Sports Tiger Blue

ThreeThoughts on Tiger Football

• Navy ruined our chance to see a battle of unbeaten Top-20 teams this Saturday in Houston. Even so, the Memphis-Houston game is the biggest clash in the three-year history of the American Athletic Conference. It will be the first time a pair of AAC teams ranked in the Top 25 face each other on the gridiron. It will also be a showdown between the top two offensive players in the league (at least as measured by total offense). The 25th-ranked Tigers are led by quarterback Paxton Lynch (356.2 total yards per game) while the 16th-ranked Cougars have Greg Ward Jr. under center (327.2). Ward has a decent chance to finish the season with 3,000 yards passing (he currently has 2,116) and 1,000 yards rushing (829), meaning Saturday’s game could weigh heavily in the AAC Offensive Player of the Year race. Two ranked teams — combined record of 17-1 — playing in cities that each have NBA teams in the Southwest Division, led by star quarterbacks and two of college football’s hottest coaching commodities (the Tigers’ Justin Fuente and the Cougars’ Tom Herman). This is about as good as November football gets.

• The late, great Dennis Freehand had an opinion about the start of college basketball season, as it relates to college football. The former Flyer editor felt the two enterprises damage one another by overlapping in November. Why not start the college hoops season after college football’s regular season is complete? Come Saturday night, there will be a lot of Tiger fans — those devoted to football and men’s basketball, at least — who will agree with my longtime colleague’s sentiment. With the nationally televised Memphis-Houston game kicking off at 6 p.m. and the Tigers and Southern Miss tipping off the 2015-16 basketball season at 7 p.m., there will be empty seats at FedExForum that would otherwise have been occupied. (My duties as a reporter will have me at FEF for the basketball game, though I will miss some action with glances for updates from Houston.) This will be the first time since 2003 that the Tiger basketball team’s home opener coincides with a Tiger football game. Twelve years ago, the football team beat Cincinnati at the Liberty Bowl to improve to 8-3 while the basketball bunch beat Fordham by 30 points.

The Tigers are making significant renovations to the football record book. Last week against Navy, the Tigers became the third team in program history to score 400 points in a season (last year’s team was the second). With his first-quarter touchdown strike to Anthony Miller, Paxton Lynch became the second Memphis quarterback to throw 50 career touchdown passes (Danny Wimprine threw for 81 over his four seasons with the U of M). This Saturday in Houston, another pair of significant marks could be met. Lynch will break the single-season passing yardage record (3,220 by Martin Hankins in 2007) with 207 yards against Houston. And if he scores 11 points, kicker Jake Elliott will become the third Tiger to score 300 career points (after Stephen Gostkowski and DeAngelo Williams).

Flyer Flashback News

Flyer Writer Reflects on His Days of Going Topless

Finally it can be told: The sad, sordid back-story of how I found myself applying for a job as a reporter at the offices of The Commercial Appeal while shirtless.

I’d promised myself that I was through with the whole accidental exhibitionist thing, but every time I think I’m all buttoned up for good, somebody rips the shirt right off. Me, usually. And since the blustery, bosomy wonder known to the world — yes, the world — as Shirtless Man was created for the Flyer‘s 1998 Summer Issue, and I’m piloting this week’s Summer Issue “Flyer Flashback,” how could I resist?

In 1998, I toiled most days in a windowless room in the Flyer offices, cold-calling potential classified advertising customers. I’d only just begun to do a little freelance writing on the side, and I was thrilled when I was asked to submit ideas to the editor for the cover of the 1998 Summer Issue.

Honestly, I was certain that nobody in their right mind would be interested in the idea I’d cooked up with my friend Jim Hanas, who had recently graduated from classified sales to a full-time writing position. I can still remember then-Flyer editor Dennis Freeland repeating a truncated version of the original pitch back to me: “So you just take your shirt off and go out and do things?” he asked, looking at me like I’d just stepped out of a flying saucer. “What kind of things?”

Dan Ball

Chris Davis as “Shirtless Man” attempting to buy a shirt at Sears

“Oh, you know,” I answered. “Test drive cars, apply for a loan, try to get a job, buy a shirt, go to a topless club.” Next thing I knew, I was on assignment and negotiating with a security guard at the Peabody Rooftop Party.

“You need to put a shirt on, sir,” [the guard] says, sidling up to me.

“But I thought this was a party.”

“It is a party, sir, but you need to put a shirt on.”

“What kind of party is that?”

“It’s a private party open to the public for a $5 cover charge.”

“And I have to wear a shirt?”

“We prefer it.”

“So I don’t have to wear a shirt if I don’t want to?”

“You need to put a shirt on, sir.”

“But look at this sunburn I have here. Terribly painful. OWWWWWWWW! Jesus that hurts to touch it.”

“I know how painful that can be, but you need to wear a shirt.”

“Do I have to button it?”


“Can I just wear a vest?”

“You can just wear a vest.”

“Do I have to button that?”


Shirtless Man was a surprise hit. I went on to write about the big boy’s swinging European vacation for the Flyer, and to recreate the whole original adventure in a multi-page spread for a popular men’s magazine that usually featured scantily-clad starlets. Rose McGowan was Maxim‘s cover girl for March 1999, but I was the hot topless attraction.

Sixteen years later, people still ask why Shirtless Man didn’t have more Memphis adventures. First off, I’m genuinely uncomfortable being naked in public. Weird, right? But I also thought it was a one-time gag that wouldn’t work once the public was in on it. So I took the soundest advice ever offered in the entire history of showbiz: Leave ’em wanting more pictures of the shirtless fat guy.

In spite of my earnest desires to retire Shirtless Man, he now has a life of his own on the internet. Memphis-based artist/photographer Jonathan Postal took a photo of me that was originally snapped in front of the Arc de Triomphe in Paris and photoshopped it Zelig-like into historical scenes, alongside Abraham Lincoln, Bob Dylan, and Martin Luther King. It’s a strange honor, but I’ll take it.

Cover Feature News

Party like it’s 1989

The year 1989 saw incredible change. Revolution swept the Eastern bloc nations culminating in the fall of the Berlin Wall, collapse of the Soviet Union, and end of the Cold War. In China, protests in Tiananmen Square ended in tragedy. On the technology front, personal computers were getting smaller and smarter, and the first internet service providers launched in Australia, setting the stage for the modern internet.

In the Bluff City things were changing, too. “The Big Dig” was the city’s defining public spectacle, in which a giant illuminated shovel was dropped from a helicopter, piercing the earth on the north side of downtown, where “The Great American Pyramid” would soon be erected, charged with all the occult power of Isaac Tigrett’s crystal skull, soon abandoned, and ultimately designated as the future site of the world’s pointiest sporting goods store. A massive  fireworks display was set to the music of Elvis Presley, Al Green, B.B. King, and Otis Redding, climaxing with David Porter’s 10-minute, synth-funk-meets-New-Age oddity, “Power of the Pyramid,” which you’ve never heard of — for a reason.

Meanwhile, on the south side of town (I’d say the other end of the trolley line, but there was no trolley line), MM Corporation, then the parent company of Memphis magazine, launched a cheeky urban tabloid called the Memphis Flyer, to considerably less fanfare.

What was Memphis like in 1989, as described in the pages of a young Memphis Flyer? It was a city filled with fear, corruption, pollution, urban blight, and plenty of school system controversies. It was also a city full of artists, entrepreneurs, oddballs, and all kinds of music. And best of all, according to advertisements featuring a rainbow-striped superhero, for only seven yankee dollars Memphis Cablevision would “fully cablize” your home, including your choice of “high tech home improvements” like HBO or the installation of cable converters for non-cable-ready TVs.

Hustle & Flow director Craig Brewer was 18 years old and living in California in 1989, but the foundation of Memphis’ modern film community was already being laid. A list of Memphians to watch, compiled for a pre-launch sample issue of the Flyer, encouraged readers to “thank Linn Sitler the next time you bump into Dennis Quaid at the Cupboard.” The actor was in town with Winona Ryder filming the Jerry Lee Lewis biopic, Great Balls of Fire. Sitler, who’d been tapped to head the Memphis Film and Tape (now Film and Television) Commission in 1987, had been instrumental in bringing Great Balls to town. She was also praised for her lesser-known work with a Japanese-produced independent film identified in the Flyer‘s preview issue as Tuesday Night in Memphis. It was a languid, lovingly-shot ghost story shot in Memphis’ empty and dilapidated South Main district. It was released to critical acclaim in the summer of ’89 under the new title, Mystery Train.  

The sample issue’s list of up-and-coming Memphians also included grammy-winning sax player Kirk Whalum who went on to become the President and CEO of the Soulsville Foundation in 2010, as well as Anfernee “Penny” Hardaway, a 6′ 6″ junior at Treadwell High School who was averaging 34.5 points a game.

Although the initial “who’s who” column may have missed a few of Memphis’ future notables, many could be found lurking elsewhere within the early Flyer‘s 20-odd pages, sometimes behind bylines. Robert Gordon, documentarian and author of It Came From Memphis, and Respect Yourself, the story of Stax Records, penned a misty cover-length goodbye to jazzman Phineas Newborn Jr. The paper’s first official issue also included a column by humorist Lydel Sims that was topped by a striking caricature of Memphis Mayor Dick Hackett depicted as a bespectacled,  Nixon-nosed Egyptian pharaoh. The artwork was created by Frayser-raised actor Chris Ellis, notable for appearing in films like My Cousin Vinnie, Apollo 13, and The Dark Knight Rises.

That was also the year Memphis City Councilman Rickey Peete went to jail for the first time, and the Flyer asked if it was really the councilman’s fault that “he was out of the room when all the other politicos were learning to play the game?”

Although its focus was Memphis, the Flyer also localized national issues and stories that would define the coming decades. The Christian Right and the hyper-conservative forces that would eventually become the Tea Party were in their ascendancy; ongoing national political dialogue was captured in a pull quote from Jackson Baker’s profile of Memphian Ed McAteer, who founded the Religious Roundtable, a conservative Christian group that did much to secure the Christian right’s influence on American politics. “Liberalism in a politician,” McAteer said, “must be the consequence of either ignorance or deceit.”

If Flyer readers weren’t surprised by 2008’s “too big to fail” economic meltdown, it may be because of reporters like the Flyer‘s Penni Crabtree, who penned this prescient line in 1989: “Banks aren’t going out of business because they give loans to low-income folks — it’s because they are doing speculative real estate deals with their buddies. … Now we as taxpayers will have to bail the bastards out to the tune of $100-billion.”

Future Flyer editor Dennis Freeland was primarily a sportswriter in 1989, but he was also concerned with urban decay. While other reporters focused on the new Pyramid and the proposed Peabody Place development, Freeland turned his attention to Sears Crosstown, a “monumental” building and neighborhood lynchpin that was listed for sale for a mere $10,000. A quarter-century later, Sears Crosstown is being redeveloped, as if in accordance with Freeland’s vision.

The Dixon Gallery & Gardens opened an eye-popping exhibit featuring the lithography of French innovator Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec in 1989, but the more interesting homegrown action was happening in the weedy, rusty ruins of South Main, where the Center for Contemporary Art (now defunct), and the original TheatreWorks, an experimental venue for performing artists (now in Overton Square), were establishing the area as a viable arts district. The trolley line wasn’t proposed until 1990, and the fate of the area’s “Lorraine Civil Rights Museum,” was still in question. But something was clearly happening in the crumbling, artist-friendly ruins around the corner from the Flyer‘s Tennessee Street offices.

The Flyer‘s first food writers raved about the smoked salmon pizza with dill and razorback caviar being served at Hemming’s in Saddle Creek Mall and saw a lot of potential in Harry’s on Teur, a tiny Midtown dive with big flavor. They were less impressed by the Russian-inspired finger food at the Handy-Stop Deli and the side dishes at the Western Steakhouse, which was decorated with murals by Memphis wrestler Jerry Lawler.

 In music, Tav Falco’s Panther Burns were still bringing the psychobilly punks out to the Antenna Club, the famed alt-rock bar that, at the dawn of the 1990’s, seemed to present as many Widespread Panic-like jam bands as it did hardcore acts. Falco’s outspoken drummer Ross Johnson underscored the city’s musical diversity by writing an early Flyer feature titled “Saturday Night in Frayser,” about the Lucy Opry, a long-running country and bluegrass venue.

What did Memphis sound like at the dawn of the “Alternative” era? The college rock influence of bands like REM and Echo & the Bunnymen were carried on locally by the ubiquitous 5 That Killed Elvis. Dave Shouse of The Grifters, Easley/McCain studio engineer Davis McCain, and NTJ/Afghan Whigs drummer Paul Buchignani were playing Midtown clubs in a transitional art-pop band called Think as Incas. Shangri-La, the record store/indie label that employed Goner Records founder Eric “Oblivian” Friedl, while releasing singles and CDs by local artists like The Grifters and Man With Gun Lives Here, was one year old.

The biggest Memphis Flyer story of 1989 had to have been Leonard Gill’s “Read ‘Em and Wipe,” a cover story that collected Memphis’ best bathroom stall graffiti, including this probing question from the men’s room of the P&H Cafe: “A generation stoned. Who will do the cooking?” I am happy to report that 25 years later, the author of this brilliant line was a newly-minted Rhodes College graduate named Chris Davis who, having majored in theater and media arts, was stoned, hungry, and wondering what on earth he might do with such a silly degree.

It would be eight more years before I’d get an official Flyer byline, reviewing the Broadway production Phantom of the Opera, prior to the tour’s first visit to the Orpheum in Memphis.

You’ve got to start somewhere, am I right?

Cover Feature News

The Flyer Origin Story

It was 1989, the best of times, the worst of times, the flyest of times. Memphis magazine publisher Kenneth Neill, a native Bostonian, had long been a fan of alternative weeklies such as the Boston Phoenix and New York’s Village Voice. Other cities around the country were also seeing weeklies pop up. Could such a publication work in a conservative Southern city like Memphis? Neill thought, “yes, it could.” Which turned out to be true, though it took some time.

Memphis magazine was owned by a group of eight or nine locals, none of whom owned a majority share. One of them was developer Henry Turley. “Ken and I were at a meeting of the Egyptians at Rhodes,” he says. “Ken said he had an idea he’d like to discuss. We adjourned to Alex’s, where he described a new idea in journalism that was being pioneered in several cities. He called it an alternative weekly. I liked the idea. I went to Nashville and saw their financially and journalistically successful project. That confirmed my instinct.”

Kate Gooch was another stockholder. “I remember many pro-forma spreadsheets showing when we would finally make money,” she says. “It took a lot longer than we thought.”

Neill says his original projection was that the Flyer would start to make money in three years. It took five. “The late Ward Archer (also a stockholder) was a mentor to me and helped encourage me through those early years,” Neill says. “He was either the most radical conservative or the most conservative radical I ever met. But his support was key.”

Other supportive stockholders included Jack Belz, Ira Lipman, and Robert Towery, most of whom still own stock in what is now the Flyer‘s parent company, Contemporary Media, Inc.

The nascent weekly was originally going to be called the Delta Flyer. Neill was an admirer of the Dixie Flyer, a hippie paper that was published in Memphis for a time in the 1970s. There is a mock-up of the cover of the Delta Flyer on Neill’s office wall. It features a picture of former Tigers basketball coach, Dana Kirk. The Delta Flyer never saw the light of day; the name was changed to the Memphis Flyer, when it was decided the editorial content would focus on Memphis, not the region.

On the night of February 15, 1989, Neill, circulation director Cheryl Bader, Steve Haley, and a couple of others drove three rental trucks on a stealth operation to put the first Memphis Flyer on the streets of Memphis.

“We had to put out the boxes, fill them up with papers, and quickly move on,” says Neill. “We had three original routes for 20,000 papers: Downtown, Midtown, and, for some reason, Hickory Hill.” The first issue featured a cover story on pollution from Velsicol Chemical’s operation in North Memphis; “Celebrity Birthdays,” by Tom Prestigiacomo; a sports column by Dave Woloshin; a column by former Commercial Appeal editor Lydel Sims; and, of course, News of the Weird, illustrated by Jeanne Seagle.

The Flyer‘s first editor was Tim Sampson, who somehow lived through the wild and wooly early years. “I think what stands out most in my mind were the, uh, interesting people that were drawn to the Flyer in those days,” he says. “I probably spent as much time on the telephone with these people as I did editing the paper. We had no email back then, so it was strictly phone communication. There was one person who thought it was my job to get them out of prison, and the calls were lengthy and daily. Then there was a very sweet young man who was convinced his father assassinated Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. He called and called about it, and one day when I came back to my desk, he was there on my phone discussing it with the FBI.

“I also remember,” Sampson continues, “when Memphis first got those amphibious buses that went into the river. I made a rather cruel crack about them in the old ‘We Recommend’ column, and the owner came to the office early one morning. I was there, with only an elderly receptionist to protect me. He told me he was going to drag me outside and ‘beat my ass.’ We later got a pretty big laugh out of it.”

While Sampson and original art director Nancy Apple held down the fort editorially, ad director Jerry Swift was on the street, trying to convince businesses to put their money into the Flyer. It was a tough battle.

“During our start-up,” Swift recalls, “I went over to see the pastor of a small church in Midtown and commented about seeing their ad on the religion page in the CA. I said to the good reverend that it seemed to me that anyone reading the religion page of the CA already had a church affiliation, and if they wanted to reach wayward, heathen sinners, then I had just the newspaper for their ads.

“They bought an ad and are still with us today as, I’m quite sure, the longest-running advertiser in the Flyer. First Congo now occupies a much larger building and continues to do great work in the community. I’d like to think that we had a small part in helping them.

You can’t talk about the Flyer‘s early days, Swift says, without mentioning the paper’s infamous classified personal ads. In the days before, the Flyer personals were the city’s go-to hook-up location for men, women, and all sorts of interesting combinations thereof. If you didn’t know what SWM, SWF, GBM, DWM, etc. meant, you were missing the action.

“When we hit the street with ads that were classified as Men Seeking Men and Women Seeking Women, it created a real firestorm,” Swift says. “Many advertisers and potential advertisers were upset that we would run such ‘filth’ in the paper. We were the first citywide publication to embrace the gay community. Those little ads seem so innocuous now, but 25 years ago, we were ‘promoting homosexuality,’ and a lot of people didn’t like it. The reality is that those ads cost us more money than they brought in. But we were right to do it. It was time.”

After five years, the Flyer began making money — and making headway editorially. Neill thinks a large part of the community’s acceptance of the paper as a journalistic source came during the mayoral election of 1991 between Willie Herenton and Dick Hackett. “Jackson Baker and John Branston did a lot of in-depth reporting during the campaign,” Neill says. “The CA had endorsed Hackett early on, and we were able to talk to sources they weren’t getting to, especially in the Herenton camp. We also began sending Jackson to the national party conventions, which gave us more credibility.”

Twenty-five years on, the Flyer is still here, still free, and firmly established as part of the fabric of Memphis, a weekly must-read for 200,000 or so Shelby Countians. Much is owed to the many who’ve worked through the years at 460 Tennessee Street as editors, reporters, designers, and salespeople, as well as those in the business office, marketing department, and circulation department. Much is also owed to those who’ve put their money, their trust, and their advertising in the Flyer. Without them, we wouldn’t exist. Personally, I owe a great debt to my predecessors, Flyer editors Tim Sampson and the late Dennis Freeland, for their imagination and hard work, and for setting the bar so high.

Here’s to another 25!

Letter From The Editor Opinion

Letter from the Editor: 1,000 Times Better

The Flyer was founded in February 1989. On the front cover of that inaugural edition, we put the words, “Our First Issue.” Being nothing if not consistent and literal, we continued to proudly proclaim the issue number on each of the subsequent 999 issues. (There is an unverifiable story that the number didn’t get updated one week in the 1990s and that there may in fact be two issues with the same number. But no one wants to go through all the back issues and confirm this.) At any rate, this one is number 1,000.

That’s a lot of Tim Sampson columns.

Tim was the Flyer‘s first editor and did the heavy lifting during the early years, when the paper was struggling financially. His cynical sign-off for his “We Recommend” column (“I don’t care what you do because I don’t even know you”) was no doubt born from having to endure weekly fist-pounding meetings with the publisher (the kindly, handsome, and easygoing Kenneth R. Neill).

The fist-pounding stopped after a couple years, when the Flyer started making a little money (and when Ken’s watch exploded off his wrist after a particularly forceful pound). But the damage had been done and Tim hasn’t been the same since. Poor man.

Dennis Freeland took over as editor in the early 1990s. He was a great fellow and a brilliant sportswriter as well. Under his leadership, and that of managing editor Susan Ellis, the Flyer blossomed and grew into something of a local institution. If you hadn’t read John Branston’s City Beat or Jackson Baker’s Politics or Dennis’ sports columns, you were out of the loop.

I began working here in 1993 as editorial director. I became editor on a “temporary” basis when Dennis fell ill with cancer. Following his sad and untimely death in 2002, I moved into the editor’s office and never left. This is probably my 350th issue or so. But who’s counting?

The people who do count are those who create your weekly Flyer — the writers, editors, art directors, ad sales folks, and others who make this publication possible. Do me a favor. Turn to page 6 and read the masthead, just this once. It’ll make me feel 1,000 times better.

Bruce VanWyngarden