Almost 40 years ago, in August of 1984, entrepreneurs Carl and Brenda Carter recognized the need for a cemetery in DeSoto County where local families could bury and memorialize their loved ones. They embraced the challenge to establish a burial ground that was not affiliated with a church or a family cemetery. The result was Twin Oaks Memorial Gardens on Goodman Road in Southaven. At that time, the cemetery was across the street from a golf course and surrounded by nothing but vast, undeveloped land.
Fast forward to the early 1990s, when the Carters realized that a funeral home was needed, to better serve their clientele and the citizens of DeSoto County. Twin Oaks Memorial Gardens and Funeral Home opened as Southaven’s first and longest-established funeral home.
Carl Carter died in September of 2007 and his wife, Brenda, continued their legacy of operating the funeral home. In September of 2023, she decided it was time to pass the torch to new members of the funeral profession.
Dillon Dickey and Seanna Hamm purchased the cemetery and the funeral home from Mrs. Carter to continue the legacy that the Carters had begun. The facilities have undergone a complete overhaul with total upgrades to the lighting, flooring, painting, and furniture.
Dillon and Seanna plan to operate the funeral home and cemetery for many years, offering the same high level of service and dignity, with special attention to personalized services, that the people of DeSoto and Shelby County have come to expect from the Twin Oaks name. Striving to inform, educate, and assist their community, they partner with the local schools, colleges, chambers and other groups.
Today, Twin Oaks is proud to be a full-service funeral home offering any deathcare-related services such as pre-need planning, burials, cremations, cemetery, markers, and more.
Call us or visit us online for more information: 662-349-9720,

This article is sponsored by the Twin Oaks Memorial Gardens.