Memphis Gaydar News

Petition Against Anti-Gay iPhone App Reaches 20,000 Signatures


The nation’s largest ex-gay organization, Exodus International, recently released a controversial, free iPhone app offering everything from links to the latest ex-gay news, a calendar of “change ministry” events, podcasts, FAQs about Exodus, and even advice on dealing with bullies.

Interestingly, their bully advice article touts tolerance, and then goes on to say, “Uphold the belief that homosexual, bisexual, or transgender behavior and/or identity are outside of the intentional design of human relationships and sexuality, and therefore aren’t what’s best for us.” Um, that pretty much sounds like intolerance to me. How can you tell straight kids not to bully gay kids when you teach people that being gay is wrong?

Needless to say, the LGBT-advocacy community isn’t happy with Apple for offering such an app. A petition has gathered over 20,000 signatures calling for Apple to pull the app from the App Store.

From the petition site:

Apple doesn’t allow racist or anti-Semitic apps in its app store, yet it gives the green light to an app targeting vulnerable LGBT youth with the message that their sexual orientation is a “sin that will make your heart sick” and a “counterfeit.” This is a double standard that has the potential for devastating consequences.

To sign the petition, go here.

Memphis Gaydar News

“You Can’t Pray Away the Gay”

Wayne Besen

  • Wayne Besen

On Monday, February 21st, Truth Wins Out director Wayne Besen will speak at Rhodes College on the psychological damage caused by ex-gay ministries that seek to turn gay people into straight people.

“The message of this tour is that you can’t ‘pray away the gay’ and LGBT people are fine just the way they are,” said Besen. “Organizations that claim they can change one’s sexual orientation are committing consumer fraud and harming a great number of people.”

Besen’s organization Truth Wins Out aims to counter misinformation spread by so-called ex-gay reparative therapies, like Memphis’ own Love In Action (LIA). LIA made national headlines in 2005 when its Refuge youth program was investigated by the state of Tennessee for operating a mental health facility without a license. LIA has since closed that youth program, but it still operates various ex-gay programs.

“It’s highly appropriate that the last date of the Pray Away the Gay tour is in Memphis since we hold the unfortunate distinction of being one of the epicenters of the fraudulent ‘ex-gay’ industry,” said Evan Hurst, Truth Wins Our social media director. “It’s our hope that this event will help to engender a greater discussion about the harm being done to people right here in our own backyard, all under the guise of ‘Christian love.'”

The Truth Wins Out tour was launched in response to an announcement by the nation’s largest ex-gay ministry Exodus International that the organization would focus on youth in 2011. The lecture begins in Room FJ-B in the Frazier-Jelke Science Center at Rhodes College at 7 p.m.

For more on the event, check out the Facebook page.