Politics Politics Feature


It is no accident that many savants in the legal/political universe regard the 1962 Baker v. Carr decision of the U.S. Supreme Court to be second to none among landmark judicial decisions.

This decision was brought on by a suit from Charles Baker, chairman of what was then the Shelby County Court, precursor of the present Shelby County Commission. On behalf of Shelby County, rapidly urbanizing at the time, as was the nation as a whole, Baker sought relief from un-democratic districting guidelines imposed by the state of Tennessee that unduly favored the state’s rural population.

The court held in essence that the Fourteenth Amendment required that the principle of one person-one vote be applied in the determination of legislative district lines.

While the decision had immediate and lasting repercussions on determining matters of voter eligibility, both in Tennessee and elsewhere in the nation, it has by no means eliminated gerrymandering based on partisan politics (e.g. witness the Republican legislative supermajority’s strip-mining away of Democratic Party rights in Nashville’s Fifth Congressional District), nor has it much diminished the edgy relationship between urban and rural interests in policy-making.

The latter issue has flared up again in the quarrel over whether Memphis voters should be allowed to vote their preference on several gun-control measures embedded in a referendum proposed by the city council but now endangered by the action of the county Election Commission in removing it from the November ballot.

In so acting, the Election Commission — dominated 3-2 by GOP members according to state mandate — has clearly responded to overt threats from the state’s Republican leadership to withhold from the city some $78 million in state revenues, if the referendum should go through as scheduled.

This was some of the “stiff resistance” promised by House Speaker Cameron Sexton, who articulated things this way: “Local governments who want to be progressive and evade state laws will lose shared sales tax funding.” The speaker likened the city’s referendum plans to “subversive attempts to adopt sanctuary cities [and] allow boys in girls’ sports.” 

Some Memphians were expressing concern that the state’s retribution could also be visited on various large local projects dependent on previously pledged state subsidies, like those involving the zoo, FedExForum, and Simmons Bank Liberty Stadium.

It is worth recalling the actual import of the endangered referendum, authorized earlier by the council’s unanimous vote. In the words of its chief sponsor Councilman Jeff Warren, “Memphis voters will be asked whether they approve amending the city’s charter to require a handgun permit, restrict the storage of guns in vehicles in many cases, ban assault weapons sales after January 1, 2025, and enact extreme risk protection orders, sometimes called Red Flag Laws.”

All the referendum would do is solicit voter opinion, it would seem. Sexton chooses to see it otherwise, as a direct challenge to state authority.

Whichever interpretation is correct, the ongoing confrontation between city and state over a host of policy matters, of which gun safety is only one, is rising to fever pitch, as evidenced the rhetoric employed last week by Council Chair JB Smiley and various supportive council members, who announced their intent to sue the Election Commission to reinstate the ballot measure.

“Memphis has been shot and is bleeding out,” said Councilwoman Jerri Green. “We won’t back down, and we damn sure won’t be bullied,” proclaimed Smiley.

Memphis Mayor Paul Young meanwhile seemed to be trying to position himself at the nonexistent calm center, saying he understood the council’s “frustration” but expressing the view that the referendum ultimately would be “futile.” 

Politics Politics Beat Blog

Did Lost Codes Compromise the Election?

Election results of the 2023 Memphis city election are due to be certified by the Election Commission on Monday, October 16th, but there is a middling-sized controversy about the outcome.

Chief objector so far is one Jerred Price, the entrepreneur, activist, and entertainer who, most recently,  was a candidate for City Council in Super District 8, Position 3.

Price lost that election, or so the numbers indicate. In a multi-candidate race, he came up third behind Brian Harris and the winner, Yolanda Cooper-Sutton, whose campaign was, to say the least, low-profile.

But wait a minute! Price, who is anything but bashful, is now telling anybody who will listen that the city election was compromised — and he may have a point, perhaps.

In a development that was treated more back-burner than perhaps it should have been by the media at large, a worker for the Election Commission reported a burglary of her car, which was parked in the Glenview area overnight Wednesday, October 4th.

Among the missing contents, she told police the next day — which was election day —  were $1200 in cash, as well as keys to ballot boxes and election codes. The culprit was later apprehended and the items returned, and the story was reported on WATN, Channel 24.

At the time a statement was issued by the Election Commission denying that election codes had been stolen and maintaining that “the complete integrity of the October 5th election remained in place and without compromise.”

That didn’t satisfy Price, who vented accounts of the incident on social media and questioned how it was that such items as were reported stolen were allowed out of the Election Office in the first place.

Ultimately, he would circulate what he said was an emailed response to him from County Election Coordinator Linda Phillips. In what seems an unusually chatty tone, Phillips’s message to Price went as follows [our italics added]:

“I am sure you are disappointed about your loss last week, however,  I would ask you to check your facts before you spread lies.

“While an inspector for the election had her car broken into, at no point was the election compromised in any way. Seriously, I thought you had more integrity than Trump.

And I voted for you. If you have concerns, please go to the sources of accurate information. Twitter, Facebook, and NextDoor are not primary sources.”

Asked about the comments, Phillips did not deny writing them, and Price persists in contending that Phillips and/or the Election Commission owe a fuller response to the prospect that the election might have been compromised.

Opinion Viewpoint

No Paper Ballot for You!

As a newcomer to Memphis and the American South in general, I’m used to new experiences and cultural surprises. But I wasn’t prepared for the horrific surprise I had when I went for early voting last Thursday night.

I went to the Agricenter location after work. And my heart dropped when I saw the Diebold machines: We all know their code was tampered with in at least one past presidential election (remember the Gore/Bush vote-switching debacle? I’m from Ohio, so I sure do), and you have to live under a rock within a sound-proof booth to not know intelligence agencies are sounding the alarm about possible meddling by Russia in this year’s elections.

Armed with these concerns, I asked for a paper ballot and explained why I preferred this method over the Diebold voting machines this year. I was then given a paper ballot to look over as two poll workers got on the phone for instructions on how to proceed with my request. They were told they could only provide paper ballots for provisional voters: If the voter had ID and was registered, his/her only option was using the Diebold machine provided. I again explained why I was requesting an alternative to that option. 

Raman Maisei |

At that point, one of the poll workers backed away from assisting me, while the other continued. As I told her, I was merely asking to exercise my civic duty. She continued with the process of offering me a paper ballot. Until she was taken aside. She came back and informed me that she had been told by Joe Young at the Shelby County Election Commission that if she continued to assist me she would be charged with a crime. 

At that point, I told her not to help; I acquiesced to the threat against her. I felt bullied and didn’t have the presence of mind to ask what charge she was being threatened with. My request to cast my vote in a way that couldn’t be electronically hacked was denied.

But my presence of mind came back on the car ride home. I sent an email to Joe Young of the election commission that night, again detailing why I asked for a paper ballot this year and asked him specifically what crime the poll worker would have been committing by providing a requested paper ballot? I asked him to explain by close of business Friday (July 20th), but I have yet to receive any type of reply.

Although I am not thoroughly familiar with the laws in the state of Tennessee, I am pretty sure that causing the election commission some extra work to process a live paper ballot is not a crime.

I mean, actually threatening to charge a poll worker with a crime because she was helping a citizen vote with a paper ballot? In these United States? Really? Shame on you, Joe Young. And shame on the Shelby County Election Commission.

P.S. If any of you out there are game and are also concerned about the security of your vote this year, ask for a paper ballot as well. I’d be interested in comparing experiences.

Elaine Farstad lives and works in Memphis.

Politics Politics Feature

POLITICS: The Final Four

Say this for the 2007 incarnation of the Shelby County
Election Commission. Its members are trying.

Right or wrong, that’s something that various critics
doubted about the 2006 version of the commission, plagued by late and lost
returns, ineffective software, erratic machines, incorrect election screens, and
post-election printouts whose totals were entered in some kind of unintelligible
Martian algebra.

“We got started on a rough, rough road,” acknowledged then
chairman Greg Duckett at a post-mortem following an August election cycle
that was sabotaged by all of the above gremlins and more.

Duckett has moved on since then, to the state Election
Commission. Another Democratic commissioner, Maura Black Sullivan, was
not reappointed by her party’s General Assembly contingent. The Democratic
legislators opted to fill the two vacancies with two Democrats who,
coincidentally or not, had past grievances related to the commission.

One was Shep Wilbun, a defeated candidate for
Juvenile Court clerk who had unsuccessfully challenged the 2006 election
results. The other was former longtime commissioner Myra Styles,
returning after being purged four years earlier.

Completing the cycle of reconstruction, Styles was promptly
named chairman. The third Democrat on the commission was yet another vindicated
retread, O.C. Pleasant, who had been replaced as chairman a term earlier
by the now departed Duckett.

The two Republican members – Rich Holden and
Nancye Hines
– were holdovers.

Whether because of improved oversight or simple good luck,
the new commission seems to have had better results than their snake-bit
predecessors. Though Mayor Willie Herenton made a point of challenging
the accuracy of the Diebold machines being used in this year’s city elections,
he ultimately was unable to deliver convincing examples.

As for last year’s hieroglyphic-like, analysis-defying
election returns, some hope of improvement has been kindled of late by an omen
of sorts. Concise, easy-to-read reports have been regularly circulated to the
media concerning early voting for the four city-council positions that are at
stake in Thursday’s runoff elections.

Cumulatively, these reports have yielded the information
that, after a sluggish start on October 19th, certain of the 27 early-voting
locations had late spurts.

Leading all locations as of Saturday, when early voting
ended, was Cordova’s Bert Ferguson Community Center, with 952 voters. Coupled
with the fact that a fair amount of voting (282) also occurred at Anointed
Temple of Praise, a southeasterly suburban location, that suggested reasonably
organized voting in the District 2 contest between Bill Boyd and Brian

Heading into Thursday, Stephens, a
businessman/lawyer/neighborhood activist with Republican affiliations, was
getting a surprising amount of support from influential local Democrats, while
longtime political figure Boyd, endorsed by the Shelby County GOP, boasted
endorsements from most of the seven other candidates eliminated in
general-election voting on October 4th.

Relatively stout voting at Pyramid Recovery Center (544)
and Bishop Byrne School (674) indicated the level of voter interest in District
6 (riverfront, south Memphis) and District 3 (Whitehaven), respectively.

The District 6 race was between Edmund Ford Jr. and
James O. Catchings, the former a beneficiary of legacy voting habits, the
latter depending on support from declared reformists. The District 3 contestants
were youngish governmental veteran Harold Collins, who was favored,and educator Ike Griffith.

A turnout of 453 at Raleigh United Methodist Church
documented the tight race expected in District 1 between school board member
Stephanie Gatewood
and teacher Bill Morrison. This is the only
runoff race in which demographics could have played a part, though both Gatewood,
an African American, and Morrison, who is white, made a point of pitching voters
across the board.

Gatewood, the only female candidate in the runoff roster,
stood to benefit if gender voting patterns, 60 percent female and 40 percent
male in early voting, continued on Thursday. Participation in early voting by
acknowledged African Americans was at the same level (47.1 percent) as their
percentage in the available voting pool.

Apparent white participation in early voting was at the
level of 37.6 percent, compared to the corresponding figure of 26.3 percent in
the pool of registered voters for the four districts.

What made precise demographic reckoning difficult, however,
was general confusion as to just who made up the category of voters
self-described as “other.,” a grouping that accounts for 26.6 percent of the
registered-voter pool but only 15.3 percent of early voters.

And what made
predictions of any kind difficult was the fact that only 1.5 percent of
available registered voters took part in early voting. As always in the case of
special elections or runoffs, final victory would belong to whichever candidates
mounted the most effective Get-Out-the-Vote efforts.