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The Forge Memphis to Bring Zipline Experience to Mud Island

The Forge Memphis has recently introduced a $10 million private investment into Mud Island.

The project “will require no incentives from any governmental bodies.”

According to The Forge Memphis, the project is “an aerial adventure course with accompanying programming and activities designed to deliver unique year-round activities for adventurers of all ages.

The project was presented to Memphis City Council on Tuesday, August 9th, and according to Doug Carpenter, founder of Doug Carpenter and Associates (DCA), “takes very little footprint off of Mud Island.”

“I think that it leaves so many open opportunities for other people, organizations, and  businesses to join us in activating Mud Island … I think that’s an area that people are really impressed with, the amount of activity we can generate with as little groundspace that we have to take.”

Carpenter said there was originally an idea to put a zipline across the Mississippi River. After hiring a firm to do a study on the area, Carpenter also asked for a study on Mud Island.

“Mud Island has been looking for a solution,” Carpenter said. “It’s a really unique piece of property and requires unique responses. The feasibility of a zipline across the Mississippi River did not work out, but the Mud Island potential was really large.”

Katie Elizabeth Carpenter joined Doug and Frank Ricks, principal and founder of LRK, an architecture firm based in Memphis, as a co-founder to develop a business plan. In the process, the team met Jeremie Bacon, founder of The Forge Adventure Parks.

Doug said that for the last two-plus years, the team has been designing, redesigning, and evaluating how they could “be a positive catalyst for the reemergence of Mud Island.” 

“Our design team has created a course that is really remarkable in an urban setting,” Doug said.

The Forge Memphis will include a Skybridge zipline tour, an aerial challenge course and climbing areas, and a food and beverage operation in the current Gulf Grill space.

According to the press release, the Skybridge tour will include two ziplines, with the first carrying guests “500 feet from the top of the Skybridge over the Wolf River Harbor toward the Memphis skyline, connecting with a custom-built tower and elevated rope bridge.” The second will “carry guests almost one quarter of a mile over the Wolf River Harbor at speeds up to 50 miles per hour, landing near the Mississippi River model’s Gulf of Mexico.”

(Rendering courtesy DCA)

“It’s really a remarkable zipline experience over the Harbor, where you have views of the city, day and night. Then you have views of Arkansas, and the flood plains, and the mighty lights on the bridges,” Doug said.

Doug added that behind the Gulf Grill is a depressed area that will have two to four climbing elements that will “blend in with the treescape there.”

The planners also hope the project activates Mud Island with music festivals, races, summer camps, and other programming.

“It’s a public space, so we want it to be a public space. We love the Riverwalk, it’s quite frankly one of the coolest things around, and we want more people to experience that. Our grand vision is that at any time, if you went on Mud Island with no prior knowledge, you would find something interesting to participate in, to watch, and to listen to,” Doug added.

There is also room for educational programming for school groups on topics such as water conservation and water ecology, says co-founder Katie Elizabeth Carpenter.

“It’s more than just a zipline. I think that’s something really important that we want to emphasize. There’s lots of opportunities for programming and activations outside of the adventure aspect,” Katie Elizabeth explained.

“It’s not just entertainment, there’s an educational component. It’s really important for us, in Memphis, to provide that to people who quite honestly, may not have had those experiences outdoors, in this kind of environment,” Doug added.

The Forge Memphis anticipates a nine- to 10-month construction period with hopes of a grand opening in the summer of 2023. 

While Doug said the next steps are to execute a lease agreement with Memphis River Parks Partnership and the City of Memphis, the other components of the business plan have been accomplished.

“We have designed and engineered plans for all of it, and we will be privately funded. We are asking for zero subsidies from the city, or the state … or any of those bodies. We truly are a lease agreement away from executing the plan. Once that’s done, that will start the construction calendar essentially.”

News News Feature

Head Outside: New Memphis Outdoor Guide Launched

While 2020 has seen lots of restrictions on activities, there are plenty of memories to be made with Memphis’ wonderful outdoor offerings. In a wild understatement, this year has been messed up for a variety of reasons. Contagion and quarantine have put limits on recreational options, so DCA’s Doug Carpenter was inspired to create a platform to remind Memphians that there are still plenty of ways to enjoy themselves in Bluff City.

Yesterday, DCA launched Discovering Memphis Naturally, a web resource designed to focus on various outdoor amenities and experiences around Memphis. The site is the product of a collaborative effort between DCA and city organizations like Memphis Tourism, the Downtown Memphis Commission, and the City of Memphis’ Park Division.


“In a broad sense, we wanted to recognize the growth of our outdoor assets,” says Carpenter. “That includes the maturation of places like the Green Line, Shelby Farms Park, Big River Crossing. When we looked at all of these things, we saw that there wasn’t a collective voice representing all of these outside assets. So our intention is to bring these things together as a comprehensive way for all the entities that thrive as a result of our citizens’ participation to work together.”

The idea took hold about a year ago, when Carol Coletta, president and CEO of the Memphis River Parks Partnership,  called numerous outdoor-focused organizations together to discuss how Memphis could garner more recognition for natural spaces. While everyone was on board, there wasn’t any concerted effort at the time to create a strategy. When COVID-19 hit, it put a big strain on many of these organizations from a business perspective, but it also seemed like Memphians had a greater need for physical and mental health excursions. When Memphis Travel shared research supporting that claim, as well as statistics indicating that people out-of-state were more willing to take long road trips to the Bluff City, Carpenter set about gathering funds.

“Memphis Travel’s research showed us that people preferred to drive over flying, and were willing to go up to 600 miles away for new distanced outdoor activities,” explains Carpenter. “Since traditional tourism isn’t as robust right now, we can build this collective voice, and hopefully industry will follow. We’ve seen more bike tours, bike sales are up, and this could be a new chapter in Memphis’ recruiting and retention efforts.”

Discovering Memphis Naturally will have a digital marketing presence within that 600 mile radius, stretching as far as Dallas or Little Rock. While the website currently contains plenty of great options, Carpenter hopes that it will continue to grow through the addition of less-well-known offerings.

The website is divided into five distinct categories: Bike It, Paddle It, Climb It, Park It, and View It. Each splits off into a detailed breakdown of each area that offers comparable activities, along with links for further learning. While the obvious suspects are there (bike trails, parks), the fifth section, View It, casts an eye on some of Memphis’ unique attractions, like a series of murals, or the “I am a Man” sculpture. “We want this to put a broad spotlight on Memphis’ culture,” says Carpenter. “For travel, not everyone is a mountain biker. Some people would rather take a tour of the murals we have in town, and I think you’ll start to see more programming focused on activities like that soon. We want people to come here and appreciate every bit of the culture: our murals, our sunsets, our art, our bridge lights, our trails, all the things that make us a really interesting place.”

Going forward, Discover Memphis Naturally aims to be a unified voice for all the organizations that partner under its umbrella, providing more coverage, giveaways, and other promotional ideas to get people out and about. “It’s been 24 hours since we launched,” says Carpenter, “but we’ve got a lot of exciting things to share in the coming days and months.”

But enough staring at your screen; time to head outside.

Discover Memphis Naturally can be accessed at

The site is currently hosting its first giveaway on its Instagram account