Books Music Music Features

Marina Bokelman and David Evans’ Going Up the Country

“Anthropologists are thrice-born,” my old instructor in the discipline, T.O. Beidelman, once asserted in a lecture. He had us all captivated with his tales of fieldwork among the Dinka in the Sudan. “First, we are born into our own culture. Secondly, we enter the cultures we study as children, and gradually are born as social beings in that community. And thirdly, we are reborn when we return to our own culture, seeing it with fresh eyes.”

Those words have echoed in my mind while reading a stunning new collection of field notes from the ’60s by two graduate students — one of anthropology, the other of folklore/ethnomusicology — in the blues communities of Mississippi and Louisiana. Going Up the Country: Adventures in Blues Fieldwork in the 1960s (Univ. Press of Mississippi) evokes all the excitement of discovery, of being reborn into another culture, that only a person putting their life and time on the line can feel as they aim for complete immersion. And it’s especially gripping for Memphis-based music lovers, as one of the authors is David Evans, onetime director (and founder) of the ethnomusicology program at what is now called the University of Memphis.

His time at the university is highly regarded among blues aficionados, for he not only studied the form but also performed it (often with the legendary Jessie Mae Hemphill) and produced it, running the small High Water Records label with Richard Ranta, which released many singles and a few albums by lesser-known artists in the ’70s and ’80s. Now retired, he’s still a performer and an appreciator of the blues. Yet all he accomplished at the University of Memphis is but an afterthought in this work, which focuses on earlier chapters of Evans’ life. But he wasn’t alone then.

“It was co-authored with my friend at the time, Marina Bokelman,” Evans explains, noting that Bokelman passed away in May of last year at the age of 80. This book is a fitting tribute to the magnificent work the two did over a half century ago. “We focus on the fieldwork that we did in 1966-67,” Evans adds. “It’s based on the field notes that we took as we did the work. Each day we’d write the notes, describing what we did, our encounters with artists and others. And then there are some other chapters providing background on that, discussing fieldwork, and a little bit about our lives before and after that period.”

The core of the book is an evocative tour through the lives of blues and gospel singers, with a level of detail and attention to both the music and their lives rivaling any blues study before or since. The co-authors’ notes and photographs take the reader into the midst of memorable encounters with many obscure but no less important musicians, as well as blues legends, including Robert Pete Williams, Mississippi Fred McDowell, Babe Stovall, Reverend Ruben Lacy, and Jack Owens.

It was all part of the authors’ studies in the fledgling folklore and mythology program at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), where they began dating. There was clearly an intellectual as well as a romantic bond there, and the scholarly standards of the field notes are high. But this is also an adventure story of sorts, as the young couple describes searches for musicians, recording situations, social and family dynamics of musicians, and race relations, not to mention the practical, ethical, and logistical problems of doing fieldwork. The book features over one hundred documentary photographs that depict the field recording sessions and the activities, lives, and living conditions of the artists and their families. As you read along, you’ll want to listen to any recordings of the artists that you can get your hands on.

While the field adventures are gripping, so too is the milieu of the young scholars in Los Angeles at the time, living in Topanga Canyon, and playing host to a young Al Wilson, with whom Evans performed previously in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Evans describes introducing Wilson to Tommy Johnson’s “Canned Heat Blues,” and we read of Wilson founding the famous group named after that 1928 record. With this section, occupying nearly the first hundred pages of the book, and the “after the field” biographical essays detailing the authors’ lives after splitting up and pursuing their respective passions, this book is a glowing portrait of two insatiably curious souls, a fitting memoir of two lives well-lived.

“We had some real adventures,” reflects Evans. “They’re all in the book.”

Film/TV Film/TV/Etc. Blog

Dr. William Ferris Brings Voices of Mississippi to Crosstown Theater

Dr. William Ferris with his camera in Mississippi in the 1970s.

In the early 1970s, William Ferris was a graduate student studying folklore at the University of Pennsylvania. His specialty was studying the rich musical culture of North Mississippi. “I was doing field recordings and photography, and coming back and presenting that. I felt I couldn’t communicate the full power of the church services and juke joints I was working in. Film would be the best way to do that. No one there was willing to help me, at the film school. So I got a little super 8 camera and began to shoot footage and do wild sound on a reel-to-reel recorder. I put together these really basic, early films, which in many ways are the best things I ever did. It’s very visceral, powerful material. I brought those back, and people were just blown away by them.”

Ferris was particularly interested in the proto-blues fife and drum music tradition kept alive in Gravel Springs, Mississippi, by Othar Turner. “I was trying to finish a film on Othar Turner that I had shot, and David Evans had done the sound. Judy Peiser was working at public television in Mississippi, and she interviewed me. I told her about the fife and drum film, and she said she would like to edit it. That led to the creation of the Center for Southern Folklore in 1972, and to a long history of working on films. I would spend my summers in Memphis when I was teaching at Yale. We would work on films and other projects. I made a lot of wonderful friends that I’ve been close to ever since.”

Dr. Ferris, with the help of Peiser and others, acquired progressively better equipment and, over the years, created a series of short documentaries immortalizing the artists and traditions of the Mississippi Delta. His successful academic career would go on to include a stint as the Chairman of the National Endowment for the Humanities. Currently, he is a Senior Associate Director Emeritus at the Center for Study of the American South at the University of South Carolina, Chapel Hill. The Center for Southern Folklore, which he and Peiser founded, became a beloved institution in Memphis. “The Center has made a mark, and continues to make a mark with its festivals and exhibits. Judy Peiser has continued it. She’s an anchor for all this work and Memphis, and really a national treasure.”

On Friday, May 17th, Indie Memphis will present “Voices of Mississippi,” a collection of Ferris’ now-classic short documentaries, beginning with “Gravel Springs Fife and Drum.” “Ray Lum: Mule Trader” introduces us to the title character, who Ferris calls “an amazing raconteur.” Ferris recorded the auctioneer’s stories and tall tales in film, and with an accompanying book and soundtrack. “There are two soundtracks. You can hear the wild sound, and his voice. I don’t think that had ever been done before. All of that was published and produced through the Center. I think it was really ahead of its time in terms of media and film.”

“Four Women Artists” documents writer Eudora Welty, quilter Picolia Warner, needleworker Ethel Mohamed  and painter Theora Hamblett  “Bottle Up and Go” records a Loman, Mississippi, musician demonstrating “one strand on the wall,” a precursor to the slide guitar that makes an instrument out of a house. “It’s one of the earliest instruments that every blues singer learned on as a child, because it was free,” says Ferris. “He also did bottle blowing. Both of those are sounds that have deep roots in Africa and are the roots of the blues.”

Dr. Ferris will bring along some of his Memphis-based collaborators and sign the Grammy-inning box set of his life’s work. He says that for him, this Memphis screening is like a homecoming.“To me, Memphis is the undiscovered bohemian culture,” he says. “You have black and white, rural and folk voices coming out of Arkansas, Mississippi, and Tennessee, meeting this formally educated group of musicians and artists like Sid Selvidge, William Eggleston. Music and photography was a big part of the scene. The photography, because of Eggleston and Tav Falco and Ernest Withers, makes Memphis unique. It just has so many pieces that you don’t find in the French Quarter in New Orleans, where William Faulkner went to write. You have Julian Hohenberg, this very wealthy cotton broker whose heart is in music. He was involved in the music scene for many, many years. It’s the escape valve for people who love the arts. It’s really funky and countercultural. Everything they couldn’t do in these little towns and rural areas, they do in Memphis — and they do it with a passion.”

“Voices of Mississippi” will screen at 6 PM on Friday, May 17 at the Crosstown Theater. RSVP for a free ticket at the Indie Memphis website

Music Music Features

Era-spanning blues

Who says that jug-band blues can’t sound contemporary? On Needy Time, his newest release for the Memphis-based Inside Sounds label, David Evans, resident bluesologist at the University of Memphis, taps into the genre’s pre-World War II style even as he namechecks contemporary topics such as September 11th, Osama bin Laden, President Bush, Hurricane Katrina, and war hero Jessica Lynch.

“A radio station in El Paso is playing the song ‘Bring the Boys Back Home’ quite a bit,” says Inside Sounds owner Eddie Dattel, who also co-produced and played on the album. “It turns out that Jessica Lynch and Lori Piestewa, who was [the first U.S. servicewoman to be] killed in Iraq, were both stationed there at Fort Bliss.”

The powerful original, which Evans penned in 2004, opens the album. It’s followed by a traditional gospel number, “Now Is a Needy Time,” which features The Spirit of Memphis Quartet (who reappear for “God Rode in the Windstorm”), a cover of Tommy McClennan‘s “Highway 51,” and a riveting jug-band version of the blues obscurity “Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.”

Several songs on the album were culled from earlier sessions. Two 1960s-era cuts, “Baby, Please Don’t Go” and “Loving Blues,” feature Evans’ former running buddy, the late Alan Wilson, guitarist with the group Canned Heat. A rousing rendition of “Bottle Up and Go” was recorded with the late Hammie Nixon and Madame Van Zula Hunt in ’79, while other tracks were cut in Paris, France, and at Inside Sounds Studio here in Memphis.

This Friday, August 24th, Evans will be performing songs from Needy Time at a CD release party at the Center for Southern Folklore. Elmo Lee Thomas — who plays harmonica and jug on several tracks on the album — will be joining him. Showtime is 7 p.m. For more information, call 525-3655.

Also new for Inside Sounds: Jimmy the Pervert‘s More Dirty Little Secrets, the second comedy album from former Lizard Kings/Xavion songwriter Wally Ford‘s alter ego. “It’s been getting a lot of national attention,” Dattel says. “The comedy station on XM Radio likes him, and we noticed all these downloads, so we decided to get some new stuff together.” Tracks include the utterly hilarious “Kool-Aid Acid Stance” and “I Was a Teenage Mental Case.”

“We’re also promoting the blues constantly,” Dattel notes, explaining that Memphis blues guitarist Daddy Mack Orr, a fixture at the Blue Worm juke joint, will hit the West Coast for the first time in mid-September, when he goes out on an eight-city tour with James and Harold Bonner and drummer William Faulkner. This winter, Inside Sounds’ resident harmonica guru, Billy Gibson, will join Charlie Musselwhite, Hubert Sumlin, and Irma Thomas on the Legendary Rhythm and Blues Cruise, slated for the Caribbean in January.

For more on the label, visit

As impossible as it is to believe, Sharde Thomas is a senior in high school. But the fife wunderkind will put down her books this weekend, when she and her extended family stage the Turner Family Picnic in Gravel Springs, Mississippi.

Over the last 50 or so years, the picnic, a North Mississippi hill-country tradition, has been documented by Library of Congress folklorist Alan Lomax and hundreds of photographers and writers.

What to expect: chewy goat barbecue, fried catfish sandwiches, ice cold beer, and an incredible array of music from Thomas and The Rising Star Fife & Drum Band, a group she inherited from her late grandfather, Otha Turner, who died in 2003, and friends like the family of late hill-country blues star R.L. Burnside, T-Model Ford, and more.

“We’ve been doing this at least 49 years, for as long as my mama can remember,” says Bobbie Turner Mallory, another of Turner’s granddaughters.

“We’re keeping it the old way,” she adds. “It’s pretty easy to pull off. As long as the band continues on, I think we’re fine.”

The picnic, which begins on Friday, August 24th, just before dusk, and continues early afternoon on Saturday, August 25th, is free and open to the public.

To get to the Turners’ farm, drive south on I-55 to Senatobia, Mississippi. Go east on Highway 4, toward Holly Springs. Turn south on Gravel Springs Road, then east on O.B. McClinton Highway. The picnic will be about a mile down on the south side of the road.

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In the Bag

One of the brightest stars in the blues-scholarship constellation lives and teaches right here in the Bluff City: David Evans has been a professor of music at the University of Memphis for almost 30 years and directs the school’s ethnomusicology/regional-studies doctoral program. He will be at the Cotton Museum at the Memphis Cotton Exchange this Thursday, December 21st, at noon for the December entry in the “Brown Bag Author Talk” series.

Evans is the author of The NPR Curious Listener’s Guide to Blues, a book that explains the music form, examines its history, and extols its masters for the curious, if not for dummies. The secret to the continued success of the blues a century after its formal inception may lie in its accessibility — it’s emotional, and everyone can relate — and the extent to which it rewards audiophiles — along with jazz, no other music is so geared toward wonks. Evans is definitely one of those last, a cognoscente of the blues stripe. But don’t let that fool you: The guy is as easygoing as a down-home Ethel Waters tune. Evans will be talking about his book at the museum and will bring his guitar along too to illustrate points and play some of the music that made the Delta famous.

As the name indicates, guests are encouraged to bring their own chow. An accomplished guitarist, vocalist, and Grammy Award winner for liner notes along with everything else, Evans is a regular Y’all-aissance man. Expect a lunchtime as enjoyable as watching the Mississippi River lazily eddy southward right down the street from the museum.

“Brown Bag Author Talk” with David Evans at the Cotton Museum at the Memphis Cotton Exchange. Thursday, December 21st, noon. Go to for more information.