
Painful Lesson

City government does big things like collect taxes, set budgets, and provide police protection. But often it’s the little things that impact peoples’ lives and shape their views. Things like graduation ceremonies at the Mid-South Coliseum.

In the space of about six weeks, city officials managed to create a crisis disrupting the plans of thousands of Memphis families and then resolve it. The story offers a glimpse of how members of the city administration, the school board, and the City Council operate — sometimes working together and sometimes painfully ignorant.

Around January 27th, the news broke that city and county schools would not be able to use the Coliseum for graduations as they have in the past because the building was not in compliance with code requirements for disabled citizens. Some schools made plans to shift graduation to the DeSoto Civic Center. But that idea enraged Memphians who pay taxes to support the Coliseum, the Pyramid, and FedExForum.

One of them was Wanda Halbert, a member of the Memphis City School Board of Education and mother of a child graduating this year from White Station High School, one of the affected schools. Halbert, who said she does not read the daily paper, said she learned the news a few days after it broke. In a committee meeting, Superintendent Carol Johnson said there were code-compliance issues that would cost $100,000 to fix. She suggested that parents who had already ordered graduation announcements insert a slip of paper informing recipients of the change of venue. But Halbert, one of three board members with graduating children (the others are Jeff Warren and Kenneth Whalum Jr.), was not satisfied. She even wondered about financially compensating families for the cost of reordering announcements and invitations.

“It was not a petty issue,” said Halbert, who recalled the chaotic scene five years ago when Ridgeway High School decided to hold graduation in its gym and had to turn away several guests due to lack of space. “It was the worst thing in the world,” she said.

The Coliseum has problems of its own in addition to code compliance. With more than enough seats for all comers, recent graduations have been marked by rowdiness, despite efforts of principals and teachers to encourage decorum. And at last May’s ceremony for University of Tennessee health-sciences grads, the power went off, and those attending had to cope with oppressive heat and darkness. Drew Ermenc, whose wife was one of the graduates, said it was “a mess all around” and especially so for elderly people.

Halbert contacted Memphis City Council member Myron Lowery, who had already heard the news and was surprised by it. On December 19th, council members had been promised by Parks Division director Cindy Buchanan and chief financial officer Robert Lipscomb that the Coliseum would be available for graduations even though it is slated to be closed later this year. For Lowery, it was an all-too-familiar problem.

“Too often as council members we read about decisions within our scope that are changed by the administration without informing us,” he told the Flyer this week.

Lowery asked Halbert to send him an e-mail, which he forwarded to City Council chairman Tom Marshall, along with his own e-mail, which said in part, “This is not only a serious creditability [sic] issue for the city, it was [sic] create a hardship for thousands of our citizens.” He suggested the council discuss it on February 6th.

Lowery called Buchanan for an explanation. Although she is a veteran city administrator, Buchanan has been head of the Parks Division for only about a year. The division includes a hodgepodge of golf courses, community centers, and tennis courts as well as the Fairgrounds complex, which includes the Coliseum. Mayor Willie Herenton is scheduled to report to the council in two weeks on his overall plan for the Fairgrounds. In January, he surprised Memphians by recommending that the Coliseum be demolished so that a new football stadium can be built.

Lowery says Buchanan told him it would cost too much money to open the Coliseum. He reminded her that she had earlier promised that the Coliseum would be available. Buchanan disagreed but later called back to apologize to Lowery after he produced a transcript of the December meeting. In it, Buchanan says “minimal maintenance” will enable the Coliseum to be used for “small community events like the high school graduations.” Councilman Jack Sammons asks, “So you could still do the graduations?” She replies, “Right.”

On Tuesday, February 6th, the day the council was scheduled to meet, Lowery read in the morning paper that the graduations were on once again. The subject came up at a committee meeting that day. Keith McGee, chief administrative officer for the city, came to the meeting and assured members that the Coliseum would indeed be available for graduations this year only.

“Other than these graduations, the Coliseum is closed,” he said.

McGee said the U.S. Department of Justice has signed a consent decree with the city of Memphis about compliance with the Americans With Disabilities Act, commonly known as ADA compliance. The Justice Department has agreed to allow graduations.

Council members were not satisfied. They wanted to know why they were not informed and how schools were informed that they would have to find alternate sites. McGee said Buchanan (who was not at the meeting and who could not be reached for comment because she is out of town) informed school officials by telephone, setting in motion the whole chain of events.

“This council needs to be kept informed on the front end,” Lowery told McGee.

So the graduations at the Coliseum are once again on. Bring your friends, canes, fans, sweaters, flashlights, and earplugs. And congratulations.

Cover Feature News

Classroom Confidential

You’re a first-year teacher in Memphis. You struggle with 35-student classes, not enough textbooks, no schedules, strange accents, discipline, violence, 18-hour days, and your self-confidence. Maybe you take solace in the cigarettes and ice cream binges you thought you had given up after college. But if you hang in there, you begin to get a grip. You see progress. You’re going to make it to June. At least you’re pretty sure you are.

In August, the Flyer published a cover story about Teach For America, a national program that puts new teachers, most of them fresh out of college, into tough schools for a two-year hitch. When our story came out, school had not yet started. The teachers we introduced to our readers had a pretty good idea what they were in for but had not yet set foot inside their classrooms.

Four months later, we are revisiting Teach For America to see how it’s going. We invited seven teachers to write about their first semester. To try to make their comments as forthright as possible without making their jobs any harder than they are already, we are not using the teachers’ names or identifying individual students.

Each year, Memphis City Schools hires 600 to 800 new teachers. The Memphis corps of Teach For America had 48 members working at 22 different schools on the first day of classes. All of them are still on the job four months later. These essays give a glimpse of the emotional roller coaster of idealism, frustration, insomnia, and satisfaction that is part of being a teacher in Memphis.

Elementary teacher: “Something seems terribly wrong with my 20s.”

Many of my friends are finishing up college or attending graduate school, complaining about writing papers that they have paid someone to assign to them. My twentysomething sister is in New York working for a well-known actor and jazz-assing around town every night with friends. My boyfriend is in Colorado for the ski season, taking a year off before medical school to enjoy his youth. And I am in a construction-papered classroom just emptied of its 16 9-year-olds, crying on the Morning Meeting rug and wondering how I got here. These days, something seems terribly wrong with my 20s.

When I packed my car in Minnesota and headed for Memphis, Tennessee, I thought of Stand and Deliver. I thought of Dangerous Minds. I thought of my own pleasant and privileged fourth-grade experience. I thought of everything at which I had succeeded, and I was ready to take on the achievement gap. I pictured myself, young and healthy, suntanned from the warm Southern sunshine, jumping out of bed in the mornings to teach and inspire what in my head were hundreds of eager students. I pictured the 20/20 series they would produce about my remarkable pupils doing calculus, reading Dostoyevski, and performing their favorite Shakespeare dramas in the Elementary cafeteria. And I pictured it all coming together by about mid-October.

By mid-October of my first year in Memphis, I am still scrambling, desperately trying to establish my dubious authority in Room 304 and trying to teach. I put out the last of the chain of cigarettes I smoke on the drive home as I pull up to my apartment and carry my burden of papers and teacher’s manuals up to my room. And it is not until about the third bowl of ice cream and a few more of the cigarettes I had sworn to give up after college that I can sit down and begin the second leg of my day: the five hours of reading and planning that go towards trying to make tomorrow better than today.

As I climb into bed and set my alarm for an obscene time that I had always considered part of the night rather than the morning, my head is racing with ideas and plans to teach, to get our class on the right track starting tomorrow.

I think this moment — five or six hours before I have to wake again, as I lay down my neglected body in my unmade bed — is what Teach For America is all about. It is what the whole mission relies on: that the young leaders of our country will be resilient enough, determined enough, or stubborn enough to do it again another day. That we will care enough to see it through. That we will realize that we are not the ones getting the shorter end of the stick; at twentysomething, we are built for this stuff. Our students — without the Stand and Deliver story, the Dangerous Minds inspiration, the pleasant and privileged fourth-grade experience that I had — are the ones really hurting at the end of the day.

So, today, it’s what I can make of The Cricket in Times Square instead of Dostoyevski, but I’m not giving up.

High school science teacher:

“I started to question my sanity.”

When we came to Memphis, I remember feeling excited, energized, and ready to take on any and all challenges that came my way. The few weeks we had before the first day of school went by quickly, and I spent it envisioning what I was going to do with my room, who these unknown students of mine were, and even wondering what I was going to be teaching. I’m a planner, and I hate the unknown; those few weeks of “break” were quite miserable for someone who didn’t know every last detail of what she was getting into.

I showed up for work on the first day, and I remember feeling a little out of place. The job didn’t quite feel like mine yet. I greeted every student with a “Good morning!” and their responses were shocking. Many of them ignored me and walked on past my room. Some turned their gazes my way, a huge smile brimming across their face, as if I were the first person to speak to them this morning. Others snapped to attention with a “Good morning, ma’am” like a trained soldier. I hadn’t yet been called ma’am in that tone before, and that made my day feel all the more real. I was a teacher. I was responsible for children’s lives.

I really started to question my sanity regarding this whole Teach For America business when I realized I was working 20 hours a day and only sleeping for four. I even considered therapy when I noticed my dreams were my lesson rehearsals. I spent the four hours I had “off” from work envisioning work! I spent the first six weeks of my teaching like this — overworked and exhausted. Even in college, my coffee pot never received so much attention.

About four weeks into the school, around the time I became comfortable, so did my students. Pretty soon, the fights started. After the fights came, so did the 180-day suspensions. The students I was working those 20-hour days for were no longer allowed to come to school. I was frustrated and angry. I yelled and cried a lot. I didn’t understand why the kids who needed an education the most were being thrown out of school for an entire school year! It was unfathomable to me. I was here to fight the achievement gap, and they were throwing the achievement gap out!

I was disillusioned for about two weeks, before I realized I still had 110 students who depended on me. I was their teacher. They looked forward to my class because we were getting smarter in my classroom. I still send messages of hope and education to those students whose bad decisions at school earned them punishment, but I still work around the clock for the students whose lives will change because they spent a year in my room.

Special-ed teacher: “I decided to counter backtalk with silence.”

“I don’t know how to do this!”

Welcome to my Resource Room. I hear this every day, many times a day. My students say this often and loudly with hints of exhaustion, lots of frustration, and plenty of expectation. Special education breeds insecurity in students, based on very real experiences. They have failed inside and outside the classroom, been bullied both academically and socially by peers, and have been told by teachers and adults that they are worth less than other students.

My students are insecure, and I am insecure. I understand my responsibilities. I am entrusted with teaching 15 Individual Education Plans with objectives incorporating six grade levels worth of reading, writing, language arts, and math curriculum. I am not confident yet about how to accomplish this. I am most vulnerable at 10:20 a.m. and 12:45 p.m.

10:20 a.m.: The third rotation of my literacy block. My room is at full capacity, with all 14 regular students roaming through work-station assignments (journal, spelling, silent reading) and completing guided reading skill lessons in small groups. This is not all they do, however. They also pick on each other, throw random objects, make noise with their mouths, and drum with pencils. I run on autopilot, attempting to teach while I am engrossed with behavior management. I take a deep breath, worried that these last two teams are getting the raw end of the reading deal with so many others diverting my attention.

12:45 p.m.: Eight students are in my room, sometimes focused on their math-station work, other times interested in convincing me to assign them to the computer (the one out of three that still works). I am always asking this of myself: How can I demand respect and regain control of my classroom through more efficient and effective discipline? What do my students need in individual instruction? How can I teach similar themes with leveled materials to reach as many students as possible during our precious time together?

Answers come woven through my interactions with other teachers, in professional-development workshops and university courses, and in reading materials. Integrating them into my practice is a complicated task. As I drive to school, I listen to music, sing, and smile. Each morning, I am more optimistic and excited than the day before. With this optimism, I try new strategies in discipline, management, and instruction daily. Sometimes it is as simple as bracing myself for consistency.

Today, for example, I decided to counter backtalk with silence. I harvested this technique from Fred Jones’ Tools For Teaching last night as I read to fall asleep. It seemed successful. I was able to redirect my energy to engaging students in instruction. I wonder what it will be like after it becomes my style of discipline, once students expect it and understand my role as the leader of the classroom. I am optimistic that I will discover more and more free moments in which to teach. And I am excited for tomorrow, the coming months of teaching, and all that my students and I will learn.

Resource teacher: “We will do real work.”

My job is not just about teaching; it is about changing mindsets. The first few weeks, I would start a lesson or hand out work, and the students would be confused. Not confused by the material but confused that they had work to do.

“But this is a resource class, not a real class” was the phrase that I heard endlessly. Especially from Justin. He would walk into class and ask for a free day, a music day, a poker day, any day that he didn’t have to learn. I explained that school was for learning, not just hanging out, but he would just laugh at me.

I faced the same mindsets in my school staff too. Students have to take three Gateway exams to get a diploma, and one of these is an algebra exam. I looked at a practice test and realized that I would need graphing calculators to teach all the graphing and functions. So I talked to a woman at my school to see if she could tell me where to find calculators, and I heard a familiar phrase: “But this is a resource class, not a real class.” I felt so defeated when I realized that all my kids had probably ever heard was this idea — that their classes weren’t “real” classes; they weren’t even “real” students.

I still haven’t gotten calculators. But now, 12 weeks into the school year, Justin has started to understand that we will work in class and that we will do real work. He no longer tells me that he wants a free day; instead, he wants a college-fair day. He attends all of the Gateway study sessions that the school offers.

Elementary teacher: “The fruit snacks in the treasure box.”

I remember what it was like to be 8 years old. I didn’t have much responsibility beyond going to school, picking up my room, and playing with friends. While the chores weren’t too bad and school was still kinda cool, playing was what I always wanted to do. When I did homework, I certainly wasn’t thinking, Oh yes, I’m so glad I can do homework instead of play Nintendo. The truth is, I did it because I had to and not because I wanted to. Maybe that is why when one of my second-grade students gave me a sheet of 106 compound words she had came up with the night before, I was stunned. But it wasn’t because she came up with more words than I probably could have come up with in a week that got to me. Nor was it the fact that she probably had a little assistance from her older brother. What struck me more than anything was that there had been no homework that night. She just did it.

For months, I had been struggling with how to motivate my students to want to learn beyond the lessons that allow them to take a make-believe space adventure to the planets (complete, of course, with space food). There have been too many days where I have had students complain about being too tired, wanting to go play Xbox, or needing to get a prize out of the treasure chest for doing nothing but showing up. I’ve come to realize that providing incentives for working hard will only take you so far. Students will come to expect a reward for just about anything they do, and in the end I have merely taught a group of kids how to impress me instead of themselves. My students should work for themselves, not me, not the fruit snacks in the treasure box, and not just to avoid trouble. My ultimate goal here is not for them to just meet my classroom expectations but to achieve, with high hopes and full hearts, their lifelong aspirations.

If my students remember nothing else that I have taught them, my dearest hope is that they leave knowing they have the power to be unstoppable. That they can do whatever it is they want to do, so long as they do it for themselves. It seems like we often forget the strength in self-confidence. We spend a lot of time talking about ways to get the children to do what we want them to do and not enough time asking them what they can and want to do for themselves. I’ve been blessed with such an amazing opportunity to guide my students down that path and can only imagine the possibilities that are waiting.

Elementary teacher:

“I feel like I have aged 10 years in six months.”

It is 7:15 a.m. on a Saturday, and I am wide-awake. I seem to have lost my penchant for sleeping in. During the workweek, I am desperate for just 10 more minutes of glorious unconsciousness, but on the weekend my mind races with reflections and worries. Mostly, I worry about my students. I worry about their futures.

Every single thing I know and love I left behind for something I still do not fully understand. I became a Teach For America teacher. As an undergraduate student, I studied digital design, English, and women’s studies. I considered myself socially conscious. Every single day I grapple with what I used to be only six months age: a college student.

This job forces you to grow up fast. Some days I feel like I have aged 10 years in six months. The reality is I am a 22- year-old who is responsible for 15 human beings’ intellectual and social health. It has been difficult going from student to teacher, especially when I loved being a student. Nowadays, I feel like the student who forgot her homework on the kitchen table. Some days, I stand in front of my students filled with a sense of awe for what I am doing. Other days, I want to crawl into the janitor’s closet.

I have trouble with the execution of my hopes for them. The school day begins officially at 7:30 a.m. It unofficially ends at 9 p.m., when I get ready for bed and pass out. I stop to eat generally because that has been my only comfort thus far in this job.

There is so much potential. I see it every single day. My class is extremely enthusiastic about learning. Sometimes their enthusiasm gets to the point where I have to review classroom procedures so there is some control over their tendency to jump out of their seats while answering a question. Now I just have to find the right way to harness its power.

My enthusiasm for going into this was to find purpose and direction. I need to constantly find that motivation and strength to push forward. I am not used to failure, and I am generally a woman who gets what she wants.

If I wrote about what I have been feeling since school began, then we would all need a good piece of chocolate afterward, which is much of how I feel every day I walk out of my school to go home. Many people keep saying the goal of a first-year teacher is to keep your head above water. I’d like to keep my sanity afloat while I am at it.

It is too early to decide whether teaching is the purpose in life I want to discover so badly. The first year of teaching is hell, just as the first year of college was for me. But after that first year of college, I loved it. That is what I am hoping for with teaching. I hope to overcome the exhaustion, selfishness, and initial challenges to accomplish great things with my students.

Middle school math teacher: “The hardest thing I’ve ever done.”

I’ve always known I was a people person. But I didn’t realize just how much genuine love I could have for people I just met. Becoming an eighth-grade math teacher has been the hardest thing I’ve ever done and at the same time one of the best things I’ll ever do. There are 118 adolescents who walk into my classroom every day, and I love each and every one of them more than I ever thought would be possible.

People who saw my classroom at the beginning of the school year might call me a liar for ever saying I could love these kids. The first weeks of school were nothing more than me yelling at a bunch of rowdy students who were trying to get on the nerves of the new young teacher with the weird Northern accent. And they were good at what they did. I have never been more infuriated in my life than I was during those two weeks. My students made it known that they didn’t like me and that they were not going to make things easy for me.

I fell into the routine of complaining to my family and friends about how terrible things were and about how terrible my students were. Fortunately, I realized I was dwelling on all of the negative things, and as a result, I was feeling sorry for myself. So I stepped back from the situation to re-evaluate. I decided that I needed to start focusing on the good things, even if they were very few and far between.

The turning point for me was when I started getting students coming after school to get tutoring. I lived for these moments. However, if the students didn’t show up to get help, I was crushed. I would go home deflated. But after one of those days, I realized something that changed my whole perception: I loved these kids. I wasn’t upset because I felt like the kids didn’t like me. I wasn’t frustrated because the kids were mocking and making fun of everything I said. I wasn’t deflated because I wasn’t getting time to eat and sleep.

I realized it’s not about me. It’s all about these 118 kids who walk through my door. It dawned on me that I love these kids so much I could not handle witnessing them not learning. I was upset because the kids were not getting what they deserved. And I was frustrated because I didn’t know how to reach them yet.

News The Fly-By

Teaching to the Testers

Angel Perkins has been teaching chemistry and biology to high school students for 18 years. But in the past two years, she’s found herself working with a different group of students: other teachers.

“It all started with a colleague of mine. I thought he was an excellent teacher, but he was having problems passing the teacher’s exam,” she says.

After watching him struggle, she asked him if he wanted a tutor.

“He was very resistant to it at first,” she says. “People think they should know the material and be able to pass the test.” He relented and passed the exam shortly after they started working together. After that, she says, word just got around.

Since then, she’s credited with helping 50 teachers pass the Praxis exam, an assessment used by many states in their teaching certification and licensing, and she’s been hired by the University of Memphis’ Transition to Teaching program, a course that prepares people who have worked in other fields to teach.

The White Station AP biology teacher has also been named to the U.S. Department of Education’s Teacher Training Corps, spending last summer traveling to places all over the country — Boston, Seattle, and Santa Clara, California — to work with other educators. She also is the only teacher on the Department of Education’s national No Child Left Behind panel.

Perkins credits most of her successes to her technique of framing lessons around a story, learned from older relatives in rural Mississippi.

“A lot of them couldn’t read or write. You had to be very verbal with them and very expressive,” she says. “It’s a lot easier to learn and retain information if you can connect it to something.”

For instance, with her students in Memphis, she compares cellular functions to those of FedEx. Each FedEx department — the organelles, if you will — have a role to play within the organization, or the cell.

Of course, not all her audiences are as familiar with FedEx as Memphians, so she employs a variety of anecdotes, mnemonic devices, and analogical reasoning, as well.

When Perkins talks about photosynthesis, she compares it to a person converting their gold to cash.

“It tends to make more sense, because it’s so abstract. The kids are like, Why, why, why?” she says. “If they’re in possession of gold, they know it’s something of value, but they need to convert it to paper money to be able to spend it.”

One of the teachers who learned Perkins’ technique over the summer has already employed it with success — his students are averaging almost 30 percent higher on his tests — and Perkins is working on a biology supplement that other teachers could use to accompany their lessons.

As for teaching students versus teaching educators, Perkins says it’s a little different, but not in the way you might think. With her adolescent students, she knows what they should know. With other teachers, she has no idea.

“I have to be sensitive to the fact that I have a mixed bag of people,” she says. “Some just need a refresher. Others are missing the foundation. I kind of assess it as we go along.”

News The Fly-By

Courting Scholarship Money

Prospective students eligible for the Distinguished African American, African-American Scholar, and African-American Enrichment scholarships at the University of Memphis may be out of luck next school year.

The scholarships, enacted as part of a settlement agreement dating back to the 1968 Rita Sanders Geier lawsuit, will cease to exist next fall.

Geier, then a professor at predominantly-black Tennessee State University, filed a claim in an attempt to end the effective segregation of Tennessee’s public colleges and universities. The state of Tennessee then established a series of programs, including several scholarships, designed for more effective long-term racial integration. The “other race” scholarships, for instance, would provide an incentive for minority students to voluntarily integrate schools without resorting to racial-quota legislation.

But more recently, two 2003 U.S. Supreme Court cases out of Michigan — Grutter v. Bollinger and Gratz v. Bollinger — held that “other race” scholarships such as the ones stipulated by Geier are illegal.

“Based on the legal precedents set by the Michigan cases, we would be under scrutiny if we continued to offer ‘other race’ scholarships,” says Michelle Banks, Equal Employment and Affirmative Action officer for the U of M.

Exactly what effect the cancellation of these scholarships will have, however, is unclear.

“There is one group of people telling us that we’re going to get the money, and there’s another group of people telling us that we’re not,” Banks says. “Before, the recipients of African-American scholarships received the funds from their scholarships, thereby not competing for university funds. But now, everyone will be competing for the same money.”

Other school administrators, however, say that the changes will have “little to no impact” on how they award scholarships.

Rhodes College political science professor Marcus Pohlmann says that simply rerouting the existing money into need-based aid could maintain the spirit of the Geier scholarships. “It still may serve many of the same students and just proxy for race as such moves have done elsewhere,” he explains.

Still, eliminating the scholarships will probably carry some consequences.

“This might deter some African-American students from coming,” says University of Memphis junior William Terrell, who cited his Distinguished African-American Scholarship as the main reason he attended the U of M.

Pohlmann agrees. “Will it cost the U of M some of its better black students who are better off and have choices of schools? It may.”

“But,” he adds, “other schools are going this same route. It’s not that unusual.”

All 193 students currently receiving funding from the scholarships, however, will continue to do so as long as they abide by the guidelines of their individual programs.