Fun Stuff Metaphysical Connection

Metaphysical Connection: One Last Retrograde

It’s that time again. The holidays are here and so is Mercury retrograde. At least it’s the last one of the year. This retrograde began on December 13th and will last until January 1, 2024. Happy New Year! 

A retrograde is a phenomenon that happens when it appears that a planet in the sky is orbiting backwards. The planets don’t actually do this, it is more of an optical illusion. However, many people believe that during these periods the energy or properties of that planet may be behaving differently. All planets do this, but the spiritual community puts a lot of focus on the Mercury retrograde. 

The planet Mercury is thought to rule over our communication, travel, and commerce. When Mercury is in retrograde, we can often expect miscommunication, disagreements because of miscommunication, hiccups with travel plans, and inconveniences with technology. Retrogrades, especially Mercury retrogrades, often throw speed bumps in our way to make us slow down, reflect, and readjust for the next phase. 

The final Mercury retrograde of the year begins in the zodiac sign of Sagittarius and ends in Capricorn. Sagittarius is considered to be fun-loving, spontaneous, and adventurous. While Mercury is traipsing backwards through the fire of Sagittarius, you might find yourself taking risks or being reckless. This can be a good thing. If there’s a big change you’ve been avoiding, now might be the time to take that risk and do it. However, it is the holiday season where much is already expected of us. Do not let the recklessness of Mercury retrograde get you into debt with shopping. Also be mindful of overcommitting to plans or events. Many of us may feel more social this time of year, or we give into expectations and try to visit everyone. With Mercury in retrograde in Sagittarius, be careful to not overextend yourself with social calls or agreeing to things you might regret later — such as hosting a holiday dinner! 

Mercury retrograde in Capricorn is a poetic note to finish the year on. Capricorns are notoriously ambitious and expert manifesters. Lean into this as you turn your gaze toward the possibilities of a new year and take stock of all that 2023 has brought you. The earthly Capricorn energy goes well with Mercury retrograde’s need to tie up loose ends and finish up projects. If Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius caught you off guard and made you a little careless, Capricorn’s energy is here to help you clean up and get back on track. 

Capricorn is an earth sign that encourages us to be ambitious and make things happen. However, do not let Mercury retrograde in Capricorn convince you that you can do everything. When planning for the new year, or setting resolutions, be aware of the expectations you are setting up for yourself as well as time commitments. We’ve all made commitments when we were in a happy moment or feeling optimistic, just to regret those plans later. Remember that feeling this retrograde. 

The final Mercury retrograde of 2023 is going to push us to bring more balance into our lives. Are you listening to your head or your heart? While navigating this retrograde, it might be better to listen to your head but a daily balance of both is always ideal. 

And this Christmas, tighten your Santa belts because the universe has a rollercoaster for us. To top off Mercury retrograde in both an earth and fire sign, there will also be a full moon on December 26th. This full moon will be in Cancer, so get ready to feel all your feelings. Many practitioners believe that the energy of the full and new moons is a three-day window: the day before the actual new/full moon, the day of, and the day after. If you follow that school of thought, there will be a full Cancer moon on Christmas with Mercury in retrograde. 

We will survive this astrological season. The full moon and Mercury retrograde bring us challenges as well as benefits. Be mindful, be careful, be patient — and have a happy holiday season! 

Emily Guenther is a co-owner of The Broom Closet metaphysical shop. She is a Memphis native, professional tarot reader, ordained Pagan clergy, and dog mom.