
Al Gore Gets New Job

The New York Times reports that former vice president and Nobel Laureate Al Gore is now a partner in venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers.

Gore will investigate the potential of alternative energy start-ups and advise the company on whether it should finance those start-ups. If that wasn’t enough, Gore’s salary will be donated to the Alliance for Climate Protection.

It looks to be a good partnership for everybody. Green businesses will get an opportunity for an influx of capital, and there are also rumors that Gore will probably be named Time Magazine‘s Person of the Year. Last year, you may recall, the magazine named “You” the winner.

Read the Times story here.


EPA Should Coordinate State Efforts to Protect the Mississippi River

AP – States and the federal government need to coordinate their efforts to monitor and protect the water of the Mississippi River, a new analysis urges.

The study released Tuesday by the National Research Council calls on the Environmental Protection Agency to coordinate the efforts affecting the river and the northern Gulf of Mexico where its water is discharged.

“The limited attention being given to monitoring and managing the Mississippi’s water quality does not match the river’s significant economic, ecological and cultural importance,” said David A. Dzombak, professor of environmental engineering at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh.

Dzombak, who was chairman of the committee that prepared the report, said that “in addressing water-quality problems in the river, EPA and the states should draw upon the useful experience in the Chesapeake Bay watershed, where for decades the agency has been working together with states surrounding the bay to reduce nutrient pollution and improve water quality.”

Because it passes through or borders many states, the river’s quality is not consistently monitored, the report said.

In the north, the Upper Mississippi River Basin Association has promoted many cooperative water-quality studies and other initiatives, the report said. That group includes Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri and Wisconsin.

But there is no similar organization for the lower-river states — Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas, Mississippi and Louisiana — and they should strive to create one, the report said.

EPA also should support better coordination among states, and among its four regional offices along the river corridor, the report says.

Greater effort is needed to ensure that the river is monitored and evaluated as a single system, said the report.

While the 10 states along the river conduct their own programs to monitor water quality, state resources vary widely and there is no single program that oversees the entire river.

In recent years, actions have reduced much point-source pollution, such as direct discharges from factories and wastewater treatment plants.

But the report notes that many of the river’s remaining pollution problems stem from nonpoint sources, such as nutrients and sediments that enter the river and its tributaries through runoff.

Nutrients from fertilizers create water-quality problems in the river itself and contribute to an oxygen-deficient “dead zone” in the northern Gulf of Mexico.

The National Research Council is an arm of the National Academy of Sciences, an independent organization chartered by Congress to advise the government on scientific matters. — Randolph E. Schmid

Food & Wine Food & Drink

Glass of Green

Want to help the environment? Start with a good glass of wine. Having choices between conventionally made wines and those more eco-conscious was once non-existent, but now they are more plentiful.

Viticulture can be a great strain on the environment. The industry’s negative effects include excess water usage (it takes up to eight gallons of water to produce one gallon of wine), chemical spraying, and air pollution. Wine lovers can help alleviate this stress through smart choices in the wine shop and the restaurant without sacrificing quality or taste.

Seeking out organic wines can be a good start, but it doesn’t end there. “In some instances, more diesel and chemicals are used in organic grape production than sustainably farmed wine grapes,” says David Gates, vice president of Vineyard Operations at Ridge Vineyards in California. Ridge produces high-quality, age-worthy wines from very old Zinfandel vineyards.

“Wine is food,” Gates continues. “It has moved along the same ecological path as the rest of agriculture. Conscious growers and vintners realize that the status quo isn’t good enough anymore and must work toward healing the earth by putting back as much as we take. Besides, sustainable wines taste good.”

In the sustainable vineyard, cover crops are planted to reintroduce nitrogen into the soil. Whenever possible, natural predators, not pesticides, are used to combat pests such as spider mites. And it doesn’t stop in the vineyard. The winery at Ridge’s Lytton Springs was built with rice straw and clay. The insulating straw and clay keep the tasting-room temperature around 68 degrees and the barrel room around 60 degrees — all without the aid of air conditioning. The 400 solar panels covering the roof have so far saved more than 102 tons of carbon dioxide from polluting the environment. What this all produces is some of the most beautiful, sublime, and food-friendly red wines in the world.

When Ron and Marianne Lachini set out to make world-class Pinot Noir in 1997, they knew they wanted “to respect the land and treat it well for generations to come.” For the Lachinis, sustainable viticulture not only protects and renews soil fertility but minimizes adverse impacts on natural biological cycles as well as wildlife, water quality, and the environment.

Alois Lageder, fifth-generation winemaker at Alois Lageder Winery, is breaking the deeply ingrained traditions held in the Alto Adige region of Italy. In an interview posted on the Internet, he said, “We conducted many experiments and found that the more naturally we do things, the better it is for the quality of the wine. When I took over the winery, I knew that we had a lot to change.” Lageder’s philosophy is to work in harmony with nature and not against it. The solar panels he installed on his new winery’s roof produce more than 50 percent of the winery’s power needs. Philosophy aside, his wines are seductive. Wine Spectator magazine placed his 2005 Pinot Bianco on their top 100 of 2006, and the 2006 Pinot Bianco is just as exquisite.

Aside from the positive ecological philosophy, there are two other important factors to consider: Does the wine taste good and does it sell?

“There has been a definite increase in demand for organic and sustainably farmed wines,” says Brad Larson, owner of Joe’s Wines in Midtown Memphis. “Many customers come here specifically seeking these wines. I used to keep the few that were organic in a section in the back. Until one day, Petros Lolonis, owner of Lolonis Winery, came in and said, ‘Don’t hide me in the back. Put me in with the rest of these wines. Ours is no different from the rest in taste and quality.'”

Recommended wines:

Ridge Geyserville Dry Creek Valley, California 2004. $36.99

Lachini Family Estate Pinot Noir Willamette Valley, Oregon 2006. $22.99

Alois Lageder Pinot Bianco Alto Adige, Italy 2006. $16.99

Lolonis Fumé Blanc Redwood Valley, California 2005. $13.99

News The Fly-By

Al’s Army

The slide show that won Al Gore an Oscar last week is coming to a church near you. The former presidential candidate has trained more than 1,000 volunteers in Nashville and Sydney, Australia, to present his slideshow on global warming, made famous by the documentary An Inconvenient Truth. The volunteers, who span a gamut of ages, ethnicities, and socioeconomic status, include three Memphians and a onetime honorary Memphian, actress Cameron Diaz.

The “climate change messengers,” as they’re called, came from around the country to spend three days in a Nashville hotel, listening to Gore as he went through his slides on carbon-dioxide levels, ice shelves, and temperature change. Volunteers are required to present the slideshow at least 10 times within a year of their training.

Life-insurance agent, local resident, and “messenger” Bill Stegall calls himself a member of “Al’s army.”

He started e-mailing Gore’s Climate Project after seeing the movie, and he was accepted as a volunteer.

“I plan on targeting the people who probably didn’t run out and see Al Gore’s movie,” he says. Because of that, he wants to give the 40-minute slideshow at area churches and synagogues.

“I want to give the presentation at conservative Christian churches,” he says. “I think that would be a great thing for the environment, because churches have a culture and tradition of stewardship.”

Stegall is not alone in thinking about churches. Many people have compared the Climate Project to a religion, with Gore as the Messiah-figure and the messengers as his proselytizing disciples. And, no, those comparisons have not all been meant to showcase Gore in a positive light.

In fact, what they seem to be implying is that the Climate Project is a cult. A crazy, liberal cult bent on taking away SUVs, destroying American business, and forcing everyone to wear hemp.

I haven’t drunk any Kool-Aid recently, but I did see the movie a few months ago. But it wasn’t something I was predisposed to do.

I think I’m like most people. When I get home from work, I like to hang out, relax, maybe veg a little bit. I don’t usually want to do anything heavy. And talking about the implications of our species’ actions on this planet seemed nothing but heavy. And boring.

So — and I’m just being honest — when I finally watched it, it was because I got it on Netflix, and I wanted to send it back and get something else.

But I can’t say it didn’t affect me. Seeing Gore climb into a cherry picker to illustrate the rise in the earth’s average temperature for the past 50 years gave me chills.

I think once we know something is wrong, we have a responsibility to ourselves and others to try and fix it. Unfortunately, what often happens with environmental issues is that it takes a “train wreck” type of event to focus the problem. I’m speaking in green generalities, but until something drastic happens, people argue that protecting sectors of the environment will be too costly, that it will adversely affect the economy, or that environmental changes don’t really affect human lives.

(In a world where the number of Category 4 and Category 5 hurricanes has almost doubled in the last 30 years, try telling that to the victims of Hurricane Katrina.)

And when the train wreck does happen, it’s too late. You can’t stop the problem; you can only deal with its ramifications.

I was out running errands recently, and a drug store employee commented on the pretty trees outside. It was February, and the trees were in full bloom. And, yes, they were pretty but nothing I was happy to see.

The signs are all around us, yet people are still ignoring or refuting the evidence. Having an Oscar onboard is nice, but he’s not as important as people like Bill Stegall and the other members of “Al’s Army.”

News The Fly-By

Green Is the New Black

When hundreds of Memphians gather for a public meeting, they’re usually angry about something. But last Thursday, nearly a thousand local citizens packed Hardin Hall at the Memphis Botanic Garden to advance a greener, more bike- and pedestrian-friendly Memphis.

The main speaker at the Greening Greater Memphis meeting, Shelby Farms park consultant Alex Garvin, talked about the benefits of planned parks and interconnected greenway trails. “Based on what I see tonight, you don’t need any help. You are going to transform the city of Memphis,” said Garvin, assessing the crowd of ordinary citizens and various elected officials.

The meeting, arranged by members of the Shelby Farms Park Alliance, the Wolf River Conservancy, and the Greater Memphis Greenline, was an attempt to combine the supporters of three individual “green” projects in the hope that strength in numbers will lead to change.

“We’re really just connecting the dots between all the green strategies in Memphis and starting a real movement,” said Laura Adams, executive director of Shelby Farms Park Alliance. “We have the bones to have one of the best systems in the country of interconnected parks and greenways.”

The Wolf River Greenway, a 36-mile path along the Wolf River, would allow walkers and bikers to go from the Mississippi riverfront to Collierville-Arlington Road without ever crossing a street. The $23 million project would take 10 to 15 years but is only expected to cost about $1 million a year to taxpayers.

The Greater Memphis Greenline project would convert the 13 miles of abandoned CSX railway leading from Midtown to Cordova into walking and biking trails. The greenline would border the edge of Shelby Farms Park and tie into plans to transform the 4,500-acre area into a state-of-the-art public space. The county has hired the New York-based Garvin, a Yale urban-planning professor who helped transform Atlanta’s parks system, to develop an overall vision for the park.

Thursday night, Garvin suggested adding a place to swim in Shelby Farms and better bike access into the park.

“Twice when my colleagues and I visited the park,” said Garvin, “we’ve seen ambulances taking away bike riders who’d been hit by cars.”

We Recommend We Recommend

Green Team

Imagine being able to walk or bike from downtown Memphis to Collierville without ever crossing a street. The planned Wolf River Greenway would allow people to do just that. Lord knows, Memphians could use the exercise.

Another project, the Greater Memphis Greenline, would connect Cordova to Midtown along the abandoned CSX railway. Plans are also under way for more recreational opportunities at Shelby Farms.

The visionaries behind these projects are coming together Thursday, February 8th, at 5 p.m. to move them from the planning stages to the doing stages. The Greening Greater Memphis meeting at the Memphis Botanic Garden will feature speaker Alex Garvin, the consultant from New York hired to establish a future for Shelby Farms, and host Carol Coletta of radio’s Smart City.

Local environmentalists are calling it “the birth of a movement,” encouraging citizens to hop aboard in support of connecting city parks to city people.

Greening Greater Memphis, Thursday, February 8th, 5 p.m., at the Memphis Botanic Garden

Cover Feature News

Beachfront Property?

In a couple hundred years or so, some scientists say, Memphians who want to go to the beach will just pack up the car and head down to the river bluffs. They believe global warming could raise ocean temperatures and cause the polar ice caps to melt completely. The result: a dramatic rise in sea level that could swallow current coastal cities, eventually bringing the coastline up to Kevin Kane’s front porch.

Far-fetched? Not according to Jerry Bartholomew, chair of the University of Memphis earth sciences department. “Memphis will be beachfront property,” he says. “All of the major cities along the coast — Philadelphia, Baltimore, Miami, Tampa, Charleston, New Orleans — would be underwater. If you raise sea levels 300 feet, they’re under 300 feet of water.”

It may sound like a gloom-and-doom scenario, but more than 20 percent of the polar ice caps have melted since 1979, according to The Weather Makers, Tim Flannery’s new book on climate change.

Only time will tell how quickly the caps will melt — or if the melting will continue — but most scientists now agree that the earth is undergoing some sort of warming trend and that the outlook for the future is troubling.

According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (an international group of climatologists), the earth has already warmed one degree in recent decades. They say the reason is an excess of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, the result of more people burning more and more fossil fuels.

Locally, it’s hard to say what effect, if any, global warming has had. Since it is a theory, nothing can be proven. However, Memphis has experienced hotter summers and milder winters for years now, and local plant life is changing. Some plants that don’t normally thrive here are now thriving, while some native plants aren’t faring as well. These could be temporary changes due to natural weather trends, or they could be human-induced, permanent changes resulting from global warming.

If it is indeed global warming, and the ice caps continue to melt, Memphis will experience more than just a great view of the ocean: Think overcrowding from migrating populations, crop failures, and increases in mosquitoes and disease. That scenario is admittedly a long way off, but scientists say the time to deal with the problem is now.

The Day After Tomorrow

On December 8, 1917, Memphis received more than eight inches of snow and ice. Hundreds of downtown workers were stranded in their offices. Taxis charged inflated rates to take people home. Temperatures in Memphis stayed below freezing through Christmas, and then a blizzard slammed the city in January, dropping another five inches of snow and sleet. The temperature fell to eight degrees below zero. The Mississippi River froze completely over. Steamers like the Georgia Lee and DeSoto were trapped in river ice. The Daily Appeal reported that some locals took to the frozen river on ice skates.

Eighty-year-old Memphian Jack Phillips remembers times like these.

“It wasn’t a strange sight in those days to see huge chunks of ice coming down the river. You don’t see that anymore,” says Phillips, a Native American who grew up in the city. “At Overton Park, people would go to the pond by the hundreds to ice-skate every year.”

These days, such memories seem worlds away. Memphis hasn’t seen many blizzards in recent decades, and Rainbow Lake doesn’t get ice skaters anymore.

But whether these changes are related to global warming is hard to say.

“It comes down to a difference between weather and climate,” explains Lensyl Urbano, an assistant professor of earth sciences at the U of M. “Weather is what you see every day. Climate is the average that happens over a period of time. So it’s difficult to say with any confidence at all if [recent weather patterns] are affected by global warming. You need a longtime record.”

By longtime record, Urbano means hundreds of years of data, and that simply isn’t there. So instead of studying weather patterns, scientists look to the direct correlation between increasing temperatures and the rising levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere since the industrial revolution.

On a local level, climate change isn’t easy to see, but there are some indicators that it may be happening. At the Memphis Botanic Garden, horticulturist Rick Pudwell says some trees are beginning to leaf earlier in the year.

“At first blush, that doesn’t seem like a problem, but if certain plants leaf out too early and then we get a cold front, it causes the flower buds to freeze and sometimes the leaf buds as well,” says Pudwell.

But while some native plants are suffering, new plants are thriving. Camelias traditionally haven’t fared well in Memphis because the weather is too cold. These days, Pudwell says, they flourish. Same goes for the Japanese Loquat tree. Planting zones are also beginning to fluctuate.

“We’re in Zone Seven, and I see plants that are normally only hearty in Zone Eight areas like Jackson, Mississippi, or Zone Nine, which is the Gulf Coast,” says Pudwell. “Five or six years ago, this wasn’t the case.”

Pudwell says he has also noticed a decline in the number of songbirds in the region. He believes they’re moving farther north due to rising temperatures in the South. This is bad news for gardeners, who see the birds as allies in insect control.

According to Batholomew, with planting zones shifting north, American farm staples such as wheat could become Canadian staples. Urbano says sugar maple trees in New England may also eventually thrive only in Canada if warming trends continue.

According to John Corbett, a retired geography professor from the U of M, these changes could be sparked by only a slight change in the temperature of the oceans.

“The Memphis area would become more humid,” said Corbett. “We’d have more storms and more frequent flooding. If it’s more humid, we’d have more termites, and the wood would start rotting more. The area would start to favor little things you wouldn’t want it to favor, like mold.”

On a worldwide scale, Corbett projects mass migrations due to crop failures and more wars as fossil fuel supplies decrease. As ocean temperatures rise, Corbett says, the world can expect stronger hurricanes. These changes, he says, are mostly human-induced.

“We’re cutting down the rain forests. We’re using more and more fuel,” says Corbett. “The cities are more crowded. We’re destroying animal habitats. The real problem is us — humans.”

Global Warming for Dummies

In a greenhouse, thin sheets of glass protect sensitive plants from cold and frost. But that glass also allows solar energy to come through, where it is absorbed by the plants and the ground inside. The glass traps the heat, similar to a parked car left out in the sun with the windows rolled up.

Carbon dioxide, water vapor, methane, and nitrous oxide are gases in the earth’s atmosphere. They operate much like greenhouse glass. The sun’s energy penetrates the gases, which trap the solar energy. That heat keeps the earth warm and habitable. If it weren’t for the greenhouse effect, the earth would be 60 degrees cooler.

So the greenhouse effect is a good thing. However, the rise of industry, especially in the past hundred or so years, has led to increased burning of fossil fuels that contain carbon dioxide. From the coal burned to fuel power plants to the petroleum burned by cars, each year over the past century, more and more CO2 has been released into the atmosphere.

“Carbon dioxide is a minor gas in the air,” explains Corbett. “[The air] is mostly oxygen and nitrogen. But carbon dioxide is called a greenhouse gas because it has more ability to do what that glass in the greenhouse does.”

Climatologist Charles Keeling has been recording carbon dioxide concentrations in the air above Mt. Mauna Loa in Hawaii since the 1950s. His findings through 2005 show that the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere has risen every year since his study began.

While the earth has natural cycles of warming and cooling, global-warming-theory proponents say the earth is heating up at a faster rate than what should occur naturally.

“The temperature of the earth has already risen about one degree Celsius over the last 100 years,” says Urbano. “In the next 100 years, it could be one or two or even four or five degrees higher.”

One degree may not sound like much, but 100 years isn’t long in the grand scheme of things.

“The temperature difference between now and the last glacial maximum about 20,000 years ago is 10 to 12 degrees Celsius. Back then, the glaciers came all the way down to [where] New York City [is now],” says Urbano.

According to Hsing-te Kung, a U of M geology professor, we may not have enough data to determine if global warming is happening, but he points out that some very old data does exist in the form of core samples climatologists have taken from glaciers in the Arctic region.

“The earth has been around for about 5.6 billion years, and the universe may be 50 billion years old,” says Kung. “Human life is only 10,000 to 15,000 years old. So to really understand climate change, that’s going to be a real challenge.”

The Politics of Warming

In December 1997, a climate-change control treaty known as the Kyoto Protocol was negotiated in Japan. Countries that signed on to the agreement pledged to reduce collective emissions of greenhouse gas by 5.2 percent compared to the emissions from 1990.

As of April of this year, 163 countries have signed the agreement. Australia, Monaco, Liechtenstein, and the U.S. have not. In July 1997, the U.S. Senate unanimously passed a resolution stating that agreeing to such terms “would result in serious harm to the economy of the United States.”

“By not signing the Kyoto [Protocol], the administration has postponed any change in our production of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere for another eight years,” says Barthlomew. “Another administration may do something different, but since this one has chosen to delay that, we’ll pay the price.”

It could be a dangerous decision, considering that the U.S. is one of the largest polluters of the atmosphere. According to Bartholomew, about 80 percent of the fossil fuel consumption in the world comes from the U.S., Europe, and Japan.

He points out that while Europe and Japan may be major contributors to pollution, they’re doing more to effect change.

“They drive more fuel-efficient cars. In Europe, you have to hold the shower nozzle for it to stay on, so you’re not wasting water as the shower runs,” says Bartholomew.

“If we wait until all the other countries of the world produce as much emissions as we do, we’re in big trouble,” says Bartholomew. “You won’t have to worry about the sea level coming up from global warming, because you won’t be able to see [because of] all the smog.”

The White House has come under criticism from environmentalists for downplaying the potential link between global warming and human activity. President Bush dismissed a 2002 report by the Environmental Protection Agency that stated human activity is playing a hand in climate change.

The New York Times reported that Philip Cooney, a former White House official and former oil-industry advocate, altered 2002 and 2003 EPA reports on climate research to downplay the link between emissions and global warming.

Much of the propaganda against climate change is funded by Lee Raymond, the recently retired CEO of ExxonMobil. Rolling Stone reported that since 2000, Raymond has donated $8 million to “right-wing think-tanks that ridicule climate change in the mainstream media.”

“When you look at the naysayers, you need to look at what kind of grants they’re operating on,” says Clark Buchner, the chair of Tennessee Sierra Club’s Global Warming Committee. “Exxon has been one of the most egregious groups about not wanting information on global warming to reach the public.”

In the end, it comes down to economics. Bartholomew points out that the U.S. economy is very complex; any change the U.S. institutes would have a ripple effect economically. But dramatic economic changes may be a sacrifice the U.S. will eventually have to make.

“We’ve got to get the politicians in this country to realize what the hell they’re doing,” says Phillips.

Baby Steps

Since the U.S. government isn’t doing much at this point, what can ordinary people do? And will it make a difference?

These are the questions on the minds of environmentalists like the Sierra Club’s Buchner. His job is to educate the public on the little things that add up to big change. He says the club is currently studying its overall energy policy so they can better inform the public.

“We don’t want to look like alarmist fools,” says Buchner. “In the movie The Day After Tomorrow, 100-foot waves hit New York. Places were icing over in five minutes. That was pretty extreme. But on the other hand, when you have a hurricane like Katrina, that’s extreme, too. Extremes do play out but not necessarily in a Hollywood special-effects manner.”

One of the things the club is looking at is the effect of planting more trees, which absorb carbon from the atmosphere. Other considerations include encouraging power plants to switch to treated coal that emits less carbon dioxide, supporting wind power, and lobbying for corporate standards to reduce vehicle emissions.

One obvious change that drivers can make is to switch to hybrid fuels or more fuel-efficient vehicles.

“There are a lot of things that could be done, but the fact is, we have a society that has fostered, over the last 20 years, the use of SUVs,” says Bartholomew. “Some people buy them for safety, but they waste a lot of fuel. Most people don’t need a vehicle that size.”

Bartholomew says making homes more energy-efficient will also help. Since carbon dioxide emissions are generated by power plants, reducing electrical use can help reduce emmissions. He also suggests using items longer. “The idea of recycling is not just putting things in the recycle bin,” says Bartholomew. “Using cars or cell phones until they are worn out is an important part of reducing carbon emissions. We can’t produce anything new without burning fuel of some kind.”

Locally, Shelby County government has taken several steps that could have an impact on reducing carbon dioxide emissions. The county was designated a “non-attainment” area for poor air quality by the Environmental Protection Agency in 2004.

Last week, county air-quality coordinator Ronné Atkins announced several projects intended to improve air quality. Atkins said some county fleet-services vehicles will be switched to biodiesel, a blend of petroleum and soybean oil that is believed to reduce emissions. And MATA will test the fuel on 25 of its paratransit vehicles. If results are positive, the county may switch more vehicles to biodiesel.

County school buses will soon be retrofitted with special mufflers and emissions filtration systems. And the existing local RideShare program, a free car-pool organization that pairs commuters, has been revamped to be more efficient.

Buchner says the key is making people understand that while the effects of global warming may not affect them in a large way, it may have a huge impact on future generations. “There’s a real difficulty with thinking about doing anything on a long-range basis,” he says. “Unless there’s a threat right in front of them, you can’t get people’s attention.”

According to Urbano, we may not see the effect from changes that are made in our lifetime. But that doesn’t mean they won’t make a difference.

“Assuming we cut off [producing] all carbon dioxide tomorrow, it could still take a couple hundred years for the level of CO2 in the atmosphere to return to where it was before. No matter what we do, some degree of warming is going to be with us,” says Urbano.

It comes down to adopting a new worldview.

“We have to take care of this world because it doesn’t belong to us,” says Phillips. “That’s what Native Americans have been trying to tell everybody since Christopher Columbus first came. We are just the keepers of the earth, and when we leave here, we have to leave it in the condition we found it.”

If more people thought like Phillips, global warming probably wouldn’t be a problem. But until they do, generations to come may be at risk.

Let’s hope future Memphians have plenty of beach towels.