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Music Video Monday: Frenchie!

Today, Music Video Monday takes you back to the long ago days of 2009.

You might remember 2009 as the depth of the Great Recession, but the Memphis pop punker known as Frenchie! remembers it as halcyon days of slumber parties and first love. That’s because you’re old, and Frenchie! is not. Bathe your mind in the extreme short term nostalgia of “SMR GRLZ”:

Music Video Monday: Frenchie!

If you would like to see your music video on Music Video Monday, email

Film/TV Film/TV/Etc. Blog

Music Video Monday: Frenchie

Today’s Music Video Monday is getting up in your face.

“#Renegades” is the first video from Memphis millenial popster Frenchie. Directed by Andrew Trent Fleming, it brings the band’s energetic show up close with the fans. Here’s a blast of positive pop rock to kick off your week. 

Music Video Monday: Frenchie

If you’d like to see your video featured on Music Video Monday, email