 29th is themed Midterms and will be in partnership with the University of Tennessee Health Science Center and the Memphis Medical District Collaborative. 

Spillit Center Stage: 201, Dixon Gallery & Gardens, 4339 Park Avenue, Saturday, February 1, 6-8 p.m.

Keep up with Spillit Memphis here.

Keep up with the Tennessee Innocence Project here.

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Gov. Lee Pardons 43 People

Governor Bill Lee pardoned 43 people Friday.

In a news statement, Lee explained that pardons are “an official statement of forgiveness.” They are granted to those who have completed their sentences and have been living freely in their communities for at least five years.

Other forms of clemency include exoneration and commutation. Lee did not grant either of those Friday.

“After thoroughly reviewing the merits of each case, I have decided to grant 43 individuals executive clemency,” said Lee. “Each individual case is unique and warranted consideration, and I thank the Board of Parole members for their thoughtful recommendations throughout this process.”

Executive clemency decisions are made in consultation with the Tennessee Board of Parole. That board issues non-binding recommendations for each case.

Here is the list of those pardoned by Lee Friday:

Sabrina Myrick Adams

Otto Adkerson

Pamela Amos

Ashley Cooper Barnhill

Erik Bennett

Justin Beshearse

Lanesha Brown

Quanroyas Clendening

Jeffrey Crick

Johnny Drinkard

Lauren Driver

Angelia Laderman Dycus

Jason Hall

Sarah Harrell

Kimberly Holliday

Matthew Hoover

Joshua Hunt

Jonathan Jackson

James Jones

Kathy Keel

Tameka Kirk

Steven Langston

Shantie Martin

Miguel Monzon

Tyree Morgan

Brittany Nepa

Zennia Nesmith

Shirley Parsons

Christopher Prince

Cynthia Ramirez

Stephanie Robertson

Jennifer Rush

Melissa Smith

Thomas Smith

Taylor Stevenson

Robert Turner

Patrick Varni

Jeffrey Victory

Pamela Waller

Janet Watson

Joseph Whitfield

Paul Williams

Tanika Woodard

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Trial Here Will Test New Law Stripping Local DAs of Post-Conviction Review

Court arguments are set to begin in Memphis on Friday in a case that will test a new state law that stripped local control of post-conviction proceedings in capital cases and granted it to the Tennessee Attorney General.

In capital cases, individuals often seek a review of their convictions, requesting a different judge to assess evidence, determine intellectual disability, competency for execution, and other factors in the hopes of obtaining a reduced sentence. This process is known as collateral review.

Previously, local district attorneys represented the state in these cases. However, a bill passed by the Republican-dominated Tennessee General Assembly and signed by Republican Governor Bill Lee granted this authority to Republican Tennessee Attorney General and Reporter Jonathan Skrmetti.

“The attorney general and reporter will have exclusive control over the state’s defense of the request for collateral review,” stated the bill. “The attorney general and reporter will not be bound by any stipulations, concessions, or agreements made by a district attorney general regarding a request for collateral review. This amendment prohibits a trial court from issuing a final order granting relief in a request for collateral review until the attorney general and reporter files a response to the request.”

The House bill was filed in January, but it felt largely under the radar, primarily focusing on the requirement for law enforcement agencies to inventory sexual assault kits.

However, an amendment removed all of that language and completely re-wrote the bill to give the state AG control in these post-conviction cases. The legislature passed the bill in mid-April, and the governor signed it into law later that month. 

“This sudden move appears to be a response to the choices of voters in both Davidson County and Shelby County, who elected prosecutors to support more restorative and less punitive policies,” read a statement at the time from Tennesseeans for Alternatives to the Death Penalty. 

Larry McKay, who received two death sentences for the murders of two store clerks in Shelby County in 1981, has now requested a court review of previously unexamined evidence in his case. Despite the new law, his attorney seeks disqualification of the “unelected” Tennessee Attorney General from the review.

McKay argues that the new law infringes on the responsibilities of local district attorneys, thereby violating the Tennessee Constitution. Additionally, he contends that the drastic alteration of the legislation violates the state constitution.

In support of McKay’s request, Shelby County District Attorney Steve Mulroy wants to review the new evidence. In a letter this month, Mulroy said, “The newly enacted statute is an unconstitutional effort to divest and diminish the authority granted to Tennessee’s District Attorneys General by the Tennessee Constitution. The new statute violates the voting rights of such voters because it strips material discretion from District Attorneys, who are elected by the qualified voters of the judicial district.”

State attorneys argue that McKay has sought review of his case multiple times in various courts. They challenge the arguments put forth by his attorney, asserting that the new statute does not violate the state constitution. They further note that McKay may not even get the desired outcome if the new evidence is reviewed.

“The General Assembly was entitled to take that statuary power away from the district attorneys and give it to the Attorney General in capital cases,” reads the court document. “They have done just that and their mandate must be followed.”

Memphis Criminal Court Judge Paula Skahan is scheduled to preside over the case and hear arguments on Friday at 10 a.m.

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Sycamore Institute Report Examines the Cost of Criminal Justice

Earlier this week the Sycamore Institute, an independent and non-partisan public policy research center for Tennessee, released a report in which they broke down the fees and fines within the criminal justice system of Tennessee.

In their findings, they reported that there were nearly 360 public fees and fines authorized in Tennessee state law, a number that is higher if private acts are factored in. The number of fines is something that Josh Spickler from Just City found concerning.

Chip Chockley

Josh Spickler

“I mean, one of the biggest findings for me from that Sycamore Institute report was how many, which is something we’ve known for a long time has been an issue,” says Spickler. “As an attorney, or as anyone who’s been through that system can tell you, just the sheer number of individual charges is really difficult to quantify. And so, of course, it also depends on what you’re charged with.”

The fee and fine system that exists within the Tennessee criminal justice system is not limited to those found guilty of a crime. Tennessee has one of the most robust fees and fines systems in the country. Due to the sheer number of fees and fines, racking up a significant debt during the criminal justice process is likely.

Sycamore Institute TN

Fines and fees can accrue at all levels of the Criminal Justice process

A daily fee for any jail time associated with a misdemeanor conviction, copays for medical care received while incarcerated, and fees and costs associated with court-ordered treatment for mental health or substance use disorders mean that those convicted can find themselves released with a hefty bill. Even when not charged with standard court charges, document filing fees and even courtroom security costs all end up compiling into sometimes ludicrous amounts.

The fees and fines in the criminal justice system are not levied out of spite. For the taxpayers, as well as state and local governments, fees are supposed to take some of the burdens off their community and to fund public safety initiatives. They are also supposed to be deterrents for crime. But as the Sycamore Institute points out in its report, more often than not, these fines end up causing more harm than good. For those without the ability to pay, fines and fees from previous convictions or court appearances can cause significant difficulty, the group says.

“Court fees are some of the biggest disqualifying factors of the thousands and thousands of people we talk to every year at Just City,” says Spickler. “The biggest disqualifying factor is that ‘Yes, you qualify. Yes, it has been 10 years since you were convicted. Yes, you have finished your sentence, you’ve gotten in no other trouble anywhere in the world. But you still owe $700 in core debt from that 12-year-old case, we can’t get you expunges.’ So the fines and fees are a leverage point there. And then several years ago, [Tennessee] doubled down on it by saying if you owe that criminal court debt, specifically, in Tennessee, we’re going to suspend your license.”

While the Sycamore Institute report does not recommend changes for the fees and fines system — the report is just one of a series that they intended to release in order to help policymakers better understand the human element in the criminal justice system — Spickler thinks income-based fines could be a solution.

“In Memphis, consider that the vast majority of people who come through that system are living in abject poverty. You can’t get blood from a turnip. You can assess all the fines you want, it might as well be a million dollars, ten thousand dollars, one thousand dollars, it’s all the same. Make a ‘finding of ability to pay.’ And if you work three shifts at the warehouse and are cobbling together $12,000 a year, you know, a $50 fine, is significant to you. If you’re assessing it to a director of a nonprofit with 20 years of legal experience like myself, that fine is going to be a whole lot higher. We’re purportedly making findings of income and wealth before we appoint a public defender, so these are not new processes that we would have to implement into our system, but we need to make it automatic. Everybody who comes through that system, we need to assess their ability to pay their way through the criminal justice system and stop pretending that everyone on paper can pay, because most people can’t.”

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Group Hopes to De-Criminalize Poverty

A Tennessee organization is looking for community-sourced solutions to the criminalization of poor Tennesseans.

Free Hearts, an organization led by formerly incarcerated women, seeks to provide support, advocacy, and education to families impacted by incarceration. The group’s ultimate goal is to keep families together or reuniting them.

The organization is asking the public to complete a survey to help generate community-based solutions to decriminalize poverty in Tennessee.

“#ItsNotACrime to be poor, but the state of TN has made it a crime to be poor and working-poor,” the survey introduction reads.

Dawn Harrington, executive director of Free Hearts, said that the survey will help identify new Tennesseans who want to join their efforts to end the criminalization of the poor and “transform our state into one that is just and equitable for all.”

The survey will be open through October 4th. Those who are interested can also send a 1-minute video on the criminalization of poverty to the group.


Free Hearts, along with the National Council for Incarcerated and Formerly Incarcerated Women and Girls, helped push for a recently-passed state law meant to help parents facing incarceration stay with their families.

The Primary Caretaker Bill, which became law in July, requires that courts factor in someone’s caretaker status when handing down sentences. The idea is for the caretakers to be offered a community-based alternative to incarceration.

Facebook/Free Hearts

Free Hearts with Gov. Bill Lee as he signs the Primary Caretaker Bill

The group has since been talking with Gov. Bill Lee’s office about solutions to the criminalization of poverty. The organization was asked to present solutions to address the issue and other policies related to poverty and criminal justice.

The survey is a step in that direction. Harrington said the group wants to build on the work it’s done for caregivers, by looking for alternatives to parts of the system it says criminalizes poverty, such as bail and pre-trial detention.

“It is our belief that participation is the first win and in order to propose solutions to a problem that affects so many of us, we must get input and buy in from Tennessee across the state on their ideas and organizations that already exists that they believe are effective,” Harrington said.

To incentivize participation, Free Hearts will enter all survey participants or those who create videos in weekly drawings through October 4th for a chance to win a $500 gift card.