Cover Feature News

New Year, New You: Ways to be Your Best Self in 2021

I don’t know how much more excited we can be to say goodbye forever to 2020. Here we are, in a brand-new year — all shiny and sparkly and brimming with potential. The Flyer staffers have some ideas on ways to grow and thrive in 2021. Here, we offer them up for your consideration.

Alex Greene

Take Time to Make Time for Music

As 2020 was in its final throes, I spoke with Steve Selvidge, guitar-slinger extraordinaire, and he observed: “With technology these days, streaming music is daytime whatever, just put on something that’s rockin’, get the dishes done. But for me, vinyl is the nighttime thing. It’s the kids have gone to bed, decompressing, and talking about the events of the day, and what are we gonna put on?”

What indeed? Of course, Steve is a fellow performer, and we’re known for taking time to make time for music. But music is so omnipresent these days that, for most people, it’s strangely devalued. We have the power to soundtrack every moment, and many of us do. But a soundtrack is designed to play second fiddle to moving images, to washing dishes or to that endless scroll. I fall prey to that mindset myself.

To break out of that matrix, I make a conscious effort to settle into a space by the hi-fi and just listen. No devices, no flickering screens. Just me, the lamplight, and the sounds of my favorite players. If you take the trouble to make it happen, with a streamed playlist, a CD, or — still the best — a vinyl long-player, you will find spaces opening in your imagination that render all the anxious scrolling meaningless, so much chaff in the wind. Meanwhile, the beats, harmonies, and melodies, given their proper time and space, can resonate with nuanced emotions deep within. They are heavy, they are solid, they are sound. — Alex Greene

Maryjoy Caballero |

Move More

It’s too damn cold outside right now for the lovely walks I enjoyed so much last spring and summer, which kept me sane in the throes of The No-Good, Horrible Year. Until we get longer days and first blooms and that warm kiss of the season change, we can find new and different ways to move more.

I’ve never been much of a gym person, but I have quite the collection of Tae Bo DVDs. You know, the taekwondo-inspired workout that was huge in the ’90s, hosted by master motivator Billy Blanks. I have very much enjoyed working out solo in my own home through the years, and it was especially beneficial over the course of 2020 — for both physical and mental health. I dropped some pounds and gained some sweet serotonin boosts.

You probably don’t have a Tae Bo collection, but there are tons of free workouts available online via YouTube and Facebook and Instagram live. Kroc Center of Memphis, YMCA of Memphis & the Mid-South, and the Downtown Memphis Commission are just a few of the local sources for free virtual workout sessions (yoga, boot camp, barre, kickboxing, and more). Tune in and get your body movin’ — it’ll feel real good, I promise.— Shara Clark

Do it Yourself, and Do it Now

He who hesitates is lost, goes the saying, and that holds for she and it as well. Lost or not, the perpetrator of procrastination is certainly destined to fall behind, and only rarely is this strategically useful.

While Shakespeare’s immortal anti-hero Hamlet mulled over several other existential dilemmas in the famous “to be or not to be” soliloquy, certainly the issue of timely and forceful action was paramount. Avenging his old man was only secondary; the real point at issue was that Denmark was by rights his own kingdom-to-be; all he had to do was work up a sweat, commit to a risk or two, and take it away from Claudius the usurper. But he balked, and paid for it.

Rarely do our own timidities and postponements confront matters of such pitch and moment. But they sting all the same. The floor stays unswept; the book remains unwritten or unread; the romantic opportunity evaporates; the dream job, sans your completed application, goes to somebody else. T.S., buddy. Pick up the damned broom!

There are both disadvantages and advantages to our cybernetic age. But one of the latter is the ready accessibility of D.I.Y. instructions online — governing almost the entire range of needful actions you’ve been putting off. Surely you’ve already discovered that waiting for somebody else to do it for you is either futile or too expensive. And one thing leads to another: The habit of successful initiatives orders the mind for more of the same. Before you know it, you’re self-reliant. It ain’t Denmark, but it’s something! — Jackson Baker

Get Your Head in the Game

In the immortal words of Troy Bolton, you gotta “get’cha head in the game.” The best way to jump into the new year after the horror show that was 2020 is to have some fun, blow off some steam, and inject some gamesmanship into your rotation.

Start by checking out some organized sports (when it’s safe to do so, of course). Socialize and get a workout in at the same time by signing up for a local soccer league, or harkening back to your high school P.E. days with some Thursday night kickball action. There are plenty of options out there, and if sports aren’t your thing, there are plenty of casual and beginner leagues to sign up with (for now, tennis makes for a great social distancing sport).

Looking to keep things indoors? Set up a weekly board game night to stay connected, and hone that competitive edge. Outwit your friends in a game of Settler of Catan, hoard all the wealth in Monopoly, or make things personal in a chess duel. With a little bit of ingenuity, it’s easy enough to set something up over Zoom.

And if that’s not enough, head over to the digital frontier. Video gaming is a great way to stay engaged with far away, out of town, or just plain unavailable friends, and there are lots of options even if you don’t want to invest in expensive equipment. Try out some Jackbox Games over the phone for a casual opener, or engage in Clue-like, murder mystery shenanigans in Among Us. But if you have the equipment, there’s no substitute for the catharsis of crushing your closest confidants in an intense round of Mario Kart. They probably deserved it, anyway. — Samuel X. Cicci

Total Reboot

It’s time for a reboot of self. This upcoming year is well-situated to accommodate a mental initializing (exorcizing) and a physical revamp (exercising). But all this better/healthier blather of resolve is nothing without a nice systemic overhaul. The promise of a new year is only fulfilled when changes include not only what’s gained, but what’s axed.

It’s vexing, for example, when a shiny up-to-the-minute laptop is acquired and then the end user migrates everything from the old drive to the new. No. Have patience and take time to evict the clutter. Those unreadable files from the previous millennium will likely not reveal deep thoughts or significant histories.

Understand that I am not really talking about computers here. This is the ultimate inside job, the better nature cultivating patience, saying “no” kindly to the insistent voices in culture, refining gratitude, paying attention, caring thoroughly. Also, updating passwords and deleting what’s in the Trash queue.

I’m inspired to reboot because, since SCS started instructing at home a few months ago, my first-grade granddaughter has been coming by three days a week with tablet in hand to work the class. It’s eye-opening. She grasps things with alacrity and makes astonishing observations. These sessions are a priority, for her sake of course, but especially for me. And I want more, which means eliminating distractions elsewhere.

So it is a change of priorities, not a revolution. More of a change in administration, if you will. The quotidian stays in place — I am not restless. But I’m done with being in a hurry. And I bet the wife and kids are gonna love it! Maybe. — Jon W. Sparks

Fizkes |

Take Mental Health Seriously

There was a second, parallel pandemic in 2020. Depression and anxiety rates spiked alongside COVID cases. The numbers are striking.

“COVID-19 and Life Stressors Impact on Mental Health,” a study published last September by the Journal of the American Medical Association, found that the number of people reporting depressive symptoms tripled from April 2019 to April 2020. Later studies would find that was the year’s happiest point; a CDC survey in late July showed a whopping 41 percent of respondents were depressed. Correspondingly, the suicide rate is up (although it’s unclear at this point by how much) and more than 81,000 people died of drug overdoses between May 2019 and May 2020, a new record.

If 2020 was the year you learned to take hand washing seriously, 2021 should be the year you learn to take your mental health seriously. With everything that’s happening, if you aren’t anxious, you aren’t paying attention. Unplug occasionally — our messed-up world is still going to be there, even if you log off Twitter for a couple of days. Exercise, like yoga or running/walking, can help take the edge off, and also improve your sleep habits.

If your anxiety is spiking, mixing with depression, and interfering with your functioning, know you’re not alone. The first line of defense is talk therapy, so find a therapist who can help turn things around. From there, they can help you find other medical interventions, if needed. If you’re in the darkest of places, the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is (800) 273-8255. For Spanish speakers, it’s (888) 628-9454.

Even if you’re not depressed and anxious, watch out for your friends, neighbors, and family. If someone close to you is withdrawing or showing signs of strain, reach out to them. Tell them they’re not alone. — Chris McCoy

Michael Donahue

Learn to Cook

Before the pandemic, my kitchen skills included baking a killer country ham and yeast rolls from scratch, and making the cream sauce and hollandaise from the old Justine’s restaurant.

But none of these were something I’d whip up for a quick dinner.

My box of recipes I’d collected for decades wasn’t a lot of help, either. Recipes included Thomas Jefferson Ice Cream, Huckleberry Cobbler, and 14-Day Sweet Pickles.

So, when everything was locked down, I had to quickly get acquainted with my kitchen because I’d eaten just about all of my meals except for breakfast at restaurants for years. I began with pasta, which I mixed with chicken and fish. Then I got into different types of vinegar and spices. I steamed beets for the first time.

I realized there are so many things I’ve never done in the kitchen.

I’ve branched out to different recipes. If you look around, you might find an old cookbook at your house. I have a few of my Mom’s. But you can find everything you want — recipes and videos — online. My favorite quote from a recent story on baker Sara Embrey, was when she said, “Thank goodness my mother taught me to read. So I know how to read a recipe.”

Best of all, you can call a friend or relative who knows how to cook. I’ve found they’re more than happy to help you. — Michael Donahue

Jeepers Media


Memphis put the recycling program on hiatus due to COVID. Reusing is a form of recycling. Why not pivot for the time being?

My grandmother was the master of reuse. Every other month or so, my mother went to her home and threw out all the old Cool Whip containers and such in her kitchen cabinets and replaced them with Tupperware. This went on for years. The Tupperware remained untouched and the reused containers were back.

One day, near the end of my grandmother’s days, I visited her. On the bedside table was a Cool Whip container with “cookies” written on the top in my mother’s handwriting.

My four-foot-tall, 80-pound, 95-year-old grandmother had raised three families; my grandfather’s younger siblings when their mother died, her own, and an uncle’s three kids when their mother died. She was the first child in her family born in the United States. She lived through the depression with immigrant parents. Her mother never learned English. Waste was not an option.

It took her a while, but she finally taught my mother this lesson. I think this is a lesson that I’ll take into 2021. Especially since things might be tough for a while. Maybe one day I can pass the lesson to my nieces and nephews. The same ones who recently threw away a perfectly good chair that I curb-shopped from their home. It’s not quite ready for the landfill yet. And neither are my Cool Whip containers. — Julie Ray

Bruce Vanwyngarden

Learn to Live Outside

The safest place to be during this pandemic we’re experiencing is outside. Which is easy and natural when you’re taking a jog or biking or walking your hound. But not so much if you just want to sit around and visit with your friends and family. Indoor gatherings can be dangerous. And if you’re not moving, hanging around outdoors in the winter can get chilly. That’s why you might want to consider creating an outdoor living space — a “room” with lots of fresh air.

It’s not that difficult. All you need is a porch or patio or backyard space with places for people to sit and a heat source (or two). And it wouldn’t hurt to have a barrier against the wind, which can be as simple as the side of your house.

Any kind of deck chairs or camp chairs or outdoor furniture will work for seating. As for heat? There are many kinds of portable firepits available; just add wood and voila! Instant campfire.

But firepits can be hazardous on a wooden surface or even in a small yard in the city, so if you’re setting up an outdoor space on your deck or porch, I’d suggest purchasing a portable heater of some sort. Options include electric coil heaters, electric oil-filled radiators, or propane fueled towers, like the ones restaurants use. Find the option that best fits your space and budget, and you’re ready for company — the host with a great outdoor living room. — Bruce VanWyngarden

Read More

Last year I was given a stack of 12 books with the challenge to read one a month. For this challenge, the only rules my godmother — who, since I was little, has given me enough books to fill a small library — gave me was to finish at least one book a month and to read only one book a month. I would be lying if I said I thought the rules were a good idea. I’m an avid reader and plow through a couple of books a month, so the thought that I would be limited to one per month felt wrong.

But then I sat down to read.

For the first two months I was skeptical. I wanted to read more, and I came close to picking up another book and walking away. But then the world shut down. And as I found myself sitting in my apartment looking for things to do, the time that I spent reading and reflecting became more and more impactful. In the time that I needed it most, I found inspiration, escape, and hope in the pages of books. So for the new year, take the time to stop and read. — Matthew J. Harris

Jesse Davis

Don’t Stand So Close to Me

At least until June or July. I feel like I’m cheating a bit here, taking the most obvious option, but if there’s one thing Tennesseans need to do better in 2021, it’s practice social distancing. As I write these words, we’re the national hotspot for new coronavirus cases per population.

True, the numbers from Memphis and Shelby County reliably show that we’re usually best in the state at slowing the spread of the disease, though we can always aim to be better. The good news is that the end is in sight. Even now, frontline healthcare workers are being vaccinated. But it will be a while, likely spring or summer ’21, before the general population is in line for those sweet, sweet shoulder jabs.

So let me be the one to say let’s all keep our cool, at least until the summer. Of course, I’m not talking to the people who have to expose themselves at work, who’ve borne the brunt of this pandemic. I’ve had so many jobs where I had to physically be somewhere to make a pizza or move a few hundred packages, so I recognize that it’s a privilege to be able to work from home.

And I’m not talking out of one side of my mouth while I party it up in private. I’ve had exactly one friend over one time, and I set up chairs nine feet apart in the backyard. We drank and caught up. It wasn’t exactly the same as porch beers after band practice, but I was happy for the company anyway. Then we got a little too much company, when my neighbor ran over, maskless, and tried to high-five us both. Maybe it’s a low bar, Memphis, but just don’t be that guy. At least until July. — Jesse Davis

Quit Talking Shit and Commit

Want to lose weight? Want to get a new job? Want to start that YouTube channel?

You can do all these things. Only you stand in your way. But you have to quit talking shit and commit.

C’mon folks, I’m no guru and I ain’t trying to be one. I don’t have the answers, especially in 2021. But I do know one thing. If you want change, you have to do it. No one is going to do it for you. No one is even going to give you a roadmap.

Take a breath this year and clean off your mental worktable. Pull out that goal and plop it down. Yes, it looks daunting sitting there, but remember other people (people not as smart as you) have done it before. You can do this. You will do this. Commit.

Find out what it takes (you probably know already) and take your first step. It’ll be weird and probably hard and it’ll make a mess of your regularly scheduled program. This is called “stepping outside your comfort zone,” and that’s where the magic happens, baby.

Look a’there! You got the hard part out of the way. Take the next step and the next 100 steps. — Toby Sells

Do It Yourself, and Do It Now

He who hesitates is lost, goes the saying, and that holds for she and it as well. Lost or not, the perpetrator of procrastination is certainly destined to fall behind, and only rarely is this strategically useful.

While Shakespeare’s immortal anti-hero Hamlet mulled over several other existential dilemma in the famous “to be or not to be” soliloquy, certainly the issue of timely and forceful action was paramount. Avenging his old man was only secondary; the real point at issue was that Denmark was by rights his own kingdom-to-be; all he had to do was work up a sweat, commit to a risk or two, and take it away from Claudius the usurper. But he balked, and paid for it.

Rarely do our own timidities and postponements confront matters of such pitch and moment. But they sting all the same. The floor stays unswept; the book remains unwritten or unread; the romantic opportunity evaporates; the dream job, sans your completed application, goes to somebody else. T.S., buddy. Pick up the damned broom!

There are both disadvantages and advantages to our cybernetic age. But one of the latter is the ready accessibility of D.I.Y. instructions online — governing almost the entire range of needful actions you’ve been putting off. Surely you’ve already discovered that waiting for somebody else to do it for you is either futile or too expensive. And one thing leads to another: the habit of successful initiatives orders the mind for more of the same. Before you know it, you’re self-reliant. It ain’t Denmark, but it’s something! — Jackson Baker

Cover Feature News

New Year. New You.

We here at the Memphis Flyer are not know-it-alls, but that’s never stopped us from giving advice. And in our first issue of the new year, it’s become something of an annual tradition for our staff to offer suggestions to you for ways to enhance and revitalize yourselves as we begin another lap around the calendar. So, without further ado, advice from us to you. Ignore at your peril.


Edgar Mendez will transform you from a couch-tuber who sits around watching Dancing with the Stars into a smooth dance-floor operator in just a few short lessons. Need inspiration? Go down to the Rumba Room, Mendez’s club on South Main, on Saturday night and find your groove by watching men and women of every stripe, hue, size, shape, and ethnic variation spin and swirl and move their hips to the rhythms of salsa, bachata, merengue, etc. At 9:30 p.m., there are free lessons, which, along with a couple of Rumba Room mojitos, can help get you loosened up and well on your way to finding your inner salsero. — Bruce VanWyngarden

Volunteer at a Theater

Admit it. You’ve always dreamed of having your big moment in the spotlight. Sure, you tell all your pals who hate musicals that you hate musicals too, but you’ve already got orchestra-seat tickets to Kinky Boots and secretly belt out “I’m Still Here” like Yvonne De Carlo whenever you’re sure nobody’s paying attention. Unfortunately, your brilliant stage career was sidetracked early in life because you were born tone deaf, with two left feet.

Never fear. Having no talent whatsoever in no way precludes you from being a star in Memphis’ ever-expanding theater community. A star volunteer, that is. From the Orpheum downtown to Germantown Community Theatre on Forest Hill-Irene, volunteers work both in the front of the house and backstage. Every theater uses volunteers differently, but almost every day in Memphis there are opportunities to stage-manage, run lights and sound, set props, sew costumes, and hand out programs. Even if you weren’t cut out for the spotlight, with all the theaters in Memphis, there are still a lot of opportunities to at least operate a spotlight. — Chris Davis


Resolve to start each morning (or at least a few mornings each week) with a tall glass of veggie and fruit juice. Not the commercial, sugary, bottled kind but fresh, homemade juice made using a juicer. Don’t have a juicer? Stop by Cosmic Coconut or Whole Foods and get your juice fix there. Or order juices from the Memphis-based Raw Girls vegan food delivery service. Juicing is a great way to fill your body with concentrated vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Go for a full-on juice cleanse if you’d like, but it’s also just fine to enjoy a juice as part of your balanced breakfast. — Bianca Philips

A New Uke

Are you feeling insufficiently musical? That’s sad. Let’s fix this immediately by enrolling you in group ukulele lessons taught by Misti Rae Holton at Amurica. Release your inner Don Ho. And mo’. They make bass ukes now, which is totally insane. Pick up a ukulele at any of the local instrument stores. Search for “group ukulele lessons” on Facebook to sign up. Learn music with new pals in a cool place. — Joe Boone

Lower the Bar

So you say you can’t keep your New Year’s resolutions. Every year you make up a list of stuff to do: Quit drinking turpentine; eat only vegan animals; free yourself from the tyranny of pants. But before the Super Bowl, you’re back to guzzling turpentine and wearing trousers. Why not lower the bar? Instead of listing specific things that you need to improve, adopt a vague slogan, like “Try to do better,” and then declare victory. For example, a few years ago, my “resolution” was to Get My Shit Together. About March, I arbitrarily declared my shit to be together and then went on with my pathetic life. This year, I’m going to “Take Care of Business.” I foresee great success. — Chris McCoy

Do It Now: The Book

If you’ve ever thought about it, now’s the time. Now. Not later. Set a goal for starting, managing, and completing a book-length manuscript this year. What book? C’mon, you probably have one in mind. Or several. Pick one, be it fiction, nonfiction, or just whatever. Work some time into your normal schedule, somewhere from an hour to three hours a day, when you sit at the computer and don’t browse, check your email, go shopping for stuff, or upload your selfies. Write. Period. And according to a rational goal of so many words (or chapters) at such-and-such a rate. Then see what you have a year from now. — Jackson Baker

Have Healthier Hangovers

You explain your New Year’s resolutions over beer, wine, cocktails, and, or course, the champagne toast at midnight. Then you wake up on New Year’s Day — the very first day of your brand-new promise to yourself — with a booming, gritty, inescapable, hangdog hangover.

Google “healthy hangover” and you’ll find “miracle” foods like quinoa, spinach, and cayenne pepper. You’ll also find “miracle” beverages like tomato juice, tea, coconut water, and, of course, regular old water water. You’ll also find things to do like exercise (no joke), have sex, or hit the local sauna.

Many medical practitioners (and your mother, college roommate, boss, boyfriend, mailman, and Instagram follower) believe hangovers are linked to hydration. Over the holidays, I tried the recommended 1:1 ratio. That is, one alcoholic drink to one glass of water. I drank less alcohol (maybe because I was in the bathroom all night) and did, indeed, feel better the next day, lots better. To simplify, drink water as you drink alcohol and you’ll feel better.

But if you must get drunk one night and have stuff to do the next day, Atlas Men’s Health will hook you up … to an IV … for hydration therapy. The Midtown “casual clinic” says the therapy can “bring about a quicker recovery period.” — Toby Sells

Be a Mentor

Showing an at-risk kid that you’re concerned about their well-being and future could have a life-changing effect. Studies show that mentoring a young person can significantly increase their chances of completing school, pursuing a career, and staying away from crime. Various agencies offer mentoring opportunities in Memphis including Youth Villages, the Boys and Girls Club, Memphis Athletic Ministries, and the Grizzlies’ TEAM UP initiative. Use your spare time to make a difference in someone’s life. — Louis Goggans


Did you vote in the 2014 midterm elections? Only 36.4 percent of eligible voters did last year, down from 61.6 percent in 2008. Voter suppression is real. For the past six years, those who do not believe in government have been monkey-wrenching the lawmaking process on the national level to convince the people who showed up to the polls in 2008 with hope in their hearts to not bother any more. The demoralization campaign has been quite successful, and the party that pretends to believe government is evil is proceeding to use government regulation to restrict women’s reproductive choices and sell off public assets to the highest bidder.

We’re voting for mayor and city council in Memphis on October 8th this year, and if you want things to change for the better in this city (however you define that) you should educate yourself, get off your duff, and cast a ballot. — CM

Get Your Music On

Memphis is, as we say, “blessed” with everything you need to upgrade your listening experience. You can buy a turntable at Halford Loudspeakers’ showroom and listening salon in Cooper-Young or from George Merrill’s Analog Emporium out in Cordova. Records? Millions of them: Audiomania, Shangri-La, and Goner Records are open for business. Vinyl has fewer military uses today, and new pressings are better than they ever were. Feeling creative? Make your own record: Get Jeff Powell to run your master lacquer and press the fool thing out at the newly christened Memphis Record Pressing. That’s a better-sounding you! — JBoone

Drink More Water

Reaching past that soda or brew for a bottle of water when you open the fridge brings several health benefits. According to fitness and health website, drinking water regularly can help aid weight loss, strengthen the kidneys, prevent constipation and headaches, and lessen the chances of developing certain cancers. — LG

Plant a Tree

There’s no shortage of bad news for humans who want civilization to continue on earth for a little while longer: Greenhouse gas emissions are rising again after plateauing during the recent recession, and 2014 is looking like it will tie or exceed 1998 as the hottest year on record. But there is also some good news to be had on the climate front: Solar and wind power have reached price parity with coal in many states, which means cleaner, renewable energy supplies for the grid are going to be a reality sooner than many had predicted. Another speck of good news is the recovery of the world’s forests. Brazil and Costa Rica, for example, have gotten their deforestation problems under control, and tree cover in the United States has rebounded to a level not seen since World War I. So if you want to take direct action and suck some CO2 out of the air, plant a tree. It’s a practical symbol of your commitment to the future. — CM

Go Somewhere

That’s it. Just go. To the City of Light. To the Palace of the Doge. To Wrigley Field. Or if you’re truly adventurous, to the immortal George’s Majestic Lounge honky-tonk in Fayetteville, Arkansas. Pick out a place you’ve always wanted to go to but never have. We’re talking about a year’s worth of time to do it, so you’ve got time to lay away the right kind of cash and calendar space and make your reservations. Once you do it this year and do it right, you may find that you’ve developed an addiction to travel that requires at least annual satisfaction. That’s a good thing, not a bad thing. — JBaker

Get Crafty with Beer

If you’ve been intimidated by all the new brews available, here’s a place to start: Walk into a growler shop or a brewery tasting room and say, “Hello, I’d like to try a new beer but I don’t know what to try. Can you help me?” They love to hear this. 

They’ll likely ask you what you drink now. Tell them you drink Bud Light, wine, vodka/Red Bull, or whatever. They want to know what you like already so they can recommend a beer that you’ll like. Many places around town will let you sample their stuff before you make up your mind. 

Speaking of your mind, keep it open. Don’t worry if you get a pint, six pack, or a growler of something you just don’t like. It’s going to happen. But don’t let that dismay you from new beers altogether. Drinking beer is tough work, but with a little determination, it’ll pay off. — TS

Purge Your Facebook Friends

Do you really need to be friends with that stoner dude who sat next to you in high school English class and copied your answers? Ditch him. And get rid of any family members whose political beliefs just irritate you. Isn’t dealing with them at Christmas enough? And ditch all those people who still send annoying invites to play Candy Crush or Texas Hold ‘Em. And 86 anyone who still “pokes” you. Would you be friends with someone who pokes you in real life? Didn’t think so. — BP

Try a New Restaurant

Memphis is globally known for its barbecue, but there’s much more the Bluff City has to offer. From Mexican to French-Creole to down-home Southern cooking (and everything in between), there’s a restaurant for everybody. Instead of routinely hitting your usual spots, read reviews, look around, check the Flyer dining listings, and diversify your restaurant selections this year. — LG

Explore Memphis

Make a list of all the places you’ve taken out-of-town relatives when they visit, and then set a goal to visit those places, sans relatives. How many times have you driven past Graceland and thought, Man, it’s been years since I’ve been in there? Be a tourist in your own city. Visit the Crystal Shrine Grotto. Eat at the Arcade. Take a tour of the Stax Museum. Check out the changes at the National Civil Rights Museum. — BP

Get Political!

Stop crabbing about the rascals you want to throw out every time there’s an election and become one of the rascals. They say the grass really is greener on the other side. It may not be grass, exactly, but you’ll definitely be in the way of some green if you get elected. I kid. If you do run for something, your motives should be pure. But you will need some start-up cash (i.e., fund-raising) to do it right. And some good helpers. And, yeah, a network — be it a political party or some other well-established group of people with a track record. And, really, you should have run on that track yourself a few times, trying to help get some other rascal into office. It may take a few years or a few elections to develop the right connections, but you can get started this year. — JBaker

Hit the Street

You want to know something that would make Memphis streets safer? More pedestrians. People who walk and bike get to know their neighbors and their neighborhood more intimately than those who treat all points between their homes and their destinations as flyover country. And with so many tree-lined streets and sidewalks and an expanding bike-lane system, there’s never been a better time to explore your own backyard. Think of the exercise as a fringe benefit. — CD

Host a House Concert

Looking for motivation to attack that tottering heap of dishes in the sink? How about 10 or 20 pals coming over with potluckery in arms to hear some live music? House concerts are a grievously under-traveled road to the good times. Find an up-and-coming artist whose game is good enough to keep the neighbors dancing, or at least listening. All of the idiotic volume levels and unwashed sorts clamoring for drinks and attention are a thing of the past. You call the shots. And if somebody there has a good time and likes your idea, you have a decent chance of being invited to something cool soon thereafter. Masterfully played. — JBoone

Stop It!

Stop with the ridiculous Memphis/Nashville rivalry thing, okay? I mean, it’s probably okay to tease “Music City” about its adequate barbecue, and its bro-Country, and the fact that the state capital’s collective IQ plummets every single time the legislature convenes for business. And yes, they probably deserve a rib tickling  for all those downtown Elvis statues and for Kenny Chesney’s muscle shirts, and for providing a safe, affirming environment for mullet-users well into the 21st century. But engaging in a Twitter war every time Memphis gets an Ikea and Nashville doesn’t is just silly. — CD

Push It Real Good

By which, I mean eat right, exercise, and otherwise work yourself into a fine lather. No, you won’t get to be Arnold Schwarzenegger (for which, thank your lucky stars). But you can be fit and healthy, at least in a way relative to your age and station. Everything is relative, but if you can find your own God-given center and keep it tuned, you won’t be running second to anybody else, living or dead. There are scads of good gyms out there now; if you can’t find one that fits your means, you’re just not paying attention. As for running, the world is your track. — JBaker

Put Your Phone Away at Restaurants

Don’t be that guy who goes through the entire meal with his face buried in his phone. It’s rude, especially if you’re only dining with one other person. Your dinner date is left with no choice but to bury their face in their phone, too, since you’re too busy checking your Twitter feed to take part in normal dinner conversation. If you need to Instagram your meal or photograph it for Yelp later, fine. Take your pic, then put your phone in your purse or pocket. — BP

Food & Wine Food & Drink

Eat, Drink, & Be Wary

Ah, the holiday season: gifts and parties, decorations, those helpful retail clerks … and often that extra poundage that comes from the cookies, cheese, and eggnog.

“People gain, on average, a pound over the holidays,” says Alissa Villarrubia, a registered dietitian and exercise physiologist. “It can be up to five pounds in those who significantly overeat. It may not seem like a lot of weight, but research shows that people aren’t losing it throughout the year. Over the course of many years, that one pound can add up.”

The main culprit of weight gain? Your friends. The old “everyone else is doing it” rings especially true during the holidays. That fabulous buffet spread everyone is gathered around? It would be rude not to partake. And everybody is going for one more round at the bar, so you might as well too.

While no one wants to be a Grinch, you definitely don’t want to be an oversized Cindy Loo Who.

Read on for some practical ways to beat the holiday-binge bulge.

Downsize: Use a smaller plate. “The bigger your plate and the more food that’s on it, the more you’re likely to eat in the end,” Villarrubia says. You might feel like you aren’t finished until your plate is empty rather than when your stomach is full.

Work It: Maintain your exercise routine or start a new one. Time is limited during the holidays, but one of the best ways to combat stress is exercise. So, make time to get outside, take a walk, or run around with your kids.

In Your Cups: Watch out for extra calories in your favorite holiday drinks. You might think eggnog is the drink of champions, because of all those raw eggs you are chugging. Unfortunately, it’s not made with raw eggs anymore, and the sugar and cream aren’t body-building-friendly, unless you want the marshmallow look.

Live a Little: The important thing is to splurge sparingly. Don’t make a vow to not eat one single dessert all holiday season. You will fail. Instead, make a goal of eating dessert only two or three times a week.

Take Some Creative Liberty: Just because your grandmother’s recipe for gravy calls for enough salt and fat to make Ronald McDonald cringe doesn’t mean you can’t make a few changes. Consider cutting all the butter and fat measurements in half. You won’t notice. Experiment with spices and herbs and cut out excess salt. Cut down the sugar in your recipes by only using three-fourths of a cup for every cup called for in the recipe or use a sugar replacement.

Portion Control: Keep your portions under control. Don’t eat until you are stuffed; eat until you are full. (Yes, there is a difference!) Villarrubia recommends eating a healthy snack before going to a holiday party.

Visit the Food Pyramid: Many holiday dinners are designed around meat and starch, but consider adding in a few colorful vegetable dishes. Choose foods high in fiber but low in calories. For example, go for the veggies and lean meats rather than the heavy dips and desserts.


Asparagus with Roasted Shallots and Cranberry Vinaigrette

Toss 10 shallots and 2 pounds asparagus (tough ends trimmed) in:

1/2 cup olive oil

1/2 cup lemon juice

Salt and pepper to taste

Pour vegetables into a baking dish. Roast at 400 degrees for 20 minutes. Drizzle with cranberry vinaigrette:

1/4 cup cranberry juice

3 Tbsp rice vinegar

1 shallot, minced

1/2 cup olive oil

2 Tbsp chopped fresh chives or parsley

1/2 cup dried cranberries

Salt and pepper, to taste

Acorn Squash Stuffed with Carrots, Red Peppers, Rice, and Capers

2 small acorn squash

2 Tbsp olive oil

2 cups long grain rice

4 1/2 cups chicken broth, divided

2 cups baby carrots

1 large red pepper, sliced

1 small red onion, roughly chopped

3 cloves of garlic

2 Tbsp capers, drained

Salt and pepper to taste

Cut squash in half; remove seeds and pulp. Place into baking dish filled halfway with water. Sprinkle squash with salt, pepper, and drizzle with olive oil. Bake at 375 degrees for 1 hour or until squash flesh is soft.

Meanwhile, place rice and 4 cups chicken broth into saucepan over medium heat. Bring to a boil; reduce heat. Let rice simmer, uncovered, for 30-40 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Place baby carrots, red pepper, red onion, garlic, and 1/2 cup chicken broth into food processor. Blend until puréed. Add puréed vegetables and capers to cooked rice; mix.

Remove squash from oven; drain water from pan. Spoon vegetable and rice mixture evenly into each squash half. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Bake for another 10-15 minutes.