John Branston reports that the Memphis flood of 2011 has gone viral — and risen to 48 feet today.
Tag: Flood Coverage

- JB
- from left: Nations, Cohen, Luttrell, Alexander, Blackburn, and Fincher
Rather famously, the need to cope with natural disasters in a shared geographical area is an incentive to the pooling of responses and the overcoming of political differences. For the most part, such has proved to be the case with the great 2011 weather pandemic, which has loosed torrential rains, tornados, and floods upon much of the American South — notably including Shelby County and West Tennessee.
The visit to Memphis on Friday of U.S. Senator Lamar Alexander and three members of the U.S. House of Representatives — Marsha Blackburn, Stephen Fincher, and Steve Cohen, of the 7th, 8th, and 9th congressional districts, respectively — was a case in point.
Along with Shelby County Mayor Mark Luttrell, the four federal office-holders — three Republicans and a Democrat — underwent a briefing presided over by local Emergency Management director Bob Nations and other preparedness/response officials, then toured the Memphis waterfront to see first-hand the looming threat of rising floodwaters, as well as the considerable damage already inflicted on the rim of the Mississippi River. Also on hand was state Representative Antonio Parkinson of Memphis.
The briefing was conducted in the Emergency Operations Center at Shelby Emergency Management Headquarters on Avery Avenue. Taking part were Nations; Rich Okulski of the National Weather Service; Brian Waldron the Ground Water Institute; Colonel Vernie Reichling, district commander of the Army Corps of Engineers; Major D. Craig Hamilton, deputy commander of the Memphis Corps District; and Tom Minyard, chief of engineering and construction for the Corps. The subsequent bus tour of the affected riverfront was overseen by Nations and Steve Barry, Emergency Operations Manager of the Corps.
The various emergency management officials took turns at the briefing, offering a rundown on conditions up to the moment and on further complications to come. Okulski began by providing water-level readings on the Mississippi River at Memphis: 46.1 feet as he spoke, “the second highest level since we began doing readings in 1927, just behind the ‘37 flood, which was 48.7,” with the level destined to rise by stages to 48.1 by Wednesday the 11th.
Throughout the briefing, on a corner of the room’s back wall, real-time video images from a helicopter were being projected, showing just how high the water was. Clearly visible were the submerged intersection of Beale St. and Riverfront Drive and widespread flooded areas — involving households on the western edge of Mud Island and industrial areas on President’s Island. (“Islandized” would be the euphemism used by Nations on the later bus tour to describe the latter.)
“I’ve been reading a book called Wicked River, and this river is definitely wicked,” said Colonel Reichling, who described the wide arc of Corps operations underway now on a 24-hour basis — roughly, from Cairo, Illinois, in the north to Natchez and Vicksburg in the South. He and others stressed the importance of the Corps’ decision last week to blow holes in the Birds Point Levee in the Missouri bootheel, an action which resulted in the inevitable flooding of homes and farmlands in that vicinity but one which relieved pressure on extensive downriver areas, including Shelby County and the rest of west Tennessee.
It was the consensus of the various emergency management officials that blowing the Birds Point Levee had been necessary to forestall what might have been a 50-ft. water level here, one that would have been truly catastrophic.
When it came time for the members of the congressional delegation to speak, significant political differences emerged in the way they spoke of the crisis and the way in which it was being managed.
“I couldn’t be more proud of our Shelby County community,” said Luttrell, emphasizing what he saw as a high degree of local coordination — among governmental agencies, media, faith-based organizations, and citizens at large — in meeting the emergency. That same tack was taken also by Alexander (“I’m here to complement Shelby County”) and Blackburn (“I’m pleased that we’re able to meet here as a team”).
In his remarks, both at the briefing and later, when the group’s bus tour did a stop at the Pyramid, where volunteers were hastily sandbagging the building’s perimeter, Cohen emphasized federal action.
As the Corps’ Reichling had done, Cohen mentioned a book, John Barry’s Rising Tide: The Great Mississippi Flood of 1927 and How It Changed America and related it to the “heritage” of Memphis and Shelby County, a saga, as he saw it, in which Washington, D.C., played a large part.
The federal government was providing much of the funding for the current control efforts, Democrat Cohen noted at the briefing. “There are people who tell you that the federal government doesn’t do anything. They want to slash and burn. The federal government is here to help. It will always be here to help.” By implication, his statement took in the Republican colleagues who were with him. It also took in past luminaries, like “Mayor Crump, former congressman Crump,” who in the wake of the ’37 flood, “got a lot of money.” All in all, said Cohen, “the 9th district has been served well.”
The GOP’s Fincher, a Crockett County farmer and gospel singer who won his seat in 2010 by employing anti-Washington rhetoric, sounded a different note. “Washington is a great place to visit, but home is home,” he said. Like the other Republicans, he stressed local reaction, “how we react as a team, as a group,” and he responded to Cohen in such a way as to both agree with the Memphis congressman and to pay homage to the current Republican emphasis on reduction of federal spending.
“As someone said before, we don’t want to be on the backside of this thing, Congressman Cohen, and not have the money to fund the things that are important for our communities and our districts and our state.”

- JB
- on site at the Pyramid
Variations on the same kinds of remarks were made by the congressional group in an impromptu press conference at the Pyramid, held amid busy scenes of volunteers — military, Corps, civilian —— shoveling sand into polyethylene bags and piling them up in a network of protective walls. Cohen once again touted “the federal government [as] an integral part of any disaster program, an integral part of our lives” and warned, “Funds are being depleted from other projects.”
For his part, Fincher once again confined bragging rights more locally: “What makes our state great is the way we come together,” and stressed “how important Memphis and Shelby County are to the state.”
Mixed in with the boilerplate and ideological pronouncements and legitimate expressions of concern were some light remarks. At the Pyramid, Cohen wished out loud for Bass Pro, the now-you-see-them-now-you-don’t suitors for rights to the building, to show up with “some boats,” just in case. And, on the bus ride back to Avery, as she looked out the window at flotsam moving by in the raging Mississippi, Blackburn observed, “Well, I think there’s going to be a lot of driftwood to pick up.”
On that bus ride back, there was a good deal of sober reflection, as well. Blackburn had earlier wondered how the threat of floodwaters on President’s Island — where several operations had shut down by way of precaution — might impact future industrial recruitment. Now, she asked what the immediate threat to the Pyramid was — to which Luttrell, reflecting on this much-discussed subject, observed, “There’s probably water already in the Pyramid.”
Fincher brought up the subject of the areas in upper West Tennessee affected by the blowing of the Birds Point Levee. Though he supported that action and saw it as draining off potential tides that could have drenched large portions of his district, he commented on the inevitable damage the diversion of floodwaters had caused to nearby farmers. “There’s something else — how much farmland is impacted by this. This is critical in the Ag community. A lot of farmers had crops contracted.”
In the subsequent conversation, it emerged that nobody really knew the degree to which the proprietors of those farmlands might be compensated — or by whom. Steve Barry, local emergency management director for the Corps of Engineers, observed that the Corps had “flowing rights” over these lands, most of which had already been impacted, and said the Corps had “decided that water on water would not augment the damage.”
Not long after that note of uncertainty, and some subsequent uneasy conversation about last year’s flooding of Nashville by the previously unfeared Cumberland and about the simultaneous presence of Alexander’s Senate colleague Bob Corker at tornado-damage sites elsewhere in Tennessee, the tour bus returned to the Avery Ave. site from which the it had departed an hour or so earlier.
Considering the implications of the emergency — past, present, and projected — Luttrell tried to do some positive summing-up. City, county, state, and feds — they all had begun to relax their sense of turf-protection and separateness. “The various governments have all surrendered a little bit of their autonomy. We’ve started coming together, clearing up our lines of communication.” As for the various emergency-management agencies on hand and here for the duration, “We’re on a first-name basis with all these folks now.”
Whatever comes next, for better or for worse, that intimacy is likely to be increased for a while.
River Approaches 48-foot Stage

- John Branston
- Mud Island River Park
The Mississippi River flood of 2011 went viral over the weekend, with television reporters for all of the major networks donning waders to report from low-lying areas in Memphis. That caused a combination of amusement and exasperation for local officials as the river passed 47.7 feet on the Memphis gage, one foot below the all-time record set in 1937.
“I want to say this,” said Bob Nations, director of the Shelby County Office of Emergency Preparedness at the Monday morning briefing. “Graceland is safe. And we would charge hell with water pistols to keep it that way.”
Even as television monitors in the briefing room showed a reporter for the Weather Channel standing in floodwaters, Nations pleaded with the media to “stay out of the water.” There was a carnival-like atmosphere in downtown Memphis on Sunday, with families and children playing near or even in the shallow floodwaters just off of the sidewalks to take historic pictures.
More rain is forecast for Thursday and Friday in the Memphis area. Officials say it could take two weeks for the river to fall below flood stage of 34 feet once the crest is reached.
Nations said that the property damage can’t be determined yet.
“It’s going to be a nasty one, it’s going to be an expensive one.”
But he emphasized that local infrastucture, government, levees, and the interstate system are functioning well.
“By and large, our community is operating like we do any other time.”
There are a total of 383 people in three local shelters that have opened. Most of the flooding in the Memphis area has been in a small section of HarborTown on the harbor side and in the northern and southern parts of the city and Shelby County. The intersection of North Watkins and Highway 51 is closed and there is flooding in Northaven.
“There is a fascination with the Mississippi River, but we have to look at our tributaries because that is where our highest impact would be,” he said.
The Photo Friendly Flood of 2011
With clear skies over a river slowly rising to within inches of a record, thousands of people came downtown to take a once-in-lifetime picture Saturday afternoon.
Floodwater was creeping up Beale Street from Riverside Drive as the Mississippi hit 47 feet on the gage, on its way to a predicted crest of 48 feet May 10th. That would be less than a foot from the all-time high set in 1937.
While the Grizzlies were beating the Oklahoma Thunder at FedEx Forum a few blocks away, visitors took pictures of the water sloshing over the cobblestones, Beale Street, Mud Island River Park, and Riverside Drive. A windsurfer raced back and forth from Confederate Park to Mud Island River Park across the flooded harbor.
It may not be the highest flood on record but it surely the most photographed and family friendly.
Help for Animals Affected by the Flood
From 901: American Humane Association’s Red Star Emergency Animal Services team is working in partnership with the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), which received an official request from Memphis mayor A C Wharton’s office and the Shelby County Office of Preparedness. Their purpose, as the Mississippi River is expected to crest at a near-record high within the next week, is to assist with regional rescue of pets and other animals.

A day after Memphis and Shelby County Office of Preparedness director Bob Nations warned citizens of an evacuation flyer hoax, he announced that county officials will begin handing out the real flyers today.
The official county flyer is yellow with a picture of the county seal. It says “EVACUATE!!!” in large letters across the top, followed by “Your Property Is in Danger Right Now.” Flyers will be hand-delivered by public safety personnel. Since the flyer can be easily photocopied, Nations urged citizens to verify the person delivering their flyer is official by asking for credentials. Only citizens in flood zones will receive flyers, but Nations said receiving a flyer isn’t a guarantee that certain properties will flood.
“This does not mean the water is at your doorstep,” Nations said at the 8:30 a.m. flood press briefing at the Memphis and Shelby County Emergency Management Agency. “It means you are in a high impact area.”

- Bianca Phillips
- Water creeps up to a bench on Mud Island Thursday.
At Thursday’s 4 p.m. press briefing at the Memphis and Shelby County Emergency Management Agency, Shelby County Office of Preparedness director Bob Nations said some citizens have claimed to have received flyers urging them to evacuate, but those flyers are not from the county. He said any flyers going out now are a hoax, but the EMA will soon be distributing official flyers urging some residents to evacuate.
“You will know when its official,” Nations said. “We will have official personnel delivering the message.”
Following several citizen complaints on the quality of the flood maps posted on the Shelby County Office of Preparedness website, a team at the University of Memphis has designed more detailed, colored maps showing flood zones by zip code.
Unlike the current maps, which fail to show landmarks and only list major street names, the new maps will be much more detailed. At the briefing, a representative from the University of Memphis said the new maps should be posted to the county’s flood information website by 10 a.m. on Friday. The U of M team has also developed a FAQ page for the website.
Flood Sloshes Over Downtown Landmarks

- John Branston
- Beale Street at Riverside Drive
The rising Mississippi River on Thursday hit the ”holy shit” stage on the gauge as national news organizations took note, police dealt with crowds of sightseers going over the Auction Avenue Bridge, and water lapped over Riverside Drive on to Beale Street and was about to turn Mud Island into Mud islands.
With the river at 46 feet on its way to at least 48 feet next week, the NBC Nightly News on Wednesday featured a segment shot at HarborTown. On Thursday, police kept traffic moving on Island Drive and the Auction Avenue bridge so that residents and customers can still get on the island which is mostly dry in the residential and commercial areas. A dozen houses on the harbor side are flooding and creating a popular photo backdrop for locals, news teams, and visitors.
The western end of Beale Street and Riverside Drive south of Beale were closed to car traffic and there was a pond of water under the pedestrian bridge Thursday morning. The river was less than a foot from lapping over the flood wall on Riverside Drive at Beale Street. Trees on the Arkansas side of the river are beginning to disappear, and Mud Island River Park is likely to be partially flooded, particularly at the southern tip near the flags. Mud Island underneath the Hernando DeSoto Bridge is also flooded or soon to be flooded.
The flood, publicity, and good weather have brought crowds of sightseers downtown on a weekend when there is a show at the Orpheum and a Grizzlies playoff game. Choose your route carefully, and allow plenty of time.
When the Mississippi River crests at 48 feet on May 11th, it’s expected to stay that way for several days, according to National Weather Service meteorologist Rich Okulski.

Okulski told a crowd of media and emergency professionals gathered at the Memphis and Shelby County Emergency Management Agency (EMA) operations center today that the high water may last from four to seven days. The Mississippi River is expected to maintain a 40 foot crest through the end of May. But Okulski said no additional rainfall is expected in the Memphis area over the next week. He said he isn’t sure how rainfall in the Ohio Basin might affect flooding downstream.
“This is not a flash flood. This is a progressive flood,” said Memphis and Shelby County EMA director Bob Nations. “It may rise about one foot every 24 hours.”
Nations said the expected slow recession of water could “be a very damaging event” in terms of how it may affect infrastructure.
The latest numbers from the EMA show that 2,832 properties in Shelby County will possibly be flooded by the time the river crests. Some have already been evacuated. That number is down from yesterday’s prediction of 5,300 properties.
Northside High School is the only Memphis City School that may see flood waters high enough to come into the building. Six other schools may see some flooding on their property, but specifics were not available at today’s 4 p.m. press briefing.
Nations said he had “high confidence” that area levees would hold, but he admitted those levees have never been tested like they will be when the river crests.
Nations issued a warning to people who may think the lack of rainfall and lowered number of potentially flooded properties could mean the threat of flooding is lessened: “The bullet hasn’t been flown yet,” Nations said. Maps are being updated often, and he said people should remain on guard.
For a look at areas expected to flood by zip code, check out the maps here.
Here’s the latest numbers from the emergency flooding operations center on Avery. I’ll be attending a press briefing there later today, so I’ll report additional information at that time.
When the Mississippi River crests at 48 feet, which is expected to happen on Wednesday, May 11th, the following numbers of properties will be potentially be affected:
* 2,832 properties
* 706 single family residences
* 12 Apartment complexes-(432 units)
* 7 Schools
* 226 Businesses
* 322 Industrial sites
The 2,832 properties are not in addition to the 5,300 that was announced yesterday. It’s a new and lower total, according to county public affairs officer Steve Schular.