Mother Nature vs. MLGW

Memphis Light, Gas, & Water just can’t get a break.
On Friday morning, crews had restored power to 131,000 of the 141,000 customers affected by Tuesday’s storm. Then, a Friday-morning storm cut power to an additional 16,000 customers. And the utility is eyeing a thunderstorm that could develop this afternoon.
Here’s how MLGW is handling the situation:
MLGW has a full complement of MLGW and contract crews working today through the weekend. There are 98 repair crews, 89 tree crews, 23 troubleshooters, and 34 damage assessment teams identifying damage and repairing the system. They are supported by hundreds of logistics, administrative, safety and system operations personnel.
Full restoration is expected Sunday night to customers who can take power.
Downtown Mobility Center

The Downtown Mobility Center is set to open for vehicle traffic on August 3rd.
The $42-million project at Beale Street and Main Street will have a 960-stall parking garage, an area for ride share pickup and drop-off, and space for bicycle storage, showers, lockers, and electric scooter stalls.
Help is (finally) on the way

Remember the ice storm? Not that one. The one from February…2022.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency just announced it will give the state of Tennessee $12.1 million for costs incurred by the Memphis Light, Gas and Water (MLGW) to deal with the situation. The state is expected to reimburse the utility for repairs to transmission lines and distribution facilities and the replacement of 119 wooden utility poles and 89 transformers.
After the storm, U.S. Rep. Steve Cohen said he wrote to Governor Bill Lee asking that he formally request FEMA assistance. President Joe Biden granted a Major Disaster Declaration for the storm on March 11.
Help is (finally) on the way

Remember the wind storm? Not that one. The one from June 25th.
After the storm, Shellby County Mayor Lee Harris declared a local state of emergency. Harris said Friday he expects the Biden Administration to declare it a federal disaster. If so, (and if the pace of the ice storm funding is an indication) the county should expect to get reimbursed around Christmas next year.
To request a pick up, call the Shelby County Roads, Bridges, and Engineering Department at 901-222-7705.
Marsha Beefin’ With Biden
Senator Marsha Blackburn is, like, super mad at Joe Biden.
First off, she was super glad the U.S. Supreme Court struck down his decision to forgive a bunch of student loans. But then she got super mad that Biden sidestepped the decision with some executive maneuver to wipe out about $31 billion in debt to more than 800,000 people.
On that move, Blackburn tweeted:
Then, the White House tweeted back:
Blackburn hit back with the old socialism haymaker and then finished the thing with a sick pivot burn:
Here’s one response to her tweet:
NAGR says no to gun control

The National Association for Gun Rights (with the unfortunate and probably-should-change-that acronym NAGR) called on Tennessee Republicans Thursday to oppose any gun control in a special session called by Lee next month.
Colorado-based NAGR claims “Lee and Republican lawmakers are working secretly behind the scenes to attempt to cut a deal on a gun control bill with the establishment gun lobby.” Which makes total sense if you think about it.

“Gun owners want to know, what are they hiding?” NAGR president Dudley Brown said in a statement. “We have seen this song and dance before. Republican politicians get so caught up with ‘doing something’ for political points, they completely sell out the Second Amendment and gun owners who voted for them.”
“We expect Tennessee Republicans to stand firm in their defense of the Second Amendment and vote to adjourn the special session upon its start in August. Gun owners will be well informed of any members that vote against gun rights during Lee’s special session on gun control,” concluded Brown.
NAGR claims it is the nation’s largest “no compromise” pro-gun organization, with 4.5 million members nationwide.
Apropos of nothing, a quick Google search shows NAGR shares its acronym with the Shreveport-based National Association of Gospel Radio.